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Large-scale dissemination of disinformation online intended to mislead or deceive the general population is a major societal problem. Rapid progression in image, video, and natural language generative models has only exacerbated this situation and in tensified our need for an effective defense mechanism. While existing approaches have been proposed to defend against neural fake news, they are generally constrained to the very limited setting where articles only have text and metadata such as the title and authors. In this paper, we introduce the more realistic and challenging task of defending against machine-generated news that also includes images and captions. To identify the possible weaknesses that adversaries can exploit, we create a NeuralNews dataset composed of 4 different types of generated articles as well as conduct a series of human user study experiments based on this dataset. In addition to the valuable insights gleaned from our user study experiments, we provide a relatively effective approach based on detecting visual-semantic inconsistencies, which will serve as an effective first line of defense and a useful reference for future work in defending against machine-generated disinformation.
Fitting a model into GPU memory during training is an increasing concern as models continue to grow. Parameter sharing can reduce memory requirements, but existing methods only share parameters between identical layers, limiting their impact. This pa per removes these restrictions with a novel task called Neural Parameter Allocation Search (NPAS), where the goal is to generate weights for a network using a given parameter budget. NPAS requires new techniques to morph available parameters to fit any architecture. To address this new task we introduce Shapeshifter Networks (SSNs), which automatically learns where and how to share parameters between all layers in a network, even between layers of varying sizes and operations. SSNs do not require any loss function or architecture modifications, making them easy to use. We evaluate SSNs in key NPAS settings using seven network architectures across diverse tasks including image classification, bidirectional image-sentence retrieval, and phrase grounding, creating high performing models even when using as little as 1% of the parameters.
Explaining a deep learning model can help users understand its behavior and allow researchers to discern its shortcomings. Recent work has primarily focused on explaining models for tasks like image classification or visual question answering. In thi s paper, we introduce Salient Attributes for Network Explanation (SANE) to explain image similarity models, where a models output is a score measuring the similarity of two inputs rather than a classification score. In this task, an explanation depends on both of the input images, so standard methods do not apply. Our SANE explanations pairs a saliency map identifying important image regions with an attribute that best explains the match. We find that our explanations provide additional information not typically captured by saliency maps alone, and can also improve performance on the classic task of attribute recognition. Our approachs ability to generalize is demonstrated on two datasets from diverse domains, Polyvore Outfits and Animals with Attributes 2. Code available at: https://github.com/VisionLearningGroup/SANE
We address the problem of text-based activity retrieval in video. Given a sentence describing an activity, our task is to retrieve matching clips from an untrimmed video. To capture the inherent structures present in both text and video, we introduce a multilevel model that integrates vision and language features earlier and more tightly than prior work. First, we inject text features early on when generating clip proposals, to help eliminate unlikely clips and thus speed up processing and boost performance. Second, to learn a fine-grained similarity metric for retrieval, we use visual features to modulate the processing of query sentences at the word level in a recurrent neural network. A multi-task loss is also employed by adding query re-generation as an auxiliary task. Our approach significantly outperforms prior work on two challenging benchmarks: Charades-STA and ActivityNet Captions.
Outfits in online fashion data are composed of items of many different types (e.g. top, bottom, shoes) that share some stylistic relationship with one another. A representation for building outfits requires a method that can learn both notions of sim ilarity (for example, when two tops are interchangeable) and compatibility (items of possibly different type that can go together in an outfit). This paper presents an approach to learning an image embedding that respects item type, and jointly learns notions of item similarity and compatibility in an end-to-end model. To evaluate the learned representation, we crawled 68,306 outfits created by users on the Polyvore website. Our approach obtains 3-5% improvement over the state-of-the-art on outfit compatibility prediction and fill-in-the-blank tasks using our dataset, as well as an established smaller dataset, while supporting a variety of useful queries.

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