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A Born-Infeld Scalar and a Dynamical Violation of the Scale Invariance from the Modified Measure Action

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 Added by Tatiana Vulfs
 Publication date 2019
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Starting with a simple two scalar field system coupled to a modified measure that is independent of the metric, we, first, find a Born-Infeld dynamics sector of the theory for a scalar field and second, show that the initial scale invariance of the action is dynamically broken and leads to a scale charge nonconservation, although there is still a conserved dilatation current.

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In this paper, we investigate novel kinklike structures in a scalar field theory driven by Dirac-Born-Infeld (DBI) dynamics. Analytical features are reached through a first-order formalism and a deformation procedure. The analysis ensures the linear stability of the obtained solutions, and the deformation method permits to detect new topological solutions given some systems of known solutions. The proposed models vary according to the parameters of the theory. However, in a certain parameter regime, their defect profiles are precisely obtained by standard theories. These are the models relatives. Besides that, we investigate the $beta-$Starobinsky potential in the perspective of topological defects; and we have shown that it can support kinklike solutions, for both canonical and non-canonical kinetics. As a result, we propose two new kinds of generalizations on the $beta-$Starobinsky model, by considering the DBI approach. Finally, we explore the main characteristics of such structures in these new scenarios.
We derive new types of $U(1)^n$ Born-Infeld actions based on N=2 special geometry in four dimensions. As in the single vector multiplet (n=1) case, the non--linear actions originate, in a particular limit, from quadratic expressions in the Maxwell fields. The dynamics is encoded in a set of coefficients $d_{ABC}$ related to the third derivative of the holomorphic prepotential and in an SU(2) triplet of N=2 Fayet-Iliopoulos charges, which must be suitably chosen to preserve a residual N=1 supersymmetry.
271 - Daniel Wohns 2008
The Hawking-Moss tunneling rate for a field described by the Dirac-Born-Infeld action is calculated using a stochastic approach. We find that the effect of the non-trivial kinetic term is to enhance the tunneling rate, which can be exponentially significant. This result should be compared to the DBI enhancement found in the Coleman-de Luccia case.
We discuss recent results on one-loop contributions to the effective action in {cal N}=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in four dimensions. Contributions with five external vector fields are compared with corresponding ones in open superstring theory in order to understand the relation with the F^5 terms that appear in the nonabelian generalization of the Born-Infeld action.
We investigate $U(1)^{,n}$ supersymmetric Born-Infeld Lagrangians with a second non-linearly realized supersymmetry. The resulting non-linear structure is more complex than the square root present in the standard Born-Infeld action, and nonetheless the quadratic constraints determining these models can be solved exactly in all cases containing three vector multiplets. The corresponding models are classified by cubic holomorphic prepotentials. Their symmetry structures are associated to projective cubic varieties.
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