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We show that the Cantor-Bendixson rank of a limit group is finite as well as that of a limit group of a linear group.
We study finitely generated models of countable theories, having at most countably many nonisomorphic finitely generated models. We intro- duce a notion of rank of finitely generated models and we prove, when T has at most countably many nonisomorphi c finitely generated models, that every finitely generated model has an ordinal rank. This rank is used to give a prop- erty of finitely generated models analogue to the Hopf property of groups and also to give a necessary and sufficient condition for a finitely generated model to be prime of its complete theory. We investigate some properties of limit groups of equationally noetherian groups, in respect to their ranks.
A valuated group with normal forms is a group with an integer-valued length function satisfying some Lyndons axioms and an additional axiom considered by Hurley. We prove a subgroup theorem for valuated groups with normal forms analogous to Grushko-N eumanns theorem. We study also the CSA property in such groups.

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