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Recent work on speech self-supervised learning (speech SSL) demonstrated the benefits of scale in learning rich and transferable representations for Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) with limited parallel data. It is then natural to investigate the existence of sparse and transferrable subnetworks in pre-trained speech SSL models that can achieve even better low-resource ASR performance. However, directly applying widely adopted pruning methods such as the Lottery Ticket Hypothesis (LTH) is suboptimal in the computational cost needed. Moreover, contrary to what LTH predicts, the discovered subnetworks yield minimal performance gain compared to the original dense network. In this work, we propose Prune-Adjust- Re-Prune (PARP), which discovers and finetunes subnetworks for much better ASR performance, while only requiring a single downstream finetuning run. PARP is inspired by our surprising observation that subnetworks pruned for pre-training tasks only needed to be slightly adjusted to achieve a sizeable performance boost in downstream ASR tasks. Extensive experiments on low-resource English and multi-lingual ASR show (1) sparse subnetworks exist in pre-trained speech SSL, and (2) the computational advantage and performance gain of PARP over baseline pruning methods. On the 10min Librispeech split without LM decoding, PARP discovers subnetworks from wav2vec 2.0 with an absolute 10.9%/12.6% WER decrease compared to the full model. We demonstrate PARP mitigates performance degradation in cross-lingual mask transfer, and investigate the possibility of discovering a single subnetwork for 10 spoken languages in one run.
Recent advances in representation learning have demonstrated an ability to represent information from different modalities such as video, text, and audio in a single high-level embedding vector. In this work we present a self-supervised learning fram ework that is able to learn a representation that captures finer levels of granularity across different modalities such as concepts or events represented by visual objects or spoken words. Our framework relies on a discretized embedding space created via vector quantization that is shared across different modalities. Beyond the shared embedding space, we propose a Cross-Modal Code Matching objective that forces the representations from different views (modalities) to have a similar distribution over the discrete embedding space such that cross-modal objects/actions localization can be performed without direct supervision. In our experiments we show that the proposed discretized multi-modal fine-grained representation (e.g., pixel/word/frame) can complement high-level summary representations (e.g., video/sentence/waveform) for improved performance on cross-modal retrieval tasks. We also observe that the discretized representation uses individual clusters to represent the same semantic concept across modalities.
Self-supervised speech representations have been shown to be effective in a variety of speech applications. However, existing representation learning methods generally rely on the autoregressive model and/or observed global dependencies while generat ing the representation. In this work, we propose Non-Autoregressive Predictive Coding (NPC), a self-supervised method, to learn a speech representation in a non-autoregressive manner by relying only on local dependencies of speech. NPC has a conceptually simple objective and can be implemented easily with the introduced Masked Convolution Blocks. NPC offers a significant speedup for inference since it is parallelizable in time and has a fixed inference time for each time step regardless of the input sequence length. We discuss and verify the effectiveness of NPC by theoretically and empirically comparing it with other methods. We show that the NPC representation is comparable to other methods in speech experiments on phonetic and speaker classification while being more efficient.
Speech translation (ST) aims to learn transformations from speech in the source language to the text in the target language. Previous works show that multitask learning improves the ST performance, in which the recognition decoder generates the text of the source language, and the translation decoder obtains the final translations based on the output of the recognition decoder. Because whether the output of the recognition decoder has the correct semantics is more critical than its accuracy, we propose to improve the multitask ST model by utilizing word embedding as the intermediate.
Recently, end-to-end multi-speaker text-to-speech (TTS) systems gain success in the situation where a lot of high-quality speech plus their corresponding transcriptions are available. However, laborious paired data collection processes prevent many i nstitutes from building multi-speaker TTS systems of great performance. In this work, we propose a semi-supervised learning approach for multi-speaker TTS. A multi-speaker TTS model can learn from the untranscribed audio via the proposed encoder-decoder framework with discrete speech representation. The experiment results demonstrate that with only an hour of paired speech data, no matter the paired data is from multiple speakers or a single speaker, the proposed model can generate intelligible speech in different voices. We found the model can benefit from the proposed semi-supervised learning approach even when part of the unpaired speech data is noisy. In addition, our analysis reveals that different speaker characteristics of the paired data have an impact on the effectiveness of semi-supervised TTS.
Whispering is an important mode of human speech, but no end-to-end recognition results for it were reported yet, probably due to the scarcity of available whispered speech data. In this paper, we present several approaches for end-to-end (E2E) recogn ition of whispered speech considering the special characteristics of whispered speech and the scarcity of data. This includes a frequency-weighted SpecAugment policy and a frequency-divided CNN feature extractor for better capturing the high-frequency structures of whispered speech, and a layer-wise transfer learning approach to pre-train a model with normal or normal-to-whispered converted speech then fine-tune it with whispered speech to bridge the gap between whispered and normal speech. We achieve an overall relative reduction of 19.8% in PER and 44.4% in CER on a relatively small whispered TIMIT corpus. The results indicate as long as we have a good E2E model pre-trained on normal or pseudo-whispered speech, a relatively small set of whispered speech may suffice to obtain a reasonably good E2E whispered speech recognizer.
In this paper, we investigate the benefit that off-the-shelf word embedding can bring to the sequence-to-sequence (seq-to-seq) automatic speech recognition (ASR). We first introduced the word embedding regularization by maximizing the cosine similari ty between a transformed decoder feature and the target word embedding. Based on the regularized decoder, we further proposed the fused decoding mechanism. This allows the decoder to consider the semantic consistency during decoding by absorbing the information carried by the transformed decoder feature, which is learned to be close to the target word embedding. Initial results on LibriSpeech demonstrated that pre-trained word embedding can significantly lower ASR recognition error with a negligible cost, and the choice of word embedding algorithms among Skip-gram, CBOW and BERT is important.
In this paper we propose a Sequential Representation Quantization AutoEncoder (SeqRQ-AE) to learn from primarily unpaired audio data and produce sequences of representations very close to phoneme sequences of speech utterances. This is achieved by pr oper temporal segmentation to make the representations phoneme-synchronized, and proper phonetic clustering to have total number of distinct representations close to the number of phonemes. Mapping between the distinct representations and phonemes is learned from a small amount of annotated paired data. Preliminary experiments on LJSpeech demonstrated the learned representations for vowels have relative locations in latent space in good parallel to that shown in the IPA vowel chart defined by linguistics experts. With less than 20 minutes of annotated speech, our method outperformed existing methods on phoneme recognition and is able to synthesize intelligible speech that beats our baseline model.
In this paper we proposed a novel Adversarial Training (AT) approach for end-to-end speech recognition using a Criticizing Language Model (CLM). In this way the CLM and the automatic speech recognition (ASR) model can challenge and learn from each ot her iteratively to improve the performance. Since the CLM only takes the text as input, huge quantities of unpaired text data can be utilized in this approach within end-to-end training. Moreover, AT can be applied to any end-to-end ASR model using any deep-learning-based language modeling frameworks, and compatible with any existing end-to-end decoding method. Initial results with an example experimental setup demonstrated the proposed approach is able to gain consistent improvements efficiently from auxiliary text data under different scenarios.
We present a novel and unified deep learning framework which is capable of learning domain-invariant representation from data across multiple domains. Realized by adversarial training with additional ability to exploit domain-specific information, th e proposed network is able to perform continuous cross-domain image translation and manipulation, and produces desirable output images accordingly. In addition, the resulting feature representation exhibits superior performance of unsupervised domain adaptation, which also verifies the effectiveness of the proposed model in learning disentangled features for describing cross-domain data.

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