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Existing long-tailed recognition methods, aiming to train class-balance models from long-tailed data, generally assume the models would be evaluated on the uniform test class distribution. However, the practical test class distribution often violates such an assumption (e.g., being long-tailed or even inversely long-tailed), which would lead existing methods to fail in real-world applications. In this work, we study a more practical task setting, called test-agnostic long-tailed recognition, where the training class distribution is long-tailed while the test class distribution is unknown and can be skewed arbitrarily. In addition to the issue of class imbalance, this task poses another challenge: the class distribution shift between the training and test samples is unidentified. To address this task, we propose a new method, called Test-time Aggregating Diverse Experts (TADE), that presents two solution strategies: (1) a novel skill-diverse expert learning strategy that trains diverse experts to excel at handling different test distributions from a single long-tailed training distribution; (2) a novel test-time expert aggregation strategy that leverages self-supervision to aggregate multiple experts for handling various test distributions. Moreover, we theoretically show that our method has provable ability to simulate unknown test class distributions. Promising results on both vanilla and test-agnostic long-tailed recognition verify the effectiveness of TADE. Code is available at https://github.com/Vanint/TADE-AgnosticLT.
Finding anomalous snapshots from a graph has garnered huge attention recently. Existing studies address the problem using shallow learning mechanisms such as subspace selection, ego-network, or community analysis. These models do not take into accoun t the multifaceted interactions between the structure and attributes in the network. In this paper, we propose GraphAnoGAN, an anomalous snapshot ranking framework, which consists of two core components -- generative and discriminative models. Specifically, the generative model learns to approximate the distribution of anomalous samples from the candidate set of graph snapshots, and the discriminative model detects whether the sampled snapshot is from the ground-truth or not. Experiments on 4 real-world networks show that GraphAnoGAN outperforms 6 baselines with a significant margin (28.29% and 22.01% higher precision and recall, respectively compared to the best baseline, averaged across all datasets).
130 - Ailin Deng , Bryan Hooi 2021
Given high-dimensional time series data (e.g., sensor data), how can we detect anomalous events, such as system faults and attacks? More challengingly, how can we do this in a way that captures complex inter-sensor relationships, and detects and expl ains anomalies which deviate from these relationships? Recently, deep learning approaches have enabled improvements in anomaly detection in high-dimensional datasets; however, existing methods do not explicitly learn the structure of existing relationships between variables, or use them to predict the expected behavior of time series. Our approach combines a structure learning approach with graph neural networks, additionally using attention weights to provide explainability for the detected anomalies. Experiments on two real-world sensor datasets with ground truth anomalies show that our method detects anomalies more accurately than baseline approaches, accurately captures correlations between sensors, and allows users to deduce the root cause of a detected anomaly.
An edge stream is a common form of presentation of dynamic networks. It can evolve with time, with new types of nodes or edges being continuously added. Existing methods for anomaly detection rely on edge occurrence counts or compare pattern snippets found in historical records. In this work, we propose Isconna, which focuses on both the frequency and the pattern of edge records. The burst detection component targets anomalies between individual timestamps, while the pattern detection component highlights anomalies across segments of timestamps. These two components together produce three intermediate scores, which are aggregated into the final anomaly score. Isconna does not actively explore or maintain pattern snippets; it instead measures the consecutive presence and absence of edge records. Isconna is an online algorithm, it does not keep the original information of edge records; only statistical values are maintained in a few count-min sketches (CMS). Isconnas space complexity $O(rc)$ is determined by two user-specific parameters, the size of CMSs. In worst case, Isconnas time complexity can be up to $O(rc)$, but it can be amortized in practice. Experiments show that Isconna outperforms five state-of-the-art frequency- and/or pattern-based baselines on six real-world datasets with up to 20 million edge records.
Contrastive self-supervised learning (CSL) leverages unlabeled data to train models that provide instance-discriminative visual representations uniformly scattered in the feature space. In deployment, the common practice is to directly fine-tune mode ls with the cross-entropy loss, which however may not be an optimal strategy. Although cross-entropy tends to separate inter-class features, the resulted models still have limited capability of reducing intra-class feature scattering that inherits from pre-training, and thus may suffer unsatisfactory performance on downstream tasks. In this paper, we investigate whether applying contrastive learning to fine-tuning would bring further benefits, and analytically find that optimizing the supervised contrastive loss benefits both class-discriminative representation learning and model optimization during fine-tuning. Inspired by these findings, we propose Contrast-regularized tuning (Core-tuning), a novel approach for fine-tuning contrastive self-supervised visual models. Instead of simply adding the contrastive loss to the objective of fine-tuning, Core-tuning also generates hard sample pairs for more effective contrastive learning through a novel feature mixup strategy, as well as improves the generalizability of the model by smoothing the decision boundary via mixed samples. Extensive experiments on image classification and semantic segmentation verify the effectiveness of Core-tuning.
Given sensor readings over time from a power grid, how can we accurately detect when an anomaly occurs? A key part of achieving this goal is to use the network of power grid sensors to quickly detect, in real-time, when any unusual events, whether na tural faults or malicious, occur on the power grid. Existing bad-data detectors in the industry lack the sophistication to robustly detect broad types of anomalies, especially those due to emerging cyber-attacks, since they operate on a single measurement snapshot of the grid at a time. New ML methods are more widely applicable, but generally do not consider the impact of topology change on sensor measurements and thus cannot accommodate regular topology adjustments in historical data. Hence, we propose DYNWATCH, a domain knowledge based and topology-aware algorithm for anomaly detection using sensors placed on a dynamic grid. Our approach is accurate, outperforming existing approaches by 20% or more (F-measure) in experiments; and fast, running in less than 1.7ms on average per time tick per sensor on a 60K+ branch case using a laptop computer, and scaling linearly in the size of the graph.
Next destination recommendation is an important task in the transportation domain of taxi and ride-hailing services, where users are recommended with personalized destinations given their current origin location. However, recent recommendation works do not satisfy this origin-awareness property, and only consider learning from historical destination locations, without origin information. Thus, the resulting approaches are unable to learn and predict origin-aware recommendations based on the users current location, leading to sub-optimal performance and poor real-world practicality. Hence, in this work, we study the origin-aware next destination recommendation task. We propose the Spatial-Temporal Origin-Destination Personalized Preference Attention (STOD-PPA) encoder-decoder model to learn origin-origin (OO), destination-destination (DD), and origin-destination (OD) relationships by first encoding both origin and destination sequences with spatial and temporal factors in local and global views, then decoding them through personalized preference attention to predict the next destination. Experimental results on seven real-world user trajectory taxi datasets show that our model significantly outperforms baseline and state-of-the-art methods.
Next Point-of-Interest (POI) recommendation is a longstanding problem across the domains of Location-Based Social Networks (LBSN) and transportation. Recent Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) based approaches learn POI-POI relationships in a local view b ased on independent user visit sequences. This limits the models ability to directly connect and learn across users in a global view to recommend semantically trained POIs. In this work, we propose a Spatial-Temporal-Preference User Dimensional Graph Attention Network (STP-UDGAT), a novel explore-exploit model that concurrently exploits personalized user preferences and explores new POIs in global spatial-temporal-preference (STP) neighbourhoods, while allowing users to selectively learn from other users. In addition, we propose random walks as a masked self-attention option to leverage the STP graphs structures and find new higher-order POI neighbours during exploration. Experimental results on six real-world datasets show that our model significantly outperforms baseline and state-of-the-art methods.
Mitigating the risk arising from extreme events is a fundamental goal with many applications, such as the modelling of natural disasters, financial crashes, epidemics, and many others. To manage this risk, a vital step is to be able to understand or generate a wide range of extreme scenarios. Existing approaches based on Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) excel at generating realistic samples, but seek to generate typical samples, rather than extreme samples. Hence, in this work, we propose ExGAN, a GAN-based approach to generate realistic and extreme samples. To model the extremes of the training distribution in a principled way, our work draws from Extreme Value Theory (EVT), a probabilistic approach for modelling the extreme tails of distributions. For practical utility, our framework allows the user to specify both the desired extremeness measure, as well as the desired extremeness probability they wish to sample at. Experiments on real US Precipitation data show that our method generates realistic samples, based on visual inspection and quantitative measures, in an efficient manner. Moreover, generating increasingly extreme examples using ExGAN can be done in constant time (with respect to the extremeness probability $tau$), as opposed to the $mathcal{O}(frac{1}{tau})$ time required by the baseline approach.
Given a stream of graph edges from a dynamic graph, how can we assign anomaly scores to edges in an online manner, for the purpose of detecting unusual behavior, using constant time and memory? Existing approaches aim to detect individually surprisin g edges. In this work, we propose MIDAS, which focuses on detecting microcluster anomalies, or suddenly arriving groups of suspiciously similar edges, such as lockstep behavior, including denial of service attacks in network traffic data. We further propose MIDAS-F, to solve the problem by which anomalies are incorporated into the algorithms internal states, creating a `poisoning effect that can allow future anomalies to slip through undetected. MIDAS-F introduces two modifications: 1) We modify the anomaly scoring function, aiming to reduce the `poisoning effect of newly arriving edges; 2) We introduce a conditional merge step, which updates the algorithms data structures after each time tick, but only if the anomaly score is below a threshold value, also to reduce the `poisoning effect. Experiments show that MIDAS-F has significantly higher accuracy than MIDAS. MIDAS has the following properties: (a) it detects microcluster anomalies while providing theoretical guarantees about its false positive probability; (b) it is online, thus processing each edge in constant time and constant memory, and also processes the data orders-of-magnitude faster than state-of-the-art approaches; (c) it provides up to 62% higher ROC-AUC than state-of-the-art approaches.

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