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Massive young stellar objects (YSOs), like low-mass YSOs, are thought to be surrounded by optically thick envelopes and/or discs and are observed to have associated regions that produce polarized light at near-infrared wavelengths. These polarized re gions are thought to be lower-density outflows along the polar axes of the YSO envelopes. Using the 0.2 arcsec spatial resolution of the Near-Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer on the Hubble Space Telescope we are examining the structure of the envelopes and outflow regions of massive YSOs in star-forming regions within a few kpc of the Sun. Here we report on 2 micron polarimetry of Mon R2-IRS3, S140-IRS1, and AFGL 2591. All three sources contain YSOs with highly-polarized monopolar outflows, with Mon R2-IRS3 containing at least two YSOs in a small cluster. The central stars of all four YSOs are also polarized, with position angles perpendicular to the directions of the outflows. We infer that this polarization is due to scattering and absorption by aligned grains. We have modelled our observations of S140-IRS1 and AFGL 2591 as light scattered and absorbed both by spherical grains and by elongated grains that are aligned by magnetic fields. Models that best reproduce the observations have a substantial toroidal component to the magnetic field in the equatorial plane. Moreover, the toroidal magnetic field in the model that best fits AFGL 2591 extends a large fraction of the height of the model cavity, which is 10^5 au. We conclude that the massive YSOs in this study all show evidence of the presence of a substantial toroidal magnetic field.
We have updated our publicly available dust radiative transfer code (HOCHUNK3D) to include new emission processes and various 3-D geometries appropriate for forming stars. The 3-D geometries include warps and spirals in disks, accretion hotspots on t he central star, fractal clumping density enhancements, and misaligned inner disks. Additional axisymmetric (2-D) features include gaps in disks and envelopes, puffed-up inner rims in disks, multiple bipolar cavity walls, and iteration of disk vertical structure assuming hydrostatic equilibrium. We include the option for simple power-law envelope geometry, which combined with fractal clumping, and bipolar cavities, can be used to model evolved stars as well as protostars. We include non-thermal emission from PAHs and very small grains, and external illumination from the interstellar radiation field. The grid structure was modified to allow multiple dust species in each cell; based on this, a simple prescription is implemented to model dust stratification. We describe these features in detail, and show example calculations of each. Some of the more interesting results include the following: 1) Outflow cavities may be more clumpy than infalling envelopes. 2) PAH emission in high-mass stars may be a better indicator of evolutionary stage than the broadband SED slope; and related to this, 3) externally illuminated clumps and high-mass stars in optically thin clouds can masquerade as YSOs. 4) Our hydrostatic equilibrium models suggest that dust settling is likely ubiquitous in T Tauri disks, in agreement with previous observations.
We present new Spitzer/IRS spectra of two hot R Coronae Borealis (RCB) stars, one in the Galaxy,V348 Sgr, and one lying in the LMC, HV 2671. These two objects may constitute a link between the RCB stars and the late Wolf-Rayet ([WCL]) class of centra l stars of planetary nebula (CSPNe) such as CPD -56 8032 that has little or no hydrogen in their atmospheres. HV 2671 and V348 Sgr are members of a rare subclass that has significantly higher effective temperatures than most RCB stars, but sharing the traits of hydrogen deficiency and dust formation that define the cooler RCB stars. The [WC] CSPNe star, CPD -56 8032, displays evidence for dual-dust chemistry showing both PAHs and crystalline silicates in its mid-IR spectrum. HV 2671 shows strong PAH emission but shows no sign of having crystalline silicates. The spectrum of V348 Sgr is very different from those of CPD -56 8032 and HV 2671. The PAH emission seen strongly in the other two stars is not present. Instead, the spectrum is dominated by a broad emission centered at about 8.2 micron. The mid-IR spectrum of CPD -56 8032 shows emission features that may be associated with C60. The other two stars do not show evidence for C60. HV 2671 has also been detected by Herschel/PACS and SPIRE. V348 Sgr and CPD -56 8032 have been detected by AKARI/FIS. These data were combined with Spitzer, IRAS, 2MASS and other photometry to produce their spectral energy distributions from the visible to the far-IR. Monte Carlo radiative transfer modeling was used to study the circumstellar dust around these stars. HV 2671 and CPD -56 8032 require both a flared inner disk with warm dust and an extended diffuse envelope with cold dust to to fit their SEDs. The SED of V348 Sgr can be fit with a much smaller disk and envelope.
85 - David G. Whelan 2011
With high-resolution infrared data becoming available that can probe the formation of high-mass stellar clusters for the first time, models that make testable predictions of these objects are necessary. We utilize a three-dimensional radiative transf er code, including a hierarchically clumped medium, to study the earliest stages of super star cluster evolution. We explore a range of parameter space in geometric sequences that mimic the evolution of an embedded super star cluster. The inclusion of a hierarchically clumped medium can make the envelope porous, in accordance with previous models and supporting observational evidence. The infrared luminosity inferred from observations can differ by a factor of two from the true value in the clumpiest envelopes depending on the viewing angle. The infrared spectral energy distribution also varies with viewing angle for clumpy envelopes, creating a range in possible observable infrared colors and magnitudes, silicate feature depths and dust continua. General observable features of cluster evolution differ between envelopes that are relatively opaque or transparent to mid-infrared photons. The [70]-[160] color can be used to determine star formation efficiency; the Spitzer IRAC/MIPS [8.0]-[24] color is able to constrain Rin and Rout values; and the IRAC [3.6]-[5.8] color is sensitive to the fraction of the dust distributed in clumps. Finally, in a comparison of these models to data of ultracompact HII regions, we find good agreement, suggesting that these models are physically relevant, and will provide useful diagnostic ability for datasets of resolved, embedded SSCs with the advent of high-resolution infrared telescopes like JWST.
We present initial results from a population synthesis model aimed at determining the star formation rate of the Milky-Way. We find that a total star formation rate of 0.68 to 1.45 Msun/yr is able to reproduce the observed number of young stellar obj ects in the Spitzer/IRAC GLIMPSE survey of the Galactic plane, assuming simple prescriptions for the 3D Galactic distributions of YSOs and interstellar dust, and using model SEDs to predict the brightness and color of the synthetic YSOs at different wavelengths. This is the first Galaxy-wide measurement derived from pre-main-sequence objects themselves, rather than global observables such as the total radio continuum, Halpha, or FIR flux. The value obtained is slightly lower than, but generally consistent with previously determined values. We will extend this method in the future to fit the brightness, color, and angular distribution of YSOs, and simultaneously make use of multiple surveys, to place constraints on the input assumptions, and reduce uncertainties in the star formation rate estimate. Ultimately, this will be one of the most accurate methods for determining the Galactic star formation rate, as it makes use of stars of all masses (limited only by sensitivity) rather than solely massive stars or indirect tracers of massive stars.
We report the discovery of six infrared stellar-wind bowshocks in the Galactic massive star formation regions M17 and RCW49 from Spitzer GLIMPSE (Galactic Legacy Infrared Mid-Plane Survey Extraordinaire) images. The InfraRed Array Camera (IRAC) on th e Spitzer Space Telescope clearly resolves the arc-shaped emission produced by the bowshocks. We combine Two Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS), Spitzer, MSX, and IRAS observations to obtain the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of the bowshocks and their individual driving stars. We use the stellar SEDs to estimate the spectral types of the three newly-identified O stars in RCW49 and one previously undiscovered O star in M17. One of the bowshocks in RCW49 reveals the presence of a large-scale flow of gas escaping the H II region at a few 10^2 km/s. Radiation-transfer modeling of the steep rise in the SED of this bowshock toward longer mid-infrared wavelengths indicates that the emission is coming principally from dust heated by the star driving the shock. The other 5 bowshocks occur where the stellar winds of O stars sweep up dust in the expanding H II regions.
We present a list of 552 sources with suspected variability, based on a comparison of mid-infrared photometry from the GLIMPSE I and MSX surveys, which were carried out nearly a decade apart. We were careful to address issues such as the difference i n resolution and sensitivity between the two surveys, as well as the differences in the spectral responses of the instruments. We selected only sources where the IRAC 8.0 and MSX 8.28 micron fluxes differ by more than a factor of two, in order to minimize contamination from sources where the difference in fluxes at 8 micron is due to a strong 10 micron silicate feature. We present a subset of 40 sources for which additional evidence suggests variability, using 2MASS and MIPSGAL data. Based on a comparison with the variability flags in the IRAS and MSX Point-Source Catalogs we estimate that at least a quarter of the 552 sources, and at least half of the 40 sources are truly variable. In addition, we tentatively confirm the variability of one source using multi-epoch IRAS LRS spectra. We suggest that most of the sources in our list are likely to be Asymptotic Giant Branch stars.
186 - Joshua D. Simon 2007
We use Spitzer Space Telescope observations from the Spitzer Survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud (S3MC) to study the young stellar content of N66, the largest and brightest HII region in the SMC. In addition to large numbers of normal stars, we dete ct a significant population of bright, red infrared sources that we identify as likely to be young stellar objects (YSOs). We use spectral energy distribution (SED) fits to classify objects as ordinary (main sequence or red giant) stars, asymptotic giant branch stars, background galaxies, and YSOs. This represents the first large-scale attempt at blind source classification based on Spitzer SEDs in another galaxy. We firmly identify at least 61 YSOs, with another 50 probable YSOs; only one embedded protostar in the SMC was reported in the literature prior to the S3MC. We present color selection criteria that can be used to identify a relatively clean sample of YSOs with IRAC photometry. Our fitted SEDs indicate that the infrared-bright YSOs in N66 have stellar masses ranging from 2 Msun to 17 Msun, and that approximately half of the objects are Stage II protostars, with the remaining YSOs roughly evenly divided between Stage I and Stage III sources. We find evidence for primordial mass segregation in the HII region, with the most massive YSOs being preferentially closer to the center than lower-mass objects. Despite the low metallicity and dust content of the SMC, the observable properties of the YSOs appear consistent with those in the Milky Way. Although the YSOs are heavily concentrated within the optically bright central region of N66, there is ongoing star formation throughout the complex and we place a lower limit on the star formation rate of 3.2 x 10^-3 Msun/yr over the last ~1 Myr.
We have observed the central region of the IR-dark cloud filament associated with IRAS 18507+0121 at millimeter wavelengths in CO(1-0), 13CO(1-0), and C18O(1-0) line emission and with the Spitzer Space Telescope at mid-IR wavelengths. Five massive ou tflows from two cloud cores were discovered. Three outflows are centered on or near an Ultracompact HII region (G34.4+0.23) while the remaining two outflows originate from the millimeter core G34.4+0.23 MM. Modeling of the SEDs of the mid-IR sources identified 31 young stellar objects in the filament with a combined stellar mass of ~127 +/- 27 Msun. An additional 22 sources were identified as probable cluster members based on the presence of strong 24 micron emission. The total star formation efficiency in the G34.4 cloud filament is estimated to be ~7% while the massive and intermediate mass star formation efficiency in the entire cloud filament is estimated to be roughly 2%. A comparison of the gravitational binding energy with the outflow kinetic energy suggests that the compact core containing G34.4+0.23 MM is being destroyed by its molecular outflows whereas the outflows associated with more massive core surrounding the G34.4 UC HII region are not likely to totally disrupt the cloud. Additionally, a qualitative evaluation of the region appears to suggest that stars in this region may have formed in two stages: first lower mass stars formed and then, a few Myrs later, the more massive stars began to form.

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