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We study the atomic (HI) and molecular hydrogen (H2) contents of early-type galaxies (ETGs) and their gas sources using the GALFORM model of galaxy formation. This model uses a self-consistent calculation of the star formation rate (SFR), which depen ds on the H2 content of galaxies. We first present a new analysis of HIPASS and ATLAS3D surveys, with special emphasis on ETGs. The model predicts HI and H2 contents of ETGs in agreement with the observations from these surveys only if partial ram pressure stripping of the hot gas is included, showing that observations of neutral gas in `quenched galaxies place stringent constraints on the treatment of the hot gas in satellites. We find that ~90% of ETGs at z=0 have neutral gas contents supplied by radiative cooling from their hot halos, 8% were supplied by gas accretion from minor mergers that took place in the last 1Gyr, while 2% were supplied by mass loss from old stars. The model predicts neutral gas fractions strongly decreasing with increasing bulge fraction. This is due to the impeded disk regeneration in ETGs, resulting from both active galactic nuclei feedback and environmental quenching by partial ram pressure stripping of the hot gas.
100 - Juan E. Gonzalez 2010
We study the role of submillimetre galaxies (SMGs) in the galaxy formation process in the Lambda Cold Dark Matter cosmology. We use the Baugh et al. (2005) semi-analytical model, which matches the observed SMG number counts and redshift distribution by assuming a top-heavy initial mass function (IMF) in bursts triggered by galaxy mergers. We build galaxy merger trees and follow the evolution and properties of SMGs and their descendants. Our primary sample of model SMGs consists of galaxies which had 850 mu fluxes brighter than 5 mJy at some redshift z>1. Our model predicts that the present-day descendants of such SMGs cover a wide range of stellar masses ~ 10^{10} - 10^{12} Msun/h, with a median ~ 10^{11} Msun/h, and that more than 70% of these descendants are bulge-dominated. More than 50% of present day galaxies with stellar masses larger than 7 x 10^{11} Msun/h are predicted to be descendants of such SMGs. We find that although SMGs make an important contribution to the total star formation rate at z~2, the final stellar mass produced in the submillimetre phase contributes only 0.2% of the total present-day stellar mass, and 2% of the stellar mass of SMG descendants, in stark contrast to the popular picture in which the SMG phase marks the production of the bulk of the mass of present day massive ellipticals.
135 - C.G. Lacey 2010
We make a detailed investigation of the properties of Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs) in the LambdaCDM model. We present predictions for two published variants of the GALFORM semi-analytical model: the Baugh et al. (2005) model, which has star formation at high redshifts dominated by merger-driven starbursts with a top-heavy IMF, and the Bower et al. (2006) model, which has AGN feedback and a standard Solar neighbourhood IMF throughout. We show predictions for the evolution of the rest-frame far-UV luminosity function in the redshift range z=3-20, and compare with the observed luminosity functions of LBGs at z=3-10. We find that the Baugh et al. model is in excellent agreement with these observations, while the Bower et al. model predicts too many high-luminosity LBGs. Dust extinction, which is predicted self-consistently based on galaxy gas contents, metallicities and sizes, is found to have a large effect on LBG luminosities. We compare predictions for the size evolution of LBGs at different luminosities with observational data for 2<z<7, and find the Baugh et al. model to be in good agreement. We present predictions for stellar, halo and gas masses, star formation rates, circular velocities, bulge-to-disk ratios, gas and stellar metallicities and clustering bias, as functions of far-UV luminosity and redshift. We find broad consistency with current observational constraints. We then present predictions for the abundance and angular sizes of LBGs out to very high redshift (z<20), finding that planned deep surveys with JWST should detect objects out to z<15. The typical UV luminosities of galaxies are predicted to be very low at high redshifts, which has implications for detecting the galaxies responsible for reionizing the IGM; for example, at z=10, 50% of the ionizing photons are expected to be produced by galaxies fainter than M_AB(1500A)-5logh ~ -15.
36 - J.E. Gonzalez 2008
The huge size and uniformity of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey makes possible an exacting test of current models of galaxy formation. We compare the predictions of the GALFORM semi-analytical galaxy formation model for the luminosities, morphologies, c olours and scale-lengths of local galaxies. GALFORM models the luminosity and size of the disk and bulge components of a galaxy, and so we can compute quantities which can be compared directly with SDSS observations, such as the Petrosian magnitude and the Sersic index. We test the predictions of two published models set in the cold dark matter cosmology: the Baugh et al. (2005) model, which assumes a top-heavy initial mass function (IMF) in starbursts and superwind feedback, and the Bower et al. (2006) model, which uses AGN feedback and a standard IMF. The Bower et al model better reproduces the overall shape of the luminosity function, the morphology-luminosity relation and the colour bimodality observed in the SDSS data, but gives a poor match to the size-luminosity relation. The Baugh et al. model successfully predicts the size-luminosity relation for late-type galaxies. Both models fail to reproduce the sizes of bright early-type galaxies. These problems highlight the need to understand better both the role of feedback processes in determining galaxy sizes, in particular the treatment of the angular momentum of gas reheated by supernovae, and the sizes of the stellar spheroids formed by galaxy mergers and disk instabilities.
75 - A. Orsi 2008
We combine a semi-analytical model of galaxy formation with a very large simulation which follows the growth of large scale structure in a LambdaCDM universe to predict the clustering of Ly-alpha emitters. We find that the clustering strength of Ly-a lpha emitters has only a weak dependence on Ly-alpha luminosity but a strong dependence on redshift. With increasing redshift, Ly-alpha emitters trace progressively rarer, higher density regions of the universe. Due to the large volume of the simulation, over 100 times bigger than any previously used for this application, we can construct mock catalogues of Ly-alpha emitters and study the sample variance of current and forthcoming surveys. We find that the number and clustering of Ly-alpha emitters in our mock catalogues are in agreement with measurements from current surveys, but that there is a considerable scatter in these quantities. We argue that a proposed survey of emitters at z=8.8 should be extended significantly in solid angle to allow a robust measurement of Ly-alpha emitter clustering.
114 - C.G. Lacey 2008
We present predictions for the evolution of the galaxy luminosity function, number counts and redshift distributions in the IR based on the Lambda-CDM cosmological model. We use the combined GALFORM semi-analytical galaxy formation model and GRASIL s pectrophotometric code to compute galaxy SEDs including the reprocessing of radiation by dust. The model, which is the same as that in Baugh et al (2005), assumes two different IMFs: a normal solar neighbourhood IMF for quiescent star formation in disks, and a very top-heavy IMF in starbursts triggered by galaxy mergers. We have shown previously that the top-heavy IMF seems to be necessary to explain the number counts of faint sub-mm galaxies. We compare the model with observational data from the SPITZER Space Telescope, with the model parameters fixed at values chosen before SPITZER data became available. We find that the model matches the observed evolution in the IR remarkably well over the whole range of wavelengths probed by SPITZER. In particular, the SPITZER data show that there is strong evolution in the mid-IR galaxy luminosity function over the redshift range z ~ 0-2, and this is reproduced by our model without requiring any adjustment of parameters. On the other hand, a model with a normal IMF in starbursts predicts far too little evolution in the mid-IR luminosity function, and is therefore excluded.

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