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X-ray binaries in outburst typically show two canonical X-ray spectral states, i.e. hard and soft states, in which the physical properties of the accretion flow and of the jet are known to change. Recently, the JED-SAD paradigm has been proposed for black hole X-ray binaries, aimed to address the accretion-ejection interplay in these systems. According to this model, the accretion flow is composed by an outer standard Shakura-Sunyaev disk (SAD) and an inner hot Jet Emitting Disk (JED). The JED produces both the hard X-ray emission, effectively playing the role of the hot corona, and the radio jets. In this paper, we use the JED-SAD model to describe the evolution of the accretion flow in the black hole transient MAXI J1820+070 during its hard and hard-intermediate states. Contrarily to the previous applications of this model, the Compton reflection component has been taken into account. We use eight broadband X-rays spectra, including NuSTAR, NICER and Swift data, providing a total spectral coverage of 0.8-190 keV. The data were directly fitted with the JED-SAD model. Our results suggest that the optically thick disk (i.e. the SAD) does not extend down to the ISCO in any of the considered epochs. In particular, as the system evolves towards the hard/intermediate state, we find that the inner radius decreases from $sim$60 R$_{rm G}$ in the first observation down to $sim$30 R$_{rm G}$ in the last one. This trend is accompanied by an increase of the mass-accretion rate. In all hard-intermediate state observations, two reflection components, characterized by different values of ionization, are required to adequately explain the data. These components likely originate from different regions of the SAD. We show that a flared outer disk could, in principle, explain the double reflection component.
Dorado is a nearby (17.69 Mpc) strongly evolving galaxy group in the Southern Hemisphere. We are investigating the star formation in this group. This paper provides a FUV imaging of NGC 1533, IC 2038 and IC 2039, which form a substructure, south west of the Dorado group barycentre. FUV CaF2-1 UVIT-Astrosat images enrich our knowledge of the system provided by GALEX. In conjunction with deep optical wide-field, narrow-band Halpha and 21-cm radio images we search for signatures of the interaction mechanisms looking in the FUV morphologies and derive the star formation rate. The shape of the FUV luminosity profile suggests the presence of a disk in all three galaxies. FUV emission is detected out to the optical size for IC 2038, and in compact structures corresponding to Halpha and HII bright features in NGC 1533. A faint FUV emission, without an optical counterpart, reminiscent of the HI structure that surrounds the outskirts of NGC 1533 and extends up to IC 2038/2039, is revealed above the local background noise.
Multi-wavelength spectral energy distributions of Low Mass X-ray Binaries in the hard state are determined by the emission from a jet, for frequencies up to mid-infrared, and emission from the accretion flow in the optical to X-ray range. In the last years, the flat radio-to-mid-IR spectra of Black Hole (BH) X-ray binaries was described using the internal shocks model, which assumes that the fluctuations in the velocity of the ejecta along the jet are driven by the fluctuations in the accretion flow, described by the X-ray Power Density Spectrum (PDS). In this work we attempt to apply this model for the first time to a Neutron Star (NS) LMXB, i.e. 4U 0614+091. We used the multi-wavelength data set obtained in 2006, comprising data from radio to X-ray, and applied a model which includes an irradiated disc model for the accretion flow and an updated version of the internal shocks code for the ejection. The new version of the code allows to change the geometry of the jet for the case of non-conical jets. Only two alternative scenarios provide a satisfactory description of the data: using the X-ray PDS but in a non-conical geometry for the jet, or either using a conical geometry but with a flicker-noise PDS. Both scenarios would imply some differences with the results obtained with similar models on BH X-ray binaries, shedding light on the possibility that jets in NS and BH binaries might somehow have a different geometry or a different coupling with the accretion flow.
1RXS J180408.9--342058 is a low mass X-ray binary hosting a neutron star, which shows X-ray activity at very different mass-accretion regimes, from very faint to almost the Eddington luminosity. In this work, we present a comprehensive X-ray study of this source using data from the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory, NuSTAR and INTEGRAL/JEM-X. In order to follow the spectral evolution, we analysed the 2015 outburst using Swift data and three Nustar observations. Besides the canonical hard and soft spectral states, we identified the rarely observed intermediate state. This was witnessed by the appeareance of the accretion disk emission in the spectrum (at $kT_{rm disk}$ $sim$0.7 keV) and the simultaneous cooling of the hot corona. In addition, we also unveiled a hard tail above 30 keV in this state. In the hard state, a thermal Comptonization model with two seed photons populations ($kT_{rm s,1}sim 1.5$ keV and $kT_{rm s,2}sim 0.4$ keV, respectively) and a hot Comptonising plasma, represents the physically best motivated scenario to describe the data. We also estimated a reflection fraction below 20% in all states, while no constraints on the inclination and only lower limits on the inner disk radius could be inferred. Finally, we studied a number of type-I X-ray bursts displayed from the source, one of them at the Eddington limit (observed with JEM-X). Their characteristics, combined with the clocked behaviour observed during the intermediate state, point out H/He composition for the accreted material, which makes unlikely the helium dwarf nature for the companion.
The recent measurements of internal variations of helium in Galactic and extragalactic Globular Clusters (GCs) set binding constraints to the models of formation of Multiple Populations (MPs) in GCs, and gave rise, at the same time, to crucial questi ons related with the influence of the environment on MP formation as well as with the role played by GCs in the early galactic formation. We present the most recent estimates of helium enrichment in the main populations of a large sample of Galactic and extragalactic GCs.
The well-known quasar SDSS J095253.83+011421.9 (J0952+0114) at z=3.02 has one of the most peculiar spectra discovered so far, showing the presence of narrow Ly$alpha$ and broad metal emission lines. Although recent studies have suggested that a Proxi mate Damped Ly$alpha$ system (PDLA) causes this peculiar spectrum, the origin of the gas associated with the PDLA is unknown. Here we report the results of MUSE observations that reveal a new giant ($approx$ 100 physical kpc) Lyman $alpha$ nebula. The detailed analysis of the Ly$alpha$ velocity, velocity dispersion, and surface brightness profiles suggests that the J0952+0114 Ly$alpha$ nebula shares similar properties of other QSO nebulae previously detected with MUSE, implying that the PDLA in J0952+0144 is covering only a small fraction of the QSO emission solid angle. We also detected bright and spectrally narrow CIV$lambda$1550 and HeII$lambda$1640 extended emission around J0952+0114 with velocity centroids similar to the peak of the extended and central narrow Ly$alpha$ emission. The presence of a peculiarly bright, unresolved, and relatively broad HeII$lambda$1640 emission in the central region at exactly the same PDLA redshift hints at the possibility that the PDLA originates in a clumpy outflow with a bulk velocity of about 500 km/s. The smaller velocity dispersion of the large scale Ly$alpha$ emission suggests that the high-speed outflow is confined to the central region. Lastly, the derived spatially resolved HeII/Ly$alpha$ and CIV/Ly$alpha$ maps show a positive gradient with the distance to the QSO hinting at a non-homogeneous ionization parameter distribution.
ABRIDGED- The UV-optical color magnitude diagram (CMD) of rich galaxy groups is characterised by a well developed Red Sequence (RS), a Blue Cloud (BC) and the so-called Green Valley (GV). Loose, less evolved groups of galaxies likely not virialized y et may lack a well defined RS. This is actually explained in the framework of galaxy evolution. We are focussing on understanding galaxy migration towards the RS, checking for signatures of such a transition in their photometric and morphological properties. We report on the UV properties of a sample of ETGs galaxies inhabiting the RS. The analysis of their structures, as derived by fitting a Sersic law to their UV luminosity profiles, suggests the presence of an underlying disk. This is the hallmark of dissipation processes that still must have a role in the evolution of this class of galaxies. SPH simulations with chemo-photometric implementations able to match the global properties of our targets are used to derive their evolutionary paths through UV-optical CDM, providing some fundamental information such as the crossing time through the GV, which depends on their luminosity. The transition from the BC to the RS takes several Gyrs, being about 3-5 Gyr for the the brightest galaxies and more long for fainter ones, if it occurs. The photometric study of nearby galaxy structures in UV is seriously hampered by either the limited FoV of the cameras (e.g in HST) or by the low spatial resolution of the images (e.g in the GALEX). Current missions equipped with telescopes and cameras sensitive to UV wavelengths, such as Swift-UVOT and Astrosat-UVIT, provide a relatively large FoV and better resolution than the GALEX. More powerful UV instruments (size, resolution and FoV) are obviously bound to yield fundamental advances in the accuracy and depth of the surface photometry and in the characterisation of the galaxy environment.
55 - P. L. North 2017
The radio-quiet quasar Q2059-360 at redshift $z=3.08$ is known to be close to a small Lyman $alpha$ blob (LAB) and to be absorbed by a proximate damped Ly$alpha$ (PDLA) system. Here, we present the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) integral field spectroscopy follow-up of this quasi-stellar object (QSO). Our primary goal is to characterize this LAB in detail by mapping it both spatially and spectrally using the Ly$alpha$ line, and by looking for high-ionization lines to constrain the emission mechanism. Combining the high sensitivity of the MUSE integral field spectrograph mounted on the Yepun telescope at ESO-VLT with the natural coronagraph provided by the PDLA, we map the LAB down to the QSO position, after robust subtraction of QSO light in the spectral domain. In addition to confirming earlier results for the small bright component of the LAB, we unveil a faint filamentary emission protruding to the south over about 80 pkpc (physical kpc); this results in a total size of about 120 pkpc. We derive the velocity field of the LAB (assuming no transfer effects) and map the Ly$alpha$ line width. Upper limits are set to the flux of the N V $lambda 1238-1242$, C IV $lambda 1548-1551$, He II $lambda 1640$, and C III] $lambda 1548-1551$ lines. We have discovered two probable Ly$alpha$ emitters at the same redshift as the LAB and at projected distances of 265 kpc and 207 kpc from the QSO; their Ly$alpha$ luminosities might well be enhanced by the QSO radiation. We also find an emission line galaxy at $z=0.33$ near the line of sight to the QSO. This LAB shares the same general characteristics as the 17 others surrounding radio-quiet QSOs presented previously. However, there are indications that it may be centered on the PDLA galaxy rather than on the QSO.
55 - R. Rampazzo 2017
GALEX detected a significant fraction of early-type galaxies showing Far-UV bright structures. These features suggest the occurrence of recent star formation episodes. We aim at understanding their evolutionary path[s] and the mechanisms at the origi n of their UV-bright structures. We investigate with a multi-lambda approach 11 early-types selected because of their nearly passive stage of evolution in the nuclear region. The paper, second of a series, focuses on the comparison between UV features detected by Swift-UVOT, tracing recent star formation, and the galaxy optical structure mapping older stellar populations. We performed their UV surface photometry and used BVRI photometry from other sources. Our integrated magnitudes have been analyzed and compared with corresponding values in the literature. We characterize the overall galaxy structure best fitting the UV and optical luminosity profiles using a single Sersic law. NGC 1366, NGC 1426, NGC 3818, NGC 3962 and NGC 7192 show featureless luminosity profiles. Excluding NGC 1366 which has a clear edge-on disk , n~1-2, and NGC 3818, the remaining three have Sersics indices n~3-4 in optical and a lower index in the UV. Bright ring/arm-like structures are revealed by UV images and luminosity profiles of NGC 1415, NGC 1533, NGC 1543, NGC 2685, NGC 2974 and IC 2006. The ring/arm-like structures are different from galaxy to galaxy. Sersic indices of UV profiles for those galaxies are in the range n=1.5-3 both in S0s and in Es. In our sample optical Sersic indices are usually larger than the UV ones. (M2-V) color profiles are bluer in ring/arm-like structures with respect to the galaxy body. The lower values of Sersics indices in the UV bands with respect to optical ones, suggesting the presence of a disk, point out that the role of the dissipation cannot be neglected in recent evolutionary phases of these early-type galaxies.
We study, for the first time in a statistically significant and well-defined sample, the relation between the outer-disk ionized-gas metallicity gradients and the presence of breaks in the surface brightness profiles of disk galaxies. SDSS g- and r-b and surface brightness, (g- r) color, and ionized-gas oxygen abundance profiles for 324 galaxies within the CALIFA survey are used for this purpose. We perform a detailed light-profile classification finding that 84% of our disks show down- or up-bending profiles (Type II and Type III, respectively) while the remaining 16% are well fitted by one single exponential (Type I). The analysis of the color gradients at both sides of this break shows a U-shaped profile for most Type II galaxies with an average minimum (g- r) color of ~0.5 mag and a ionized-gas metallicity flattening associated to it only in the case of low-mass galaxies. More massive systems show a rather uniform negative metallicity gradient. The correlation between metallicity flattening and stellar mass results in p-values as low as 0.01. Independently of the mechanism having shaped the outer light profiles of these galaxies, stellar migration or a previous episode of star formation in a shrinking star-forming disk, it is clear that the imprint in their ionized-gas metallicity was different for low- and high-mass Type II galaxies. In the case of Type III disks, a positive correlation between the change in color and abundance gradient is found (the null hypothesis is ruled out with a p-value of 0.02), with the outer disks of Type III galaxies with masses $leq$10$^{10}$ M$_{odot}$ showing a weak color reddening or even a bluing. This is interpreted as primarily due to a mass down-sizing effect on the population of Type III galaxies having recently experienced an enhanced inside-out growth.

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