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119 - A. Rau , N. Meidinger , K. Nandra 2013
The Wide Field Imager (WFI) is one of the two scientific instruments proposed for the Athena+ X-ray observatory. It will provide imaging in the 0.1-15 keV band over a wide field, simultaneously with spectrally and time-resolved photon counting. The i nstrument is designed to make optimal use of the grasp (collecting area times solid angle product) provided by the optical design of the Athena+ mirror system (Willingale et al. 2013), by combining a sensitive approx. 40 diameter field of view (baseline; 50 goal) DEPFET detector with a pixel size properly sampling the angular resolution of 5 arc sec on-axis (half energy width).This synthesis makes the WFI a very powerful survey instrument, significantly surpassing currently existing capabilities (Nandra et al. 2013; Aird et al. 2013). In addition, the WFI will provide unprecedented simultaneous high-time resolution and high count rate capabilities for the observation of bright sources with low pile-up and high efficiency. In this paper, we summarize the instrument design, the status of the technology development, and the baseline performance.
64 - S. Savaglio , A. Rau , J. Greiner 2011
We report on the surprisingly high metallicity measured in two absorption systems at high redshift, detected in the Very Large Telescope spectrum of the afterglow of the gamma-ray burst GRB 090323. The two systems, at redshift z=3.5673 and z=3.5774 ( separation Delta v ~ 660 km/s), are dominated by the neutral gas in the interstellar medium of the parent galaxies. From the singly ionized zinc and sulfur, we estimate oversolar metallicities of [Zn/H] =+0.29+/-0.10 and [S/H] = +0.67+/- 0.34, in the blue and red absorber, respectively. These are the highest metallicities ever measured in galaxies at z>3. We propose that the two systems trace two galaxies in the process of merging, whose star formation and metallicity are heightened by the interaction. This enhanced star formation might also have triggered the birth of the GRB progenitor. As typically seen in star-forming galaxies, the fine-structure absorption SiII* is detected, both in G0 and G1. From the rest-frame UV emission in the GRB location, we derive a relatively high, not corrected for dust extinction, star-formation rate SFR ~ 6 Msun/yr. These properties suggest a possible connection between some high-redshift GRB host galaxies and high-z massive sub-millimeter galaxies, which are characterized by disturbed morphologies and high metallicities. Our result provides additional evidence that the dispersion in the chemical enrichment of the Universe at high redshift is substantial, with the existence of very metal rich galaxies less than two billion years after the Big Bang.
89 - S. Komossa , H. Zhou , A. Rau 2009
The galaxy SDSSJ0952+2143 showed remarkable emission-line properties first reported in 2008 (paper I), which are the consequence of a powerful high-energy flare. Here we report follow-up observations of SDSSJ0952+2143, and discuss outburst scenarios in terms of stellar tidal disruption by a SMBH, peculiar variability of an AGN, and a supernova explosion. The optical spectrum of SDSSJ0952+2143 exhibits several peculiarities: an exceptional ratio of [FeVII] transitions over [OIII], a dramatic decrease by a factor of 10 of the highest-ionization lines, a very unusual and variable Balmer line profile including a triple-peaked narrow component with two unresolved horns, and a large Balmer decrement. The MIR emission measured with the Spitzer IRS in the narrow 10-20mu band is extraordinarily luminous (3.5 x 10^{43} ergs). The IRS spectrum shows a bump around ~11mu and an increase towards longer wavelengths, reminiscent of silicate emission. The strong MIR excess over the NIR implies the dominance of relatively cold dust. The X-ray luminosity of 10^{41} ergs measured with Chandra is below that typically observed in AGN. Similarities of SDSSJ0952+2143 with some extreme supernovae suggest the explosion of a supernova of Type IIn. However, an extreme accretion event in a low-luminosity AGN or inactive galaxy, especially stellar tidal disruption, remain possibilities, which could potentially produce a very similar emission-line response. If indeed a supernova, SDSSJ0952+2143 is one of the most distant X-ray and MIR detected SNe known so far, the most MIR luminous, and one of the most X-ray luminous. It is also by far the most luminous (>10^{40} ergs) in high-ionization coronal lines, exceeding previous SNe by at least a factor of 100 [abridged].
77 - A. Rau 2008
The luminosity gap between novae (M_R < -10) and supernovae (M_R > -14) is well known since the pioneering research of Zwicky and Hubble. Nearby galaxy clusters and concentrations offer an excellent opportunity to search for explosions brighter than classical novae and fainter than supernovae. Here, we present the results of a B-band survey of 23 member galaxies of the Fornax cluster, performed at the Las Campanas 2.5-m Irene duPont telescope. Observations with a cadence of 32 minutes discovered no genuine fast transient to a limiting absolute magnitude of M_B=-9.3 mag. We provide a detailed assessment of the transient detection efficiency and the resulting upper limits on the event rate as function of peak magnitude. Further, we discuss the discoveries of five previously unknown foreground variables which we identified as two flare stars, two W Uma type eclipsing binaries and a candidate delta Scuti/SX Phe star.
M85 optical transient 2006-1 (M85 OT 2006-1) is the most luminous member of the small family of V838 Mon-like objects, whose nature is still a mystery. This event took place in the Virgo cluster of galaxies and peaked at an absolute magnitude of I~-1 3. Here we present Hubble Space Telescope images of M85 OT 2006-1 and its environment, taken before and after the eruption, along with a spectrum of the host galaxy at the transient location. We find that the progenitor of M85 OT 2006-1 was not associated with any star forming region. The g and z-band absolute magnitudes of the progenitor were fainter than about -4 and -6 mag, respectively. Therefore, we can set a lower limit of ~50 Myr on the age of the youngest stars at the location of the progenitor that corresponds to a mass of <7 solar mass. Previously published line indices suggest that M85 has a mean stellar age of 1.6+/-0.3 Gyr. If this mean age is representative of the progenitor of M85 OT 2006-1, then we can further constrain its mass to be less than 2 solar mass. We compare the energetics and mass limit derived for the M85 OT 2006-1 progenitor with those expected from a simple model of violent stellar mergers. Combined with further modeling, these new clues may ultimately reveal the true nature of these puzzling events.

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