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Reduced order modeling (ROM) is a field of techniques that approximates complex physics-based models of real-world processes by inexpensive surrogates that capture important dynamical characteristics with a smaller number of degrees of freedom. Tradi tional ROM techniques such as proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) focus on linear projections of the dynamics onto a set of spectral features. In this paper we explore the construction of ROM using autoencoders (AE) that perform nonlinear projections of the system dynamics onto a low dimensional manifold learned from data. The approach uses convolutional neural networks (CNN) to learn spatial features as opposed to spectral, and utilize a physics informed (PI) cost function in order to capture temporal features as well. Our investigation using the quasi-geostrophic equations reveals that while the PI cost function helps with spatial reconstruction, spatial features are less powerful than spectral features, and that construction of ROMs through machine learning-based methods requires significant investigation into novel non-standard methodologies.
Generalized Additive Runge-Kutta schemes have shown to be a suitable tool for solving ordinary differential equations with additively partitioned right-hand sides. This work generalizes these GARK schemes to symplectic GARK schemes for additively par titioned Hamiltonian systems. In a general setting, we derive conditions for symplecticeness, as well as symmetry and time-reversibility. We show how symplectic and symmetric schemes can be constructed based on schemes which are only symplectic. Special attention is given to the special case of partitioned schemes for Hamiltonians split into multiple potential and kinetic energies. Finally we show how symplectic GARK schemes can use efficiently different time scales and evaluation costs for different potentials by using different order for these parts.
Data assimilation is a Bayesian inference process that obtains an enhanced understanding of a physical system of interest by fusing information from an inexact physics-based model, and from noisy sparse observations of reality. The multifidelity ense mble Kalman filter (MFEnKF) recently developed by the authors combines a full-order physical model and a hierarchy of reduced order surrogate models in order to increase the computational efficiency of data assimilation. The standard MFEnKF uses linear couplings between models, and is statistically optimal in case of Gaussian probability densities. This work extends MFEnKF to work with non-linear couplings between the models. Optimal nonlinear projection and interpolation operators are obtained by appropriately trained physics-informed autoencoders, and this approach allows to construct reduced order surrogate models with less error than conventional linear methods. Numerical experiments with the canonical Lorenz 96 model illustrate that nonlinear surrogates perform better than linear projection-based ones in the context of multifidelity filtering.
Many complex applications require the solution of initial-value problems where some components change fast, while others vary slowly. Multirate schemes apply different step sizes to resolve different components of the system, according to their dynam ics, in order to achieve increased computational efficiency. The stiff components of the system, fast or slow, are best discretized with implicit base methods in order to ensure numerical stability. To this end, linearly implicit methods are particularly attractive as they solve only linear systems of equations at each step. This paper develops the Multirate GARK-ROS/ROW (MR-GARK-ROS/ROW) framework for linearly-implicit multirate time integration. The order conditions theory considers both exact and approximative Jacobians. The effectiveness of implicit multirate methods depends on the coupling between the slow and fast computations; an array of efficient coupling strategies and the resulting numerical schemes are analyzed. Multirate infinitesimal step linearly-implicit methods, that allow arbitrarily small micro-steps and offer extreme computational flexibility, are constructed. The new unifying framework includes existing multirate Rosenbrock(-W) methods as particular cases, and opens the possibility to develop new classes of highly effective linearly implicit multirate integrators.
Time integration methods for solving initial value problems are an important component of many scientific and engineering simulations. Implicit time integrators are desirable for their stability properties, significantly relaxing restrictions on time step size. However, implicit methods require solutions to one or more systems of nonlinear equations at each timestep, which for large simulations can be prohibitively expensive. This paper introduces a new family of linearly implicit multistep methods (LIMM), which only requires the solution of one linear system per timestep. Order conditions and stability theory for these methods are presented, as well as design and implementation considerations. Practical methods of order up to five are developed that have similar error coefficients, but improved stability regions, when compared to the widely used BDF methods. Numerical testing of a self-starting variable stepsize and variable order implementation of the new LIMM methods shows measurable performance improvement over a similar BDF implementation.
Systems driven by multiple physical processes are central to many areas of science and engineering. Time discretization of multiphysics systems is challenging, since different processes have different levels of stiffness and characteristic time scale s. The multimethod approach discretizes each physical process with an appropriate numerical method; the methods are coupled appropriately such that the overall solution has the desired accuracy and stability properties. The authors developed the general-structure additive Runge-Kutta (GARK) framework, which constructs multimethods based on Runge-Kutta schemes. This paper constructs the new GARK-ROS/GARK-ROW families of multimethods based on linearly implicit Rosenbrock/Rosenbrock-W schemes. For ordinary differential equation models, we develop a general order condition theory for linearly implicit methods with any number of partitions, using exact or approximate Jacobians. We generalize the order condition theory to two-way partitioned index-1 differential-algebraic equations. Applications of the framework include decoupled linearly implicit, linearly implicit/explicit, and linearly implicit/implicit methods. Practical GARK-ROS and GARK-ROW schemes of order up to four are constructed.
128 - Adrian Sandu 2020
This paper studies fixed-step convergence of implicit-explicit general linear methods. We focus on a subclass of schemes that is internally consistent, has high stage order, and favorable stability properties. Classical, index-1 differential algebrai c equation, and singular perturbation convergence analyses results are given. For all these problems IMEX GLMs from the class of interest converge with the full theoretical orders under general assumptions. The convergence results require the time steps to be sufficiently small, with upper bounds that are independent on the stiffness of the problem.

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