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We present a unifying picture of the magnetic in-plane anisotropies of two-dimensional superconductors based on transition metal dichalcogenides. The symmetry considerations are first applied to constrain the form of the conductivity tensor. We hence conclude that the two-fold periodicity of transport distinct from the planar Hall related contributions requires a tensor perturbation. At the same time, the six-fold periodic variation of the critical field results from the Rashba spin-orbit coupling on a hexagonal lattice. We have considered the effect of a weak tensor perturbation on the critical field, gap function, and magneto-conductivity. The latter is studied using the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau phenomenology. The common origin of the two-fold anisotropy in transport and thermodynamics properties is identified. The scheme constructed here is applied to describe the existing theoretical scenarios from a unified point of view. This allows us to single out the differences and similarities between the suggested approaches.
We study frequency dependent noise of a suspended carbon nanotube quantum dot nanoelectromechanical resonator induced by electron-vibration coupling. By using rigorous Keldysh diagrammatic technique, we build a formal framework to connect the vibrati on properties and the electrical measurement. We find that the noise power spectrum has a narrow resonant peak at the frequency of vibrational modes. This fine structure feature disappears due to a coherent cancellation effect when tuning tunneling barriers to a symmetric point. We note that measuring the electrical current noise spectra provides an alternative and ultra-sensitive detection method for determining the damping and dephasing of the quantum vibration modes.
We present a detailed theoretical analysis for the spectral properties of Andreev bound states in the multiterminal Josephson junctions by employing a symmetry-constrained scattering matrix approach. We find that in the synthetic five-dimensional spa ce of superconducting phases, crossings of Andreev bands may support the non-Abelian $SU(2)$ monopoles with a topological charge characterized by the second class Chern number. We propose that these topological defects can be detected via nonlinear response measurement of the current autocorrelations. In addition, multiterminal Josephson junction devices can be tested as a hardware platform for realizing holonomic quantum computation.
We investigate the impact of geometric constriction on the viscous flow of electron liquid through quantum point contacts. We provide analysis on the electric potential distribution given the setup of a slit configuration and use the method of confor mal mapping to obtain analytical results. The potential profile can be tested and contrasted experimentally with the scanning tunneling potentiometry technique. We discuss intricate physics that underlies the Gurzhi effect, i.e. the enhancement of conductivity in the viscous flow, and calculate the temperature dependence of the momentum relaxation time as a result of impurity assisted quasi-ballistic interference effects. We caution that spatially inhomogeneous profiles of current in the Gurzhi crossover between Ohmic and Stokes flows might also appear in the non-hydrodynamic regime where non-locality plays an important role.
We consider a problem of superconductivity coexistence with the spin-density-wave order in disordered multiband metals. It is assumed that random variations of the disorder potential on short length scales render the interactions between electrons to develop spatial correlations. As a consequence, both superconducting and magnetic order parameters become spatially inhomogeneous and are described by the universal phenomenological quantities, whereas all the microscopic details are encoded in the correlation function of the coupling strength fluctuations. We consider a minimal model with two nested two-dimensional Fermi surfaces and disorder potentials which include both intra- and inter-band scattering. The model is analyzed using the quasiclassical approach to show that short-scale pairing-potential disorder leads to a broadening of the coexistence region.
We present a systematic microscopic derivation of the semiclassical Boltzmann equation for band structures with the finite Berry curvature based on Keldysh technique of nonequilibrium systems. In the analysis, an ac electrical driving field is kept u p to quadratic order, and both cases of small and large frequencies corresponding to intra- and interband transitions are considered. In particular, this formulation is suitable for the study of nonlinear Hall effect and photogalvanic phenomena. The role of impurity scattering is carefully addressed. Specifically, in addition to previously studied side-jump and skew-scattering processes, quantum interference diffractive contributions are now explicitly incorporated within the developed framework. This theory is applied to multifold fermions in topological semimetals, for which the generic formula for the skew scattering rate from the Pancharatnam phase is obtained along with the corresponding anomalous Hall conductivity.
In this work we discuss extensions of the pioneering analysis by Dzyaloshinskii and Larkin of correlation functions for one-dimensional Fermi systems, focusing on the effects of quasiparticle relaxation enabled by a nonlinear dispersion. Throughout t he work we employ both, the weakly interacting Fermi gas picture and nonlinear Luttinger liquid theory to describe attenuation of excitations and explore the fermion-boson duality between both approaches. Special attention is devoted to the role of spin-exchange processes, effects of interaction screening, and integrability. Thermalization rates for electron- and hole-like quasiparticles, as well as the decay rate of collective plasmon excitations and the momentum space mobility of spin excitations are calculated for various temperature regimes. The phenomenon of spin-charge drag is considered and the corresponding momentum transfer rate is determined. We further discuss how momentum relaxation due to several competing mechanisms, viz. triple electron collisions, electron-phonon scattering, and long-range inhomogeneities affect transport properties, and highlight energy transfer facilitated by plasmons from the perspective of the inhomogeneous Luttinger liquid model. Finally, we derive the full matrix of thermoelectric coefficients at the quantum critical point of the first conductance plateau transition, and address magnetoconductance in ballistic semiconductor nanowires with strong Rashba spin-orbit coupling.
In this communication we consider generalities of the proximity effect in a contact between a conventional $s$-wave superconductor (S) nano-island and a thin film of a topological insulator (TI). A local hybridization coupling mechanism is considered and a corresponding model is corroborated that captures not only the induced unconventional superconductivity in a TI, but also predicts the spreading of topologically protected surface states into the superconducting over-layer. This dual nature of the proximity effect leads specifically to a modified description of topological superconductivity in these systems. Experimentally accessible signatures of this phenomenon are discussed in the context of scanning tunneling microscopy measurements. For this purpose an effective density of states is computed in both the superconductor and topological insulator. As a guiding example, practical applications are made for Nb islands deposited on a surface of Bi$_2$Se$_3$. The obtained results are general and can be applied beyond the particular material system used. Possible implications of these results to proximity circuits and hybrid hardware devices for quantum computation processing are discussed.
Recent high-precision measurements employing different experimental techniques have unveiled an anomalous peak in the doping dependence of the London penetration depth which is accompanied by anomalies in the heat capacity in iron-pnictide supercondu ctors at the optimal composition associated with the hidden antiferromagnetic quantum critical point. We argue that finite temperature effects can be a cause of observed features. Specifically we show that quantum critical magnetic fluctuations under superconducting dome can give rise to a nodal-like temperature dependence of both specific heat and magnetic penetration depth in a fully gapped superconductor. In the presence of line nodes in the superconducting gap fluctuations can lead to the significant renormalization of the relative slope of $T$-linear penetration depth which is steepest at the quantum critical point. The results we obtain are general and can be applied beyond the model we use.
In this work we consider the hydrodynamic behavior of a coupled electron-phonon fluid, focusing on electronic transport under the conditions of strong phonon drag. This regime occurs when the rate of phonon equilibration due to e.g. umklapp scatterin g is much slower than the rate of normal electron-phonon collisions. Then phonons and electrons form a coupled out-of-equilibrium state where the total quasi-momentum of the electron-phonon fluid is conserved. A joint flow-velocity emerges as a collective hydrodynamic variable. We derive the equation of motion for this fluid from the underlying microscopic kinetic theory and elucidate its effective viscosity and thermal conductivity. In particular, we derive decay times of arbitrary harmonics of the distribution function and reveal its corresponding super-diffusive relaxation on the Fermi surface. We further consider several applications of this theory to magneto-transport properties in the Hall-bar and Corbino-disk geometries, relevant to experiments. In our analysis we allow for general boundary conditions that cover the crossover from no-slip to no-stress flows. Our approach also covers a crossover from the Stokes to the Ohmic regime under the conditions of the Gurzhi effect. In addition, we consider the frequency dependence of the surface impedance and non-equilibrium noise. For the latter, we notice that in the diffusive regime, a Fokker-Planck approximation, applied to the electron-phonon collision integral in the Eliashberg form, reduces it to a differential operator with Burgers nonlinearity. As a result, the non-equilibrium distribution function has a shock-wave structure in the energy domain. The consequence of this behavior for the Fano factor of the noise is investigated. In conclusion we discuss connections and limitations of our results in the context of recent electron-phonon drag measurements in Dirac and Weyl semimetals.

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