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The fundamental quandle is a powerful invariant of knots and links, but it is difficult to describe in detail. It is often useful to look at quotients of the quandle, especially finite quotients. One natural quotient introduced by Joyce is the $n$-qu andle. Hoste and Shanahan gave a complete list of the knots and links which have finite $n$-quandles for some $n$. We introduce a generalization of $n$-quandles, denoted $N$-quandles (for a quandle with $k$ algebraic components, $N$ is a $k$-tuple of positive integers). We conjecture a classification of the links with finite $N$-quandles for some $N$, and we prove one direction of the classification.
269 - Blake Mellor 2019
To better understand the fundamental quandle of a knot or link, it can be useful to look at finite quotients of the quandle. One such quotient is the $n$-quandle (or, when $n=2$, the {em involutory} quandle). Hoste and Shanahan cite{HS2} gave a compl ete list of the links which have finite $n$-quandles; it remained to give explicit descriptions of these quandles. This has been done for several cases in cite{CHMS} and cite{HS1}; in the current work we continue this project and explicitly describe the Cayley graphs for the finite involutory quandles of two-bridge links with an axis.
49 - Blake Mellor 2018
This is a short review article on invariants of spatial graphs, written for A Concise Encyclopedia of Knot Theory (ed. Adams et. al.). The emphasis is on combinatorial and polynomial invariants of spatial graphs, including the Alexander polynomial, t he fundamental quandle of a graph, and the Yamada polynomial.
We compute Cayley graphs and automorphism groups for all finite $n$-quandles of two-bridge and torus knots and links, as well as torus links with an axis.
358 - Blake Mellor , Sean Nevin 2018
We use Kauffmans bracket polynomial to define a complex-valued invariant of virtual rational tangles that generalizes the well-known fraction invariant for classical rational tangles. We provide a recursive formula for computing the invariant, and use it to compute several examples.
63 - Blake Mellor 2016
We give a new interpretation of the Alexander polynomial $Delta_0$ for virtual knots due to Sawollek and Silver and Williams, and use it to show that, for any virtual knot, $Delta_0$ determines the writhe polynomial of Cheng and Gao (equivalently, Ka uffmans affine index polynomial). We also use it to define a second-order writhe polynomial, and give some applications.
We define a family of virtual knots generalizing the classical twist knots. We develop a recursive formula for the Alexander polynomial $Delta_0$ (as defined by Silver and Williams) of these virtual twist knots. These results are applied to provide e vidence for a conjecture that the odd writhe of a virtual knot can be obtained from $Delta_0$.
A {em balanced} spatial graph has an integer weight on each edge, so that the directed sum of the weights at each vertex is zero. We describe the Alexander module and polynomial for balanced spatial graphs (originally due to Kinoshita cite{ki}), and examine their behavior under some common operations on the graph. We use the Alexander module to define the determinant and $p$-colorings of a balanced spatial graph, and provide examples. We show that the determinant of a spatial graph determines for which $p$ the graph is $p$-colorable, and that a $p$-coloring of a graph corresponds to a representation of the fundamental group of its complement into a metacyclic group $Gamma(p,m,k)$. We finish by proving some properties of the Alexander polynomial.
The symmetries of complex molecular structures can be modeled by the {em topological symmetry group} of the underlying embedded graph. It is therefore important to understand which topological symmetry groups can be realized by particular abstract gr aphs. This question has been answered for complete graphs; it is natural next to consider complete bipartite graphs. In previous work we classified the complete bipartite graphs that can realize topological symmetry groups isomorphic to $A_4$, $S_4$ or $A_5$; in this paper we determine which complete bipartite graphs have an embedding in $S^3$ whose topological symmetry group is isomorphic to $mathbb{Z}_m$, $D_m$, $mathbb{Z}_r times mathbb{Z}_s$ or $(mathbb{Z}_r times mathbb{Z}_s) ltimes mathbb{Z}_2$.

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