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In this paper, we propose an end-to-end framework for instance segmentation. Based on the recently introduced DETR [1], our method, termed SOLQ, segments objects by learning unified queries. In SOLQ, each query represents one object and has multiple representations: class, location and mask. The object queries learned perform classification, box regression and mask encoding simultaneously in an unified vector form. During training phase, the mask vectors encoded are supervised by the compression coding of raw spatial masks. In inference time, mask vectors produced can be directly transformed to spatial masks by the inverse process of compression coding. Experimental results show that SOLQ can achieve state-of-the-art performance, surpassing most of existing approaches. Moreover, the joint learning of unified query representation can greatly improve the detection performance of original DETR. We hope our SOLQ can serve as a strong baseline for the Transformer-based instance segmentation. Code is available at https://github.com/megvii-research/SOLQ.
The key challenge in multiple-object tracking task is temporal modeling of the object under track. Existing tracking-by-detection methods adopt simple heuristics, such as spatial or appearance similarity. Such methods, in spite of their commonality, are overly simple and lack the ability to learn temporal variations from data in an end-to-end manner. In this paper, we present MOTR, a fully end-to-end multiple-object tracking framework. It learns to model the long-range temporal variation of the objects. It performs temporal association implicitly and avoids previous explicit heuristics. Built upon DETR, MOTR introduces the concept of track query. Each track query models the entire track of an object. It is transferred and updated frame-by-frame to perform iterative predictions in a seamless manner. Tracklet-aware label assignment is proposed for one-to-one assignment between track queries and object tracks. Temporal aggregation network together with collective average loss is further proposed to enhance the long-range temporal relation. Experimental results show that MOTR achieves competitive performance and can serve as a strong Transformer-based baseline for future research. Code is available at url{https://github.com/megvii-model/MOTR}.
92 - Huan Liu , Haobin Dong , Jian Ge 2020
Magnetic survey techniques have been used in many years in an attempt to better evaluate the likelihood of recoverable hydrocarbon reservoirs by determining the depth and pattern of sedimentary rock formations containing magnetic minerals, such as ma gnetite. Utilizing airplanes, large area magnetic surveys have been conducted to estimate, for example, the depth to igneous rock and the thickness of sedimentary rock formations. In this case, the vector magnetic survey method can simultaneously obtain the modulus and direction information of the Earths magnetic field, which can effectively reduce the multiplicity on data inversion, contribute to the quantitative interpretation of the magnetic body and obtain more precise information and characteristics of magnetic field resource, so as to improve the detection resolution and positioning accuracy of the underground target body. This paper presents a state-of-the-art review of the application situations, the technical features, and the development of the instruments for different application scenarios, i.e., ground, wells, marine, airborne, and satellites, respectively. The potential of multi-survey technique fusion for magnetic field detection is also discussed.
Quantum theory of surface plasmons is very important for studying the interactions between light and different metal nanostructures in nanoplasmonics. In this work, using the canonical quantization method, the SPPs on nanowires and their orbital and spin angular momentum are investigated. The results show that the SPPs on nanowire carry both orbital and spin momentum during propagation. Later, the result is applied on the plasmonic nanowire waveguide to show the agreement of the theory. The study is helpful for the nano wire based plasmonic interactions and the quantum information based optical circuit in the future.
302 - Hao Tian , Junqiu Liu , Bin Dong 2019
Microwave frequency acousto-optic modulation is realized by exciting high overtone bulk acoustic wave resonances (HBAR resonances) in the photonic stack. These confined mechanical stress waves transmit exhibit vertically transmitting, high quality fa ctor (Q) acoustic Fabry Perot resonances that extend into the Gigahertz domain, and offer stress-optical interaction with the optical modes of the microresonator. Although HBAR are ubiquitously used in modern communication, and often exploited in superconducting circuits, this is the first time they have been incorporated on a photonic circuit based chip. The electro-acousto-optical interaction observed within the optical modes exhibits high actuation linearity, low actuation power and negligible crosstalk. Using the electro-acousto-optic interaction, fast optical resonance tuning is achieved with sub-nanosecond transduction time. By removing the silicon backreflection, broadband acoustic modulation at 4.1 and 8.7 GHz is realized with a 3 dB bandwidth of 250 MHz each. The novel hybrid HBAR nanophotonic platform demonstrated here, allowing on chip integration of micron-scale acoustic and photonic resonators, can find immediate applications in tunable microwave photonics, high bandwidth soliton microcomb stabilization, compact opto-electronic oscillators, and in microwave to optical conversion schemes. Moreover the hybrid platform allows implementation of momentum biasing, which allows realization of on chip non-reciprocal devices such as isolators or circulators and topological photonic bandstructures.
152 - Xuejun Gu , Bin Dong , Jing Wang 2013
In adaptive radiotherapy, deformable image registration is often conducted between the planning CT and treatment CT (or cone beam CT) to generate a deformation vector field (DVF) for dose accumulation and contour propagation. The auto propagated cont ours on the treatment CT may contain relatively large errors, especially in low contrast regions. A clinician inspection and editing of the propagated contours are frequently needed. The edited contours are able to meet the clinical requirement for adaptive therapy; however, the DVF is still inaccurate and inconsistent with the edited contours. The purpose of this work is to develop a contour-guided deformable image registration (CG-DIR) algorithm to improve the accuracy and consistency of the DVF for adaptive radiotherapy. Incorporation of the edited contours into the registration algorithm is realized by regularizing the objective function of the original demons algorithm with a term of intensity matching between the delineated structures set pairs. The CG-DIR algorithm is implemented on computer graphics processing units (GPUs) by following the original GPU-based demons algorithm computation framework [Gu et al, Phys Med Biol. 55(1): 207-219, 2010]. The performance of CG-DIR is evaluated on five clinical head-and-neck and one pelvic cancer patient data. It is found that compared with the original demons, CG-DIR improves the accuracy and consistency of the DVF, while retaining similar high computational efficiency.

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