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Automated speech recognition coverage of the worlds languages continues to expand. However, standard phoneme based systems require handcrafted lexicons that are difficult and expensive to obtain. To address this problem, we propose a training methodo logy for a grapheme-based speech recognizer that can be trained in a purely data-driven fashion. Built with LSTM networks and trained with the cross-entropy loss, the grapheme-output acoustic models we study are also extremely practical for real-world applications as they can be decoded with conventional ASR stack components such as language models and FST decoders, and produce good quality audio-to-grapheme alignments that are useful in many speech applications. We show that the grapheme models are competitive in WER with their phoneme-output counterparts when trained on large datasets, with the advantage that grapheme models do not require explicit linguistic knowledge as an input. We further compare the alignments generated by the phoneme and grapheme models to demonstrate the quality of the pronunciations learnt by them using four Indian languages that vary linguistically in spoken and written forms.
Multilingual Automated Speech Recognition (ASR) systems allow for the joint training of data-rich and data-scarce languages in a single model. This enables data and parameter sharing across languages, which is especially beneficial for the data-scarc e languages. However, most state-of-the-art multilingual models require the encoding of language information and therefore are not as flexible or scalable when expanding to newer languages. Language-independent multilingual models help to address this issue, and are also better suited for multicultural societies where several languages are frequently used together (but often rendered with different writing systems). In this paper, we propose a new approach to building a language-agnostic multilingual ASR system which transforms all languages to one writing system through a many-to-one transliteration transducer. Thus, similar sounding acoustics are mapped to a single, canonical target sequence of graphemes, effectively separating the modeling and rendering problems. We show with four Indic languages, namely, Hindi, Bengali, Tamil and Kannada, that the language-agnostic multilingual model achieves up to 10% relative reduction in Word Error Rate (WER) over a language-dependent multilingual model.
Recent success of the Tacotron speech synthesis architecture and its variants in producing natural sounding multi-speaker synthesized speech has raised the exciting possibility of replacing expensive, manually transcribed, domain-specific, human spee ch that is used to train speech recognizers. The multi-speaker speech synthesis architecture can learn latent embedding spaces of prosody, speaker and style variations derived from input acoustic representations thereby allowing for manipulation of the synthesized speech. In this paper, we evaluate the feasibility of enhancing speech recognition performance using speech synthesis using two corpora from different domains. We explore algorithms to provide the necessary acoustic and lexical diversity needed for robust speech recognition. Finally, we demonstrate the feasibility of this approach as a data augmentation strategy for domain-transfer. We find that improvements to speech recognition performance is achievable by augmenting training data with synthesized material. However, there remains a substantial gap in performance between recognizers trained on human speech those trained on synthesized speech.
Language models (LMs) based on Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) have shown good gains in many automatic speech recognition tasks. In this paper, we extend an LSTM by adding highway networks inside an LSTM and use the resulting Highway LSTM (HW-LSTM) mod el for language modeling. The added highway networks increase the depth in the time dimension. Since a typical LSTM has two internal states, a memory cell and a hidden state, we compare various types of HW-LSTM by adding highway networks onto the memory cell and/or the hidden state. Experimental results on English broadcast news and conversational telephone speech recognition show that the proposed HW-LSTM LM improves speech recognition accuracy on top of a strong LSTM LM baseline. We report 5.1% and 9.9% on the Switchboard and CallHome subsets of the Hub5 2000 evaluation, which reaches the best performance numbers reported on these tasks to date.
In this work we study variance in the results of neural network training on a wide variety of configurations in automatic speech recognition. Although this variance itself is well known, this is, to the best of our knowledge, the first paper that per forms an extensive empirical study on its effects in speech recognition. We view training as sampling from a distribution and show that these distributions can have a substantial variance. These results show the urgent need to rethink the way in which results in the literature are reported and interpreted.
We propose Diverse Embedding Neural Network (DENN), a novel architecture for language models (LMs). A DENNLM projects the input word history vector onto multiple diverse low-dimensional sub-spaces instead of a single higher-dimensional sub-space as i n conventional feed-forward neural network LMs. We encourage these sub-spaces to be diverse during network training through an augmented loss function. Our language modeling experiments on the Penn Treebank data set show the performance benefit of using a DENNLM.
Diversity or complementarity of experts in ensemble pattern recognition and information processing systems is widely-observed by researchers to be crucial for achieving performance improvement upon fusion. Understanding this link between ensemble div ersity and fusion performance is thus an important research question. However, prior works have theoretically characterized ensemble diversity and have linked it with ensemble performance in very restricted settings. We present a generalized ambiguity decomposition (GAD) theorem as a broad framework for answering these questions. The GAD theorem applies to a generic convex ensemble of experts for any arbitrary twice-differentiable loss function. It shows that the ensemble performance approximately decomposes into a difference of the average expert performance and the diversity of the ensemble. It thus provides a theoretical explanation for the empirically-observed benefit of fusing outputs from diverse classifiers and regressors. It also provides a loss function-dependent, ensemble-dependent, and data-dependent definition of diversity. We present extensions of this decomposition to common regression and classification loss functions, and report a simulation-based analysis of the diversity term and the accuracy of the decomposition. We finally present experiments on standard pattern recognition data sets which indicate the accuracy of the decomposition for real-world classification and regression problems.

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