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Deep neural networks such as AlphaFold and RoseTTAFold predict remarkably accurate structures of proteins compared to other algorithmic approaches. It is known that biologically small perturbations in the protein sequence do not lead to drastic chang es in the protein structure. In this paper, we demonstrate that RoseTTAFold does not exhibit such a robustness despite its high accuracy, and biologically small perturbations for some input sequences result in radically different predicted protein structures. This raises the challenge of detecting when these predicted protein structures cannot be trusted. We define the robustness measure for the predicted structure of a protein sequence to be the inverse of the root-mean-square distance (RMSD) in the predicted structure and the structure of its adversarially perturbed sequence. We use adversarial attack methods to create adversarial protein sequences, and show that the RMSD in the predicted protein structure ranges from 0.119r{A} to 34.162r{A} when the adversarial perturbations are bounded by 20 units in the BLOSUM62 distance. This demonstrates very high variance in the robustness measure of the predicted structures. We show that the magnitude of the correlation (0.917) between our robustness measure and the RMSD between the predicted structure and the ground truth is high, that is, the predictions with low robustness measure cannot be trusted. This is the first paper demonstrating the susceptibility of RoseTTAFold to adversarial attacks.
The training of neural networks using different deep learning frameworks may lead to drastically differing accuracy levels despite the use of the same neural network architecture and identical training hyperparameters such as learning rate and choice of optimization algorithms. Currently, our ability to build standardized deep learning models is limited by the availability of a suite of neural network and corresponding training hyperparameter benchmarks that expose differences between existing deep learning frameworks. In this paper, we present a living dataset of models and hyperparameters, called CrossedWires, that exposes semantic differences between two popular deep learning frameworks: PyTorch and Tensorflow. The CrossedWires dataset currently consists of models trained on CIFAR10 images using three different computer vision architectures: VGG16, ResNet50 and DenseNet121 across a large hyperparameter space. Using hyperparameter optimization, each of the three models was trained on 400 sets of hyperparameters suggested by the HyperSpace search algorithm. The CrossedWires dataset includes PyTorch and Tensforflow models with test accuracies as different as 0.681 on syntactically equivalent models and identical hyperparameter choices. The 340 GB dataset and benchmarks presented here include the performance statistics, training curves, and model weights for all 1200 hyperparameter choices, resulting in 2400 total models. The CrossedWires dataset provides an opportunity to study semantic differences between syntactically equivalent models across popular deep learning frameworks. Further, the insights obtained from this study can enable the development of algorithms and tools that improve reliability and reproducibility of deep learning frameworks. The dataset is freely available at https://github.com/maxzvyagin/crossedwires through a Python API and direct download link.
Molecules have seemed like a natural fit to deep learnings tendency to handle a complex structure through representation learning, given enough data. However, this often continuous representation is not natural for understanding chemical space as a d omain and is particular to samples and their differences. We focus on exploring a natural structure for representing chemical space as a structured domain: embedding drug-like chemical space into an enumerable hypergraph based on scaffold classes linked through an inclusion operator. This paper shows how molecules form classes of scaffolds, how scaffolds relate to each in a hypergraph, and how this structure of scaffolds is natural for drug discovery workflows such as predicting properties and optimizing molecular structures. We compare the assumptions and utility of various embeddings of molecules, such as their respective induced distance metrics, their extendibility to represent chemical space as a structured domain, and the consequences of utilizing the structure for learning tasks.
We outline recent developments in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) techniques for integrative structural biology of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDP) ensembles. IDPs challenge the traditional protein structure-function par adigm by adapting their conformations in response to specific binding partners leading them to mediate diverse, and often complex cellular functions such as biological signaling, self organization and compartmentalization. Obtaining mechanistic insights into their function can therefore be challenging for traditional structural determination techniques. Often, scientists have to rely on piecemeal evidence drawn from diverse experimental techniques to characterize their functional mechanisms. Multiscale simulations can help bridge critical knowledge gaps about IDP structure function relationships - however, these techniques also face challenges in resolving emergent phenomena within IDP conformational ensembles. We posit that scalable statistical inference techniques can effectively integrate information gleaned from multiple experimental techniques as well as from simulations, thus providing access to atomistic details of these emergent phenomena.

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