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Stereo-based depth estimation is a cornerstone of computer vision, with state-of-the-art methods delivering accurate results in real time. For several applications such as autonomous navigation, however, it may be useful to trade accuracy for lower l atency. We present Bi3D, a method that estimates depth via a series of binary classifications. Rather than testing if objects are at a particular depth $D$, as existing stereo methods do, it classifies them as being closer or farther than $D$. This property offers a powerful mechanism to balance accuracy and latency. Given a strict time budget, Bi3D can detect objects closer than a given distance in as little as a few milliseconds, or estimate depth with arbitrarily coarse quantization, with complexity linear with the number of quantization levels. Bi3D can also use the allotted quantization levels to get continuous depth, but in a specific depth range. For standard stereo (i.e., continuous depth on the whole range), our method is close to or on par with state-of-the-art, finely tuned stereo methods.
We present Extreme View Synthesis, a solution for novel view extrapolation that works even when the number of input images is small--as few as two. In this context, occlusions and depth uncertainty are two of the most pressing issues, and worsen as t he degree of extrapolation increases. We follow the traditional paradigm of performing depth-based warping and refinement, with a few key improvements. First, we estimate a depth probability volume, rather than just a single depth value for each pixel of the novel view. This allows us to leverage depth uncertainty in challenging regions, such as depth discontinuities. After using it to get an initial estimate of the novel view, we explicitly combine learned image priors and the depth uncertainty to synthesize a refined image with less artifacts. Our method is the first to show visually pleasing results for baseline magnifications of up to 30X.

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