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Semiconductor billiards are often considered as ideal systems for studying dynamical chaos in the quantum mechanical limit. In the traditional picture, once the electrons mean free path, as determined by the mobility, becomes larger than the device, disorder is negligible and electron trajectories are shaped by specular reflection from the billiard walls alone. Experimental insight into the electron dynamics is normally obtained by magnetoconductance measurements. A number of recent experimental studies have shown these measurements to be largely independent of the billiards exact shape, and highly dependent on sample-to-sample variations in disorder. In this paper, we discuss these more recent findings within the full historical context of work on semiconductor billiards, and offer strong evidence that small-angle scattering at the sub-100 nm length-scale dominates transport in these devices, with important implications for the role these devices can play for experimental tests of ideas in quantum chaos.
We report the observation of Kondo physics in a spin- 3/2 hole quantum dot. The dot is formed close to pinch-off in a hole quantum wire defined in an undoped AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructure. We clearly observe two distinctive hallmarks of quantum dot Kon do physics. First, the Zeeman spin-splitting of the zero-bias peak in the differential conductance is independent of gate voltage. Second, this splitting is twice as large as the splitting for the lowest one-dimensional subband. We show that the Zeeman splitting of the zero-bias peak is highly-anisotropic, and attribute this to the strong spin-orbit interaction for holes in GaAs.
The hysteresis observed in the magnetoresistance of bilayer 2D systems in the quantum Hall regime is generally attributed to the long time constant for charge transfer between the 2D systems due to the very low conductivity of the quantum Hall bulk s tates. We report electrometry measurements of a bilayer 2D system that demonstrate that the hysteresis is instead due to non-equilibrium induced current. This finding is consistent with magnetometry and electrometry measurements of single 2D systems, and has important ramifications for understanding hysteresis in bilayer 2D systems.
We discuss the development of a sensitive electrometer that utilizes a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in the quantum Hall regime. As a demonstration, we measure the evolution of the Landau levels in a second, nearby 2DEG as the applied perpendic ular magnetic field is changed, and extract an effective mass for electrons in GaAs that agrees within experimental error with previous measurements.
We have fabricated and characterized a single hole transistor in an undoped AlGaAs-GaAs heterostructure. Our device consists of a p-type quantum dot, populated using an electric field rather than modulation doping. Low temperature transport measureme nts reveal periodic conductance oscillations due to Coulomb blockade. We find that the low frequency charge noise is comparable to that in modulation-doped GaAs single electron transistors (SETs), and almost an order of magnitude better than in silicon SETs.
We study the Zeeman spin-splitting in hole quantum wires oriented along the $[011]$ and $[01bar{1}]$ crystallographic axes of a high mobility undoped (100)-oriented AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructure. Our data shows that the spin-splitting can be switched ` on (finite $g^{*}$) or `off (zero $g^{*}$) by rotating the field from a parallel to a perpendicular orientation with respect to the wire, and the properties of the wire are identical for the two orientations with respect to the crystallographic axes. We also find that the $g$-factor in the parallel orientation decreases as the wire is narrowed. This is in contrast to electron quantum wires, where the $g$-factor is enhanced by exchange effects as the wire is narrowed. This is evidence for a $k$-dependent Zeeman splitting that arises from the spin-3/2 nature of holes.
The use of a nearby metallic ground-plane to limit the range of the Coulomb interactions between carriers is a useful approach in studying the physics of two-dimensional (2D) systems. This approach has been used to study Wigner crystallization of ele ctrons on the surface of liquid helium, and most recently, the insulating and metallic states of semiconductor-based two-dimensional systems. In this paper, we perform calculations of the screening effect of one 2D system on another and show that a 2D system is at least as effective as a metal in screening Coulomb interactions. We also show that the recent observation of the reduced effect of the ground-plane when the 2D system is in the metallic regime is due to intralayer screening.
165 - A.P. Micolich 2008
YouTube (http://www.youtube.com) is an online, public-access video-sharing site that allows users to post short streaming-video submissions for open viewing. Along with Google, MySpace, Facebook, etc. it is one of the great success stories of the Int ernet, and is widely used by many of todays undergraduate students. The higher education sector has recently realised the potential of YouTube for presenting teaching resources/material to students, and publicising research. This article considers another potential use for online video archiving websites such as YouTube and GoogleVideo in higher education - as an online video archive providing thousands of hours of video footage for use in lectures. In this article I will discuss why this might be useful, present some examples that demonstrate the potential for YouTube as a teaching resource, and highlight some of the copyright and legal issues that currently impact on the effective use of new online video websites, such as YouTube, for use as a teaching resource.
We have developed a technique utilizing a double quantum well heterostructure that allows us to study the effect of a nearby ground-plane on the metallic behavior in a GaAs two-dimensional hole system (2DHS) in a single sample and measurement cool-do wn, thereby maintaining a constant disorder potential. In contrast to recent measurements of the effect of ground-plane screening of the long-range Coulomb interaction in the insulating regime, we find surprisingly little effect on the metallic behavior when we change the distance between the 2DHS and the nearby ground-plane.
In a recent manuscript (arXiv:0710.4917v2), Jones-Smith et al. attempt to use the well-established box-counting technique for fractal analysis to demonstrate conclusively that fractal criteria are not useful for authentication. Here, in response to w hat we view to be an extremely simplistic misrepresentation of our earlier work by Jones-Smith et al., we reiterate our position regarding the potential of fractal analysis for artwork authentication. We also point out some of the flaws in the analysis presented in by Jones-Smith et al.

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