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MS 0735.6+7421 is a galaxy cluster which hosts a central radio galaxy with a very steep spectrum, produced by one of the most powerful known jetted active galactic nuclei (AGN). The radio plasma, ejected at nearly light speed from the central AGN, ha ve displaced the intra-cluster medium, leaving two pairs of cavities observable in the X-ray, associated to two different outbursts, and have distributed energy to the surrounding medium. In this work we have performed for the first time a detailed, high-resolution spectral study of the source at radio frequencies and investigated its duty cycle to be compared with previous X-ray estimates. We have used new observations at 144 MHz produced with the LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR) together with archival data at higher frequencies. At LOFAR frequency, the source presents two large outer radio lobes, wider than at higher frequencies, and a smaller Intermediate lobe located south-west of the core. A new inspection of X-ray data, allowed us to identify an intermediate cavity, associated with that lobe, indicating the presence of a further phase of jet activity. The radio lobes have a steep spectrum even at LOFAR frequencies, reaching $alpha_{144}^{610}=2.9$ in the outer lobes and $alpha_{144}^{610}=2.1$ in the Intermediate lobe. Fitting the lobe spectra using a single injection model of particle ageing, we derived a total age of the source between 170 and 106 Myr, in agreement with the buoyancy and sound crossing time-scales derived from X-ray data. We then reconstructed the duty cycle of the source. There were three phases of jet activity, with the AGN being active for most of the time with only brief quiescent phases, ensuring the repeated heating of the central gas. Finally, energetic estimates revealed that a source of additional pressure support must be present to sustain the bubbles against the pressure of the external medium.
Strong accretion shocks are expected to illuminate the warm-hot inter-galactic medium encompassed by the filaments of the cosmic web, through synchrotron radio emission. Given their high sensitivity, low-frequency large radio facilities may already b e able to detect signatures of this extended radio emission from the region in between two close and massive galaxy clusters. In this work we exploit the non-detection of such diffuse emission by deep observations of two pairs of relatively close ($simeq 10$ Mpc) and massive ($M_{500}geq 10^{14}M_odot$) galaxy clusters using the LOw-Frequency ARray (LOFAR). By combining the results from the two putative inter-cluster filaments, we derive new independent constraints on the median strength of inter-galactic magnetic fields: $B_{rm 10 Mpc}< 2.5times 10^2,rm nG,(95%, rm CL)$. Based on cosmological simulations and assuming a primordial origin of the B-fields, these estimates can be used to limit the amplitude of primordial seed magnetic fields: $B_0leq10,rm nG$. We advise the observation of similar cluster pairs as a powerful tool to set tight constraints on the amplitude of extragalactic magnetic fields.
Centrally located diffuse radio emission has been observed in both merging and non-merging galaxy clusters. Depending on their morphology and size, we distinguish between giant radio haloes, which occur predominantly in merging clusters, and mini hal oes, which are found in non-merging, cool-core clusters. Low-frequency sensitive observations are required to assess whether the emission discovered in these few cases is common in galaxy clusters or not. With this aim, we carried out a campaign of observations with the LOw Frequency ARay (LOFAR) in the frequency range 120 - 168 MHz of nine massive clusters selected from the textit{Planck} SZ catalogue, which had no sign of major mergers. In this paper, we discuss the results of the observations that have led to the largest cluster sample studied within the LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey, and we present Chandra X-ray data used to investigate the dynamical state of the clusters, verifying that the clusters are currently not undergoing major mergers, and to search for traces of minor or off-axis mergers. We discover large-scale steep-spectrum emission around mini haloes in the cool-core clusters PSZ1G139 and RXJ1720, which is not observed around the mini halo in the non-cool-core cluster A1413. We also discover a new 570 kpc-halo in the non-cool-core cluster RXCJ0142. We derived new upper limits to the radio power for clusters in which no diffuse radio emission was found, and we discuss the implication of our results to constrain the cosmic-ray energy budget in the ICM. We conclude that radio emission in non-merging massive clusters is not common at the sensitivity level reached by our observations and that no clear connection with the cluster dynamical state is observed. Our results might indicate that the sloshing of a dense cool core could trigger particle acceleration on larger scales and generate steep-spectrum radio emission.
Massive, merging galaxy clusters often host giant, diffuse radio sources that arise from shocks and turbulence; hence, radio observations can be useful for determining the merger state of a cluster. In preparation for a larger study, we selected thre e clusters -- Abell 1319, Abell 1314, and RXC J1501.3+4220 (Z7215) -- making use of the new LOFAR Two-Metre Sky Survey (LoTSS) at 120-168 MHz, and together with archival data, show that these clusters appear to be in pre-merging, merging, and post-merging states, respectively. We argue that Abell 1319 is likely in its pre-merging phase, where three separate cluster components are about to merge. There are no radio halos nor radio relics detected in this system. Abell 1314 is a highly-disturbed, low-mass cluster which is likely in the process of merging. This low-mass system does not show a radio halo, however, we argue that the merger activates mechanisms that cause electron re-acceleration in the large 800 kpc radio tail associated with IC~711. In the cluster Z7215 we discover diffuse radio emission at the cluster center, and we classify this emission as a radio halo, although it is dimmer and smaller than expected by the radio halo power versus cluster mass correlation. We suggest that the disturbed cluster Z7215 is in its post-merging phase. Systematic studies of this kind over a larger sample of clusters observed with LoTSS will help constrain the time scales involved in turbulent re-acceleration and the subsequent energy losses of the underlying electrons.
Diffuse synchrotron radio emission from cosmic-ray electrons is observed at the center of a number of galaxy clusters. These sources can be classified either as giant radio halos, which occur in merging clusters, or as mini halos, which are found onl y in cool-core clusters. In this paper, we present the first discovery of a cool-core cluster with an associated mini halo that also shows ultra-steep-spectrum emission extending well beyond the core that resembles radio halo emission. The large-scale component is discovered thanks to LOFAR observations at 144 MHz. We also analyse GMRT observations at 610 MHz to characterise the spectrum of the radio emission. An X-ray analysis reveals that the cluster is slightly disturbed, and we suggest that the steep-spectrum radio emission outside the core could be produced by a minor merger that powers electron re-acceleration without disrupting the cool core. This discovery suggests that, under particular circumstances, both a mini and giant halo could co-exist in a single cluster, opening new perspectives for particle acceleration mechanisms in galaxy clusters.
The presence of magnetic fields in galaxy clusters has been well established in recent years, and their importance for the understanding of the physical processes at work in the Intra Cluster Medium has been recognized. Halo and relic sources have be en detected in several tens clusters. A strong correlation is present between the halo and relic radio power and the X-ray luminosity. Since cluster X-Ray luminosity and mass are related, the correlation between the radio power and X-ray luminosity could derive from a physical dependence of the radio power on the cluster mass, therefore the cluster mass could be a crucial parameter in the formation of these sources. The goal of this project is to investigate the existence of non-thermal structures beyond the Mpc scale, and associated with lower density regions with respect to clusters of galaxies: galaxy filaments connecting rich clusters. We present a piece of evidence of diffuse radio emission in intergalactic filaments. Moreover, we present and discuss the detection of radio emission in galaxy groups and in faint X-Ray clusters, to analyze non-thermal properties in low density regions with physical conditions similar to galaxy filaments. We discuss how SKA1 observations will allow the investigation of this topic and the study of the presence of diffuse radio sources in low density regions. This will be a fundamental step to understand the origin and properties of cosmological magnetic fields.

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