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Several variants of deep neural networks have been successfully employed for building parametric models that project variable-duration spoken word segments onto fixed-size vector representations, or acoustic word embeddings (AWEs). However, it remain s unclear to what degree we can rely on the distance in the emerging AWE space as an estimate of word-form similarity. In this paper, we ask: does the distance in the acoustic embedding space correlate with phonological dissimilarity? To answer this question, we empirically investigate the performance of supervised approaches for AWEs with different neural architectures and learning objectives. We train AWE models in controlled settings for two languages (German and Czech) and evaluate the embeddings on two tasks: word discrimination and phonological similarity. Our experiments show that (1) the distance in the embedding space in the best cases only moderately correlates with phonological distance, and (2) improving the performance on the word discrimination task does not necessarily yield models that better reflect word phonological similarity. Our findings highlight the necessity to rethink the current intrinsic evaluations for AWEs.
While language identification is a fundamental speech and language processing task, for many languages and language families it remains a challenging task. For many low-resource and endangered languages this is in part due to resource availability: w here larger datasets exist, they may be single-speaker or have different domains than desired application scenarios, demanding a need for domain and speaker-invariant language identification systems. This years shared task on robust spoken language identification sought to investigate just this scenario: systems were to be trained on largely single-speaker speech from one domain, but evaluated on data in other domains recorded from speakers under different recording circumstances, mimicking realistic low-resource scenarios. We see that domain and speaker mismatch proves very challenging for current methods which can perform above 95% accuracy in-domain, which domain adaptation can address to some degree, but that these conditions merit further investigation to make spoken language identification accessible in many scenarios.
Deep neural networks have been employed for various spoken language recognition tasks, including tasks that are multilingual by definition such as spoken language identification. In this paper, we present a neural model for Slavic language identifica tion in speech signals and analyze its emergent representations to investigate whether they reflect objective measures of language relatedness and/or non-linguists perception of language similarity. While our analysis shows that the language representation space indeed captures language relatedness to a great extent, we find perceptual confusability between languages in our study to be the best predictor of the language representation similarity.
State-of-the-art spoken language identification (LID) systems, which are based on end-to-end deep neural networks, have shown remarkable success not only in discriminating between distant languages but also between closely-related languages or even d ifferent spoken varieties of the same language. However, it is still unclear to what extent neural LID models generalize to speech samples with different acoustic conditions due to domain shift. In this paper, we present a set of experiments to investigate the impact of domain mismatch on the performance of neural LID systems for a subset of six Slavic languages across two domains (read speech and radio broadcast) and examine two low-level signal descriptors (spectral and cepstral features) for this task. Our experiments show that (1) out-of-domain speech samples severely hinder the performance of neural LID models, and (2) while both spectral and cepstral features show comparable performance within-domain, spectral features show more robustness under domain mismatch. Moreover, we apply unsupervised domain adaptation to minimize the discrepancy between the two domains in our study. We achieve relative accuracy improvements that range from 9% to 77% depending on the diversity of acoustic conditions in the source domain.

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