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Secure multi-party computation (MPC) allows parties to perform computations on data while keeping that data private. This capability has great potential for machine-learning applications: it facilitates training of machine-learning models on private data sets owned by different parties, evaluation of one partys private model using another partys private data, etc. Although a range of studies implement machine-learning models via secure MPC, such implementations are not yet mainstream. Adoption of secure MPC is hampered by the absence of flexible software frameworks that speak the language of machine-learning researchers and engineers. To foster adoption of secure MPC in machine learning, we present CrypTen: a software framework that exposes popular secure MPC primitives via abstractions that are common in modern machine-learning frameworks, such as tensor computations, automatic differentiation, and modular neural networks. This paper describes the design of CrypTen and measure its performance on state-of-the-art models for text classification, speech recognition, and image classification. Our benchmarks show that CrypTens GPU support and high-performance communication between (an arbitrary number of) parties allows it to perform efficient private evaluation of modern machine-learning models under a semi-honest threat model. For example, two parties using CrypTen can securely predict phonemes in speech recordings using Wav2Letter faster than real-time. We hope that CrypTen will spur adoption of secure MPC in the machine-learning community.
We introduce CryptGPU, a system for privacy-preserving machine learning that implements all operations on the GPU (graphics processing unit). Just as GPUs played a pivotal role in the success of modern deep learning, they are also essential for reali zing scalable privacy-preserving deep learning. In this work, we start by introducing a new interface to losslessly embed cryptographic operations over secret-shared values (in a discrete domain) into floating-point operations that can be processed by highly-optimized CUDA kernels for linear algebra. We then identify a sequence of GPU-friendly cryptographic protocols to enable privacy-preserving evaluation of both linear and non-linear operations on the GPU. Our microbenchmarks indicate that our private GPU-based convolution protocol is over 150x faster than the analogous CPU-based protocol; for non-linear operations like the ReLU activation function, our GPU-based protocol is around 10x faster than its CPU analog. With CryptGPU, we support private inference and private training on convolutional neural networks with over 60 million parameters as well as handle large datasets like ImageNet. Compared to the previous state-of-the-art, when considering large models and datasets, our protocols achieve a 2x to 8x improvement in private inference and a 6x to 36x improvement for private training. Our work not only showcases the viability of performing secure multiparty computation (MPC) entirely on the GPU to enable fast privacy-preserving machine learning, but also highlights the importance of designing new MPC primitives that can take full advantage of the GPUs computing capabilities.
Secure multiparty computations enable the distribution of so-called shares of sensitive data to multiple parties such that the multiple parties can effectively process the data while being unable to glean much information about the data (at least not without collusion among all parties to put back together all the shares). Thus, the parties may conspire to send all their processed results to a trusted third party (perhaps the data provider) at the conclusion of the computations, with only the trusted third party being able to view the final results. Secure multiparty computations for privacy-preserving machine-learning turn out to be possible using solely standard floating-point arithmetic, at least with a carefully controlled leakage of information less than the loss of accuracy due to roundoff, all backed by rigorous mathematical proofs of worst-case bounds on information loss and numerical stability in finite-precision arithmetic. Numerical examples illustrate the high performance attained on commodity off-the-shelf hardware for generalized linear models, including ordinary linear least-squares regression, binary and multinomial logistic regression, probit regression, and Poisson regression.
Contextual bandits are online learners that, given an input, select an arm and receive a reward for that arm. They use the reward as a learning signal and aim to maximize the total reward over the inputs. Contextual bandits are commonly used to solve recommendation or ranking problems. This paper considers a learning setting in which multiple parties aim to train a contextual bandit together in a private way: the parties aim to maximize the total reward but do not want to share any of the relevant information they possess with the other parties. Specifically, multiple parties have access to (different) features that may benefit the learner but that cannot be shared with other parties. One of the parties pulls the arm but other parties may not learn which arm was pulled. One party receives the reward but the other parties may not learn the reward value. This paper develops a privacy-preserving multi-party contextual bandit for this learning setting by combining secure multi-party computation with a differentially private mechanism based on epsilon-greedy exploration.

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