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105 - B. Militello , A. Napoli 2021
A system consisting of two qubits and a resonator is considered in the presence of different sources of noise, bringing to light the possibility for making the two qubits evolve in a synchronized way. A direct qubit-qubit interaction turns out to be a crucial ingredient as well as dissipation processes involving the resonator. The detrimental role of local dephasing of the qubits is also taken into account.
We consider the dissipative single-qubit circuit QED architecture in which the atomic transition frequency undergoes a weak external time-modulation. For sinusoidal modulation with linearly varying frequency we derive effective Hamiltonians that rese mble the Landau-Zener problem of finite duration associated to a two- or multi-level systems. The corresponding off-diagonal coupling coefficients originate either from the rotating or the counter-rotating terms in the Rabi Hamiltonian, depending on the values of the modulation frequency. It is demonstrated that in the dissipation less case one can accomplish almost complete transitions between the eigenstates of the bare Rabi Hamiltonian even for relatively short duration of the frequency sweep. To assess the experimental feasibility of our scheme we solved numerically the phenomenological and the microscopic quantum master equations in the Markovian regime at zero temperature. Both models exhibit qualitatively similar behavior and indicate that photon generation from vacuum via effective Landau-Zener transitions could be implemented with the current technology on the timescales of a few microseconds. Moreover, unlike the harmonic dynamical Casimir effect implementations, our proposal does not require the precise knowledge of the resonant modulation frequency to accomplish meaningful photon generation.
We show that two interacting physical systems may admit entangled pure or non separable mixed states evolving in time as if the mutual interaction hamiltonian were absent. In this paper we define these states Interaction Free Evolving (IFE) states an d characterize their existence for a generic binary system described by a time independent Hamiltonian. A comparison between IFE subspace and the decoherence free subspace is reported. The set of all pure IFE states is explicitly constructed for a non homogeneous spin star system model.
255 - B. Leggio , A. Napoli , A. Messina 2013
Employing the stochastic wave function method, we study quantum features of stochastic entropy production in nonequilibrium processes of open systems. It is demonstarted that continuous measurements on the environment introduce an additional, non-the rmal contribution to the entropy flux, which is shown to be a direct consequence of quantum fluctuations. These features lead to a quantum definition of single trajectory entropy contributions, which accounts for the difference between classical and quantum trajectories and results in a quantum correction to the standard form of the integral fluctuation theorem.
244 - B. Leggio , A. Napoli , A. Messina 2011
We show that a two-atoms Bose-Hubbard model exhibits three different phases in the behavior of thermal entanglement in its parameter space. These phases are demonstrated to be traceable back to the existence of quantum phase transitions in the same s ystem. Significant similarities between the behaviors of thermal entanglement and heat capacity in the parameter space are brought to light thus allowing to interpret the occurrence and the meaning of all these three phases.
248 - B.Leggio , A. Napoli , H. Nakazato 2011
A simple two-qubit model showing Quantum Phase Transitions as a consequence of ground state level crossings is studied in detail. Using the Concurrence of the system as an entanglement measure and heat capacity as a marker of thermodynamical properti es, an analytical expression giving the latter in terms of the former is obtained. A protocol allowing an experimental measure of entanglement is then presented and compared with a related proposal recently reported by Wiesniak, Vedral and Brukner
We investigate the entanglement evolution of two qubits interacting with a common environment trough an Heisenberg XX mechanism. We reveal the possibility of realizing the phenomenon of entanglement sudden death as well as the entanglement sudden bir th acting on the environment. Such analysis is of maximal interest at the light of the large applications that spin systems have in quantum information theory.
The dynamics of two interacting spins coupled to separate bosonic baths is studied. An analytical solution in Born approximation for arbitrary spectral density functions of the bosonic environments is found. It is shown that in the non-Markovian case s concurrence lives longer or reaches greater values.
The dynamical behavior of a star network of spins, wherein each of N decoupled spins interact with a central spin through non uniform Heisenberg XX interaction is exactly studied. The time-dependent Schrodinger equation of the spin system model is so lved starting from an arbitrary initial state. The resulting solution is analyzed and briefly discussed.
We apply the time-convolutionless (TCL) projection operator technique to the model of a central spin which is coupled to a spin bath via nonuniform Heisenberg interaction. The second-order results of the TCL method for the coherences and populations of the central spin are determined analytically and compared with numerical simulations of the full von Neumann equation of the total system. The TCL approach is found to yield an excellent approximation in the strong field regime for the description of both the short-time dynamics and the long time behavior.

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