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480 - Mark Lacy 2020
The Spitzer Space Telescope revolutionized studies of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs). Its combined sensitivity and mapping speed at mid-infrared wavelengths revealed a substantial population of highly-obscured AGNs. This population implies a higher ra diative accretion efficiency, and thus possibly a higher spin for black holes than indicated by surveys in the optical and X-ray. The unique mid-infrared spectrographic capability of Spitzer gave important insights into the distribution and nature of the dust surrounding AGNs, enabling the separation of AGN and starburst components, the detection of silicate features in emission from hot dust, and the identification of shocked gas associated with AGN activity. The sensitivity of Spitzer allowed almost complete identification of the host galaxies of samples of AGNs selected in the X-ray and radio. As we look forward to the James Webb Space Telescope, the lessons learned from Spitzer studies will inform observational programs with new and upcoming infrared facilities.
We use photometric redshifts derived from new $u$-band through 4.5$mu$m Spitzer IRAC photometry in the 4.8,deg$^2$ of the XMM-LSS field to construct surface density maps in the redshift range 0.1-1.5. Our density maps show evidence for large-scale st ructure in the form of filaments spanning several tens of Mpc. Using these maps, we identify 339 overdensities that our simulated lightcone analysis suggests are likely associated with dark matter haloes with masses, $M_{rm halo}$, log($M_{rm halo}/M_{odot})>$13.7. From this list of overdensities we recover 43 of 70 known X-ray detected and spectroscopically confirmed clusters. The missing X-ray clusters are largely at lower redshifts and lower masses than our target log($M_{rm halo}/M_{odot})>$13.7. The bulk of the overdensities are compact, but a quarter show extended morphologies which include likely projection effects, clusters embedded in apparent filaments as well as at least one potential cluster merger (at $zsim1.28$). The strongest overdensity in our highest redshift slice (at $zsim1.5$) shows a compact red galaxy core potentially implying a massive evolved cluster.
The bulk of the star-formation rate density peak at cosmic noon was obscured by dust. How accurately we can assess the role of dust obscured star-formation is affected by inherent biases in our empirical methods -- both those that rely on direct dust emission and those that rely on the inferred dust attenuation of starlight. We use a library of hydrodynamic simulations with radiative transfer to explore these biases. We find that for IR luminous galaxies that are in rapidly quenching systems (e.g. post-coalescence) standard luminosity-to-SFR relations can strongly overestimate the true SFRs. We propose using the $L_{IR}/L_{1.6}$ color to both help identify such systems and provide more accurate SFRs. Conversely, we find that the diagnostic UVJ plot misidentifies a subset of dusty star-forming galaxies. This is due to variability in the effective attenuation curves including being much grayer in the optical-to-near-IR regime than the Calzetti starburst law. This is in agreement with recent observations of IR-selected galaxies at cosmic noon. Our results support the view that we need a panchromatic approach from the rest-frame UV through the IR and SED modeling that includes realistic SFHs and allows for variable attenuation curves if we want to fully account for dust obscured star-formation across the epochs of greatest galaxy build-up.
At $z=1-3$, the formation of new stars is dominated by dusty galaxies whose far-IR emission indicates they contain colder dust than local galaxies of a similar luminosity. We explore the reasons for the evolving IR emission of similar galaxies over c osmic time using: 1) Local galaxies from GOALS $(L_{rm IR}=10^{11}-10^{12},L_odot)$; 2) Galaxies at $zsim0.1-0.5$ from the 5MUSES ($L_{rm IR}=10^{10}-10^{12},L_odot$); 3) IR luminous galaxies spanning $z=0.5-3$ from GOODS and Spitzer xFLS ($L_{rm IR}>10^{11},L_odot$). All samples have Spitzer mid-IR spectra, and Herschel and ground-based submillimeter imaging covering the full IR spectral energy distribution, allowing us to robustly measure $L_{rm IR}^{rmscriptscriptstyle SF}$, $T_{rm dust}$, and $M_{rm dust}$ for every galaxy. Despite similar infrared luminosities, $z>0.5$ dusty star forming galaxies have a factor of 5 higher dust masses and 5K colder temperatures. The increase in dust mass is linked with an increase in the gas fractions with redshift, and we do not observe a similar increase in stellar mass or star formation efficiency. $L_{160}^{rmscriptscriptstyle SF}/L_{70}^{rmscriptscriptstyle SF}$, a proxy for $T_{rm dust}$, is strongly correlated with $L_{rm IR}^{rmscriptscriptstyle SF}/M_{rm dust}$ independently of redshift. We measure merger classification and galaxy size for a subsample, and there is no obvious correlation between these parameters and $L_{rm IR}^{rm scriptscriptstyle SF}/M_{rm dust}$ or $L_{160}^{rmscriptscriptstyle SF}/L_{70}^{rmscriptscriptstyle SF}$. In dusty star forming galaxies, the change in $L_{rm IR}^{rmscriptscriptstyle SF}/M_{rm dust}$ can fully account for the observed colder dust temperatures, suggesting that any change in the spatial extent of the interstellar medium is a second order effect.
We apply The Tractor image modeling code to improve upon existing multi-band photometry for the Spitzer Extragalactic Representative Volume Survey (SERVS). SERVS consists of post-cryogenic Spitzer observations at 3.6 and 4.5 micron over five well-stu died deep fields spanning 18 square degrees. In concert with data from ground-based near-infrared (NIR) and optical surveys, SERVS aims to provide a census of the properties of massive galaxies out to z ~ 5. To accomplish this, we are using The Tractor to perform forced photometry. This technique employs prior measurements of source positions and surface brightness profiles from a high-resolution fiducial band from the VISTA Deep Extragalactic Observations (VIDEO) survey to model and fit the fluxes at lower-resolution bands. We discuss our implementation of The Tractor over a square degree test region within the XMM-LSS field with deep imaging in 12 NIR/optical bands. Our new multi-band source catalogs offer a number of advantages over traditional position-matched catalogs, including 1) consistent source cross-identification between bands, 2) de-blending of sources that are clearly resolved in the fiducial band but blended in the lower-resolution SERVS data, 3) a higher source detection fraction in each band, 4) a larger number of candidate galaxies in the redshift range 5 < z < 6, and 5) a statistically significant improvement in the photometric redshift accuracy as evidenced by the significant decrease in the fraction of outliers compared to spectroscopic redshifts. Thus, forced photometry using The Tractor offers a means of improving the accuracy of multi-band extragalactic surveys designed for galaxy evolution studies. We will extend our application of this technique to the full SERVS footprint in the future.
We characterize infrared spectral energy distributions of 343 (Ultra) Luminous Infrared Galaxies from $z=0.3-2.8$. We diagnose the presence of an AGN by decomposing individual Spitzer mid-IR spectroscopy into emission from star-formation and an AGN-p owered continuum; we classify sources as star-forming galaxies (SFGs), AGN, or composites. Composites comprise 30% of our sample and are prevalent at faint and bright $S_{24}$, making them an important source of IR AGN emission. We combine spectroscopy with multiwavelength photometry, including Herschel imaging, to create three libraries of publicly available templates (2-1000 $mu$m). We fit the far-IR emission using a two temperature modified blackbody to measure cold and warm dust temperatures ($T_c$ and $T_w$). We find that $T_c$ does not depend on mid-IR classification, while $T_w$ shows a notable increase as the AGN grows more luminous. We measure a quadratic relationship between mid-IR AGN emission and total AGN contribution to $L_{rm IR}$. AGN, composites, and SFGs separate in $S_8/S_{3.6}$ and $S_{250}/S_{24}$, providing a useful diagnostic for estimating relative amounts of these sources. We estimate that >40% of IR selected samples host an AGN, even at faint selection thresholds ($S_{24}$>100 $mu$Jy). Our decomposition technique and color diagnostics are relevant given upcoming observations with the James Webb Space Telescope.
We study the environments of 49 WISE/NVSS-selected dusty, hyper-luminous, z~2 quasars using the Atacama Large Millimeter/Sub-millimeter Array (ALMA) 345GHz images. We find that 17 of the 49 WISE/NVSS sources show additional sub-mm galaxies within the ALMA primary beam, probing scales within ~150 kpc. We find a total of 23 additional sub-mm sources, four of which in the field of a single WISE/NVSS source. The measured 870 um source counts are ~10 times expectations for unbiased regions, suggesting such hyper-luminous dusty quasars are excellent at probing high-density peaks.
119 - Mark Lacy 2015
We present luminosity functions derived from a spectroscopic survey of AGN selected from Spitzer Space Telescope imaging surveys. Selection in the mid-infrared is significantly less affected by dust obscuration. We can thus compare the luminosity fun ctions of the obscured and unobscured AGN in a more reliable fashion than by using optical or X-ray data alone. We find that the AGN luminosity function can be well described by a broken power-law model in which the break luminosity decreases with redshift. At high redshifts ($z>1.6$), we find significantly more AGN at a given bolometric luminosity than found by either optical quasar surveys or hard X-ray surveys. The fraction of obscured AGN decreases rapidly with increasing AGN luminosity, but, at least at high redshifts, appears to remain at $approx 50$% even at bolometric luminosities $sim 10^{14}L_{odot}$. The data support a picture in which the obscured and unobscured populations evolve differently, with some evidence that high luminosity obscured quasars peak in space density at a higher redshift than their unobscured counterparts. The amount of accretion energy in the Universe estimated from this work suggests that AGN contribute about 12% to the total radiation intensity of the Universe, and a high radiative accretion efficiency $approx 0.18^{+0.12}_{-0.07}$ is required to match current estimates of the local mass density in black holes.
75 - Noah Kurinsky 2012
We report multiple epoch VLA/JVLA observations of 89 northern hemisphere sources, most with 37,GHz flux density > 1 Jy, observed at 4.8, 8.5, 33.5, and 43.3 GHz. The high frequency selection leads to a predominantly flat spectrum sample, with 85% of our sources being in the Planck Early Release Compact Source Catalog (ERCSC). These observations allow us to: 1) validate Plancks 30 and 44 GHz flux density scale, 2) extend the radio SEDs of Planck sources to lower frequencies allowing for the full 5-857GHz regime to be studied, and 3) characterize the variability of these sources. At 30 GHz and 44 GHz, the JVLA and Planck flux densities agree to within 3%. On timescales of less than two months the median variability of our sources is 2%. On timescales of about a year the median variability increases to 14%. Using the WMAP 7-year data, the 30 GHz median variability on a 1-6 years timescale is 16%.
90 - Mark Lacy 2012
We present preliminary results on fitting of SEDs to 142 z>1 quasars selected in the mid-infrared. Our quasar selection finds objects ranging in extinction from highly obscured, type-2 quasars, through more lightly reddened type-1 quasars and normal type-1s. We find a weak tendency for the objects with the highest far-infrared emission to be obscured quasars, but no bulk systematic offset between the far-infrared properties of dusty and normal quasars as might be expected in the most naive evolutionary schemes. The hosts of the type-2 quasars have stellar masses comparable to those of radio galaxies at similar redshifts. Many of the type-1s, and possibly one of the type-2s require a very hot dust component in addition to the normal torus emission.

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