ترغب بنشر مسار تعليمي؟ اضغط هنا

145 - S. Ward , P. Bouillot , C. Kollath 2016
The challenge of one-dimensional systems is to understand their physics beyond the level of known elementary excitations. By high-resolution neutron spectroscopy in a quantum spin ladder material, we probe the leading multiparticle excitation by char acterizing the two-magnon bound state at zero field. By applying high magnetic fields, we create and select the singlet (longitudinal) and triplet (transverse) excitations of the fully spin-polarized ladder, which have not been observed previously and are close analogs of the modes anticipated in a polarized Haldane chain. Theoretical modelling of the dynamical response demonstrates our complete quantitative understanding of these states.
We perform a theoretical study of a fermionic gas with two hyperfine states confined to an optical lattice. We derive a generic state diagram as a function of interaction strength, particle number, and confining potential. We discuss the central dens ity, the double occupancy and their derivatives as probes for the Mott state, connecting our findings to the recent experiment of Jordens et al. Using entropic arguments we compare two different strategies to reach the antiferromagnetic state in the presence of a trapping potential.
We investigate bosonic atoms or molecules interacting via dipolar interactions in a planar array of one-dimensional tubes. We consider the situation in which the dipoles are oriented perpendicular to the tubes by an external field. We find various qu antum phases reaching from a `sliding Luttinger liquid phase in which the tubes remain Luttinger liquids to a two-dimensional charge density wave ordered phase. Two different kinds of charge density wave order occur: a stripe phase in which the bosons in different tubes are aligned and a checkerboard phase. We further point out how to distinguish the occurring phases experimentally.
We show that one of the key characteristics of interacting one-dimensional electronic quantum systems, the separation of spin and charge, can be observed in a two-component system of bosonic ultracold atoms even close to a competing phase separation regime. To this purpose we determine the real-time evolution of a single particle excitation and the single-particle spectral function using density-matrix renormalization group techniques. Due to efficient bosonic cooling and good tunability this setup exhibits very good conditions for observing this strong correlation effect. In anticipation of experimental realizations we calculate the velocities for spin and charge perturbations for a wide range of parameters.
We propose an experimental setup of ultracold fermions in an optical lattice to determine the pairing gap in a superfluid state and the spin ordering in a Mott-insulating state. The idea is to apply a periodic modulation of the lattice potential and to use the thereby induced double occupancy to probe the system. We show by full time-dependent calculation using the adaptive time dependent density-matrix renormalization group method that the position of the peak in the spectrum of the induced double occupancy gives the pairing energy in a superfluid and the interaction energy in a Mott-insulator, respectively. In the Mott-insulator we relate the spectral weight of the peak to the spin ordering at finite temperature using perturbative calculations.
We present a non-perturbative analysis of a new experimental technique for probing ultracold bosons in an optical lattice by periodic lattice depth modulations. This is done using the time-dependent density-matrix renormalization group method. We fin d that sharp energy absorption peaks are not unique to the Mott insulating phase at commensurate filling, but also exist for superfluids at incommensurate filling. For strong interactions the peak structure provides an experimental measure of the interaction strength. Moreover, the peak height of the second peak can be employed as a measure of the incommensurability of the system.
Using the adaptive time-dependent density-matrix renormalization group method for the 1D Hubbard model, the splitting of local perturbations into separate wave packets carrying charge and spin is observed in real-time. We show the robustness of this separation beyond the low-energy Luttinger liquid theory by studying the time-evolution of single particle excitations and density wave packets. A striking signature of spin-charge separation is found in 1D cold Fermi gases in a harmonic trap at the boundary between liquid and Mott-insulating phases. We give quantitative estimates for an experimental observation of spin-charge separation in an array of atomic wires.
We investigate the propagation of density-wave packets in a Bose-Hubbard model using the adaptive time-dependent density-matrix renormalization group method. We discuss the decay of the amplitude with time and the dependence of the velocity on densit y, interaction strength and the height of the perturbation in a numerically exact way, covering arbitrary interactions and amplitudes of the perturbation. In addition, we investigate the effect of self-steepening due to the amplitude dependence of the velocity and discuss the possibilities for an experimental detection of the moving wave packet in time of flight pictures. By comparing the sound velocity to theoretical predictions, we determine the limits of a Gross-Pitaevskii or Bogoliubov type description and the regime where repulsive one-dimensional Bose gases exhibit fermionic behaviour.
We investigate a quasi-one dimensional system of trapped cold bosonic atoms in an optical lattice by using the density matrix renormalization group to study the Bose-Hubbard model at T=0 for experimentally realistic numbers of lattice sites. It is sh own that a properly rescaled one-particle density matrix characterizes superfluid versus insulating states just as in the homogeneous system. For typical parabolic traps we also confirm the widely used local density approach for describing correlations in the limit of weak interaction. Finally, we note that the superfluid to Mott-insulating transition is seen most directly in the half width of the interference peak.

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