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77 - Carl Graham 2020
We revisit the modeling of the diauxic growth of a pure microorganism on two distinct sugars which was first described by Monod. Most available models are deterministic and make the assumption that all cells of the microbial ecosystem behave homogene ously with respect to both sugars, all consuming the first one and then switching to the second when the first is exhausted. We propose here a stochastic model which describes what is called metabolic heterogeneity. It allows to consider small populations as in microfluidics as well as large populations where billions of individuals coexist in the medium in a batch or chemostat. We highlight the link between the stochastic model and the deterministic behavior in real large cultures using a large population approximation. Then the influence of model parameter values on model dynamics is studied, notably with respect to the lag-phase observed in real systems depending on the sugars on which the microorganism grows. It is shown that both metabolic parameters as well as initial conditions play a crucial role on system dynamics.
This paper investigates Hawkes processes on the positive real line exhibiting both self-excitation and inhibition. Each point of this point process impacts its future intensity by the addition of a signed reproduction function. The case of a nonnegat ive reproduction function corresponds to self-excitation, and has been widely investigated in the literature. In particular, there exists a cluster representation of the Hawkes process which allows to apply results known for Galton-Watson trees. In the present paper, we establish limit theorems for Hawkes process with signed reproduction functions by using renewal techniques. We notably prove exponential concentration inequalities, and thus extend results of Reynaud-Bouret and Roy (2007) which were proved for nonnegative reproduction functions using this cluster representation which is no longer valid in our case. An important step for this is to establish the existence of exponential moments for renewal times of M/G/infinity queues that appear naturally in our problem. These results have their own interest, independently of the original problem for the Hawkes processes.

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