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Offline reinforcement learning proposes to learn policies from large collected datasets without interacting with the physical environment. These algorithms have made it possible to learn useful skills from data that can then be deployed in the enviro nment in real-world settings where interactions may be costly or dangerous, such as autonomous driving or factories. However, current algorithms overfit to the dataset they are trained on and exhibit poor out-of-distribution generalization to the environment when deployed. In this paper, we study the effectiveness of performing data augmentations on the state space, and study 7 different augmentation schemes and how they behave with existing offline RL algorithms. We then combine the best data performing augmentation scheme with a state-of-the-art Q-learning technique, and improve the function approximation of the Q-networks by smoothening out the learned state-action space. We experimentally show that using this Surprisingly Simple Self-Supervision technique in RL (S4RL), we significantly improve over the current state-of-the-art algorithms on offline robot learning environments such as MetaWorld [1] and RoboSuite [2,3], and benchmark datasets such as D4RL [4].
Self-supervised goal proposal and reaching is a key component for exploration and efficient policy learning algorithms. Such a self-supervised approach without access to any oracle goal sampling distribution requires deep exploration and commitment s o that long horizon plans can be efficiently discovered. In this paper, we propose an exploration framework, which learns a dynamics-aware manifold of reachable states. For a goal, our proposed method deterministically visits a state at the current frontier of reachable states (commitment/reaching) and then stochastically explores to reach the goal (exploration). This allocates exploration budget near the frontier of the reachable region instead of its interior. We target the challenging problem of policy learning from initial and goal states specified as images, and do not assume any access to the underlying ground-truth states of the robot and the environment. To keep track of reachable latent states, we propose a distance-conditioned reachability network that is trained to infer whether one state is reachable from another within the specified latent space distance. Given an initial state, we obtain a frontier of reachable states from that state. By incorporating a curriculum for sampling easier goals (closer to the start state) before more difficult goals, we demonstrate that the proposed self-supervised exploration algorithm, superior performance compared to existing baselines on a set of challenging robotic environments.https://sites.google.com/view/leaf-exploration
Unsupervised landmark learning is the task of learning semantic keypoint-like representations without the use of expensive input keypoint-level annotations. A popular approach is to factorize an image into a pose and appearance data stream, then to r econstruct the image from the factorized components. The pose representation should capture a set of consistent and tightly localized landmarks in order to facilitate reconstruction of the input image. Ultimately, we wish for our learned landmarks to focus on the foreground object of interest. However, the reconstruction task of the entire image forces the model to allocate landmarks to model the background. This work explores the effects of factorizing the reconstruction task into separate foreground and background reconstructions, conditioning only the foreground reconstruction on the unsupervised landmarks. Our experiments demonstrate that the proposed factorization results in landmarks that are focused on the foreground object of interest. Furthermore, the rendered background quality is also improved, as the background rendering pipeline no longer requires the ill-suited landmarks to model its pose and appearance. We demonstrate this improvement in the context of the video-prediction task.
Deep neural networks (DNNs) frequently contain far more weights, represented at a higher precision, than are required for the specific task which they are trained to perform. Consequently, they can often be compressed using techniques such as weight pruning and quantization that reduce both the model size and inference time without appreciable loss in accuracy. However, finding the best compression strategy and corresponding target sparsity for a given DNN, hardware platform, and optimization objective currently requires expensive, frequently manual, trial-and-error experimentation. In this paper, we introduce a programmable system for model compression called Condensa. Users programmatically compose simple operators, in Python, to build more complex and practically interesting compression strategies. Given a strategy and user-provided objective (such as minimization of running time), Condensa uses a novel Bayesian optimization-based algorithm to automatically infer desirable sparsities. Our experiments on four real-world DNNs demonstrate memory footprint and hardware runtime throughput improvements of 188x and 2.59x, respectively, using at most ten samples per search. We have released a reference implementation of Condensa at https://github.com/NVlabs/condensa.
The fundamental challenge of planning for multi-step manipulation is to find effective and plausible action sequences that lead to the task goal. We present Cascaded Variational Inference (CAVIN) Planner, a model-based method that hierarchically gene rates plans by sampling from latent spaces. To facilitate planning over long time horizons, our method learns latent representations that decouple the prediction of high-level effects from the generation of low-level motions through cascaded variational inference. This enables us to model dynamics at two different levels of temporal resolutions for hierarchical planning. We evaluate our approach in three multi-step robotic manipulation tasks in cluttered tabletop environments given high-dimensional observations. Empirical results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art model-based methods by strategically interacting with multiple objects.
Prediction and interpolation for long-range video data involves the complex task of modeling motion trajectories for each visible object, occlusions and dis-occlusions, as well as appearance changes due to viewpoint and lighting. Optical flow based t echniques generalize but are suitable only for short temporal ranges. Many methods opt to project the video frames to a low dimensional latent space, achieving long-range predictions. However, these latent representations are often non-interpretable, and therefore difficult to manipulate. This work poses video prediction and interpolation as unsupervised latent structure inference followed by a temporal prediction in this latent space. The latent representations capture foreground semantics without explicit supervision such as keypoints or poses. Further, as each landmark can be mapped to a coordinate indicating where a semantic part is positioned, we can reliably interpolate within the coordinate domain to achieve predictable motion interpolation. Given an image decoder capable of mapping these landmarks back to the image domain, we are able to achieve high-quality long-range video interpolation and extrapolation by operating on the landmark representation space.
Tool manipulation is vital for facilitating robots to complete challenging task goals. It requires reasoning about the desired effect of the task and thus properly grasping and manipulating the tool to achieve the task. Task-agnostic grasping optimiz es for grasp robustness while ignoring crucial task-specific constraints. In this paper, we propose the Task-Oriented Grasping Network (TOG-Net) to jointly optimize both task-oriented grasping of a tool and the manipulation policy for that tool. The training process of the model is based on large-scale simulated self-supervision with procedurally generated tool objects. We perform both simulated and real-world experiments on two tool-based manipulation tasks: sweeping and hammering. Our model achieves overall 71.1% task success rate for sweeping and 80.0% task success rate for hammering. Supplementary material is available at: bit.ly/task-oriented-grasp
Model-free policy learning has enabled robust performance of complex tasks with relatively simple algorithms. However, this simplicity comes at the cost of requiring an Oracle and arguably very poor sample complexity. This renders such methods unsuit able for physical systems. Variants of model-based methods address this problem through the use of simulators, however, this gives rise to the problem of policy transfer from simulated to the physical system. Model mismatch due to systematic parameter shift and unmodelled dynamics error may cause sub-optimal or unsafe behavior upon direct transfer. We introduce the Adaptive Policy Transfer for Stochastic Dynamics (ADAPT) algorithm that achieves provably safe and robust, dynamically-feasible zero-shot transfer of RL-policies to new domains with dynamics error. ADAPT combines the strengths of offline policy learning in a black-box source simulator with online tube-based MPC to attenuate bounded model mismatch between the source and target dynamics. ADAPT allows online transfer of policy, trained solely in a simulation offline, to a family of unknown targets without fine-tuning. We also formally show that (i) ADAPT guarantees state and control safety through state-action tubes under the assumption of Lipschitz continuity of the divergence in dynamics and, (ii) ADAPT results in a bounded loss of reward accumulation relative to a policy trained and evaluated in the source environment. We evaluate ADAPT on 2 continuous, non-holonomic simulated dynamical systems with 4 different disturbance models, and find that ADAPT performs between 50%-300% better on mean reward accrual than direct policy transfer.

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