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Epitaxy-distorted spin-orbit Mott insulator in Sr2IrO4 thin films

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 Added by Xavier Marti
 Publication date 2012
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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High quality epitaxial thin films of Jeff=1/2 Mott insulator Sr2IrO4 with increasing in-plane tensile strain have been grown on top of SrTiO3(001) substrates. Increasing the in-plane tensile strain up to ~0.3% was observed to drop the c/a tetragonality by 1.2 %. X-ray absorption spectroscopy detected a strong reduction of the linear dichroism upon increasing in-plane tensile strain towards a reduced anisotropy in the local electronic structure. While the most relaxed thin film shows a consistent dependence with previously reported single crystal bulk measurements, electrical transport reveals a charge gap reduction from 200 meV down to 50 meV for the thinnest and most epitaxy-distorted film. We argue that the reduced tetragonality plays a major role in the change of the electronic structure, which is reflected in the change of the transport properties. Our work opens the possibility for exploiting epitaxial strain as a tool for both structural and functional manipulation of spin-orbit Mott systems.

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325 - J. Porras , J. Bertinshaw , H. Liu 2018
Spin-orbit entangled magnetic dipoles, often referred to as pseudospins, provide a new avenue to explore novel magnetism inconceivable in the weak spin-orbit coupling limit, but the nature of their low-energy interactions remains to be understood. We present a comprehensive study of the static magnetism and low-energy pseudospin dynamics in the archetypal spin-orbit Mott insulator Sr2IrO4. We find that in order to understand even basic magnetization measurements, a formerly overlooked in-plane anisotropy is fundamental. In addition to magnetometry, we use neutron diffraction, inelastic neutron scattering and resonant elastic and inelastic x-ray scattering to identify and quantify the interactions that determine the global symmetry of the system and govern the linear responses of pseudospins to external magnetic felds and their low-energy dynamics. We find that a pseudospin-only Hamiltonian is insufficient for an accurate description of the magnetism in Sr2IrO4 and that pseudospin-lattice coupling is essential. This finding should be generally applicable to other pseudospin systems with sizable orbital moments sensitive to anisotropic crystalline environments.
Layered iridates have been the subject of intense scrutiny on account of their unusually strong spin-orbit coupling, which opens up a narrow gap in a material that would otherwise be a metal. This insulating state is very sensitive to external perturbations. Here, we show that vertical compression at the nanoscale, delivered using the tip of a standard scanning probe microscope, is capable of inducing a five orders of magnitude change in the room temperature resistivity of Sr2IrO4. The extreme sensitivity of the electronic structure to anisotropic deformations opens up a new angle of interest on this material, and the giant and fully reversible perpendicular piezoresistance makes iridates a promising material for room temperature piezotronic devices.
Antiferromagnetic spintronics actively introduces new principles of magnetic memory, in which the most fundamental spin-dependent phenomena, i.e. anisotropic magnetoresistance effects, are governed by an antiferromagnet instead of a ferromagnet. A general scenario of the antiferromagnetic anisotropic magnetoresistance effects mainly stems from the magnetocrystalline anisotropy related to spin-orbit coupling. Here we demonstrate magnetic field driven contour rotation of the fourfold anisotropic magnetoresistance in bare antiferromagnetic Sr2IrO4/SrTiO3 (001) thin films hosting a strong spin-orbit coupling induced Jeff=1/2 Mott state. Concurrently, an intriguing minimal in the magnetoresistance emerges. Through first principles calculations, the band-gap engineering due to rotation of the Ir isospins is revealed to be responsible for these emergent phenomena, different from the traditional scenario where relatively more conductive state was obtained usually when magnetic field was applied along the magnetic easy axis. Our findings demonstrate a new efficient route, i.e. via the novel Jeff=1/2 state, to realize controllable anisotropic magnetoresistance in antiferromagnetic materials.
We report on the growth of epitaxial ZnO thin films and ZnO based heterostructures on sapphire substrates by laser molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). We first discuss some recent developments in laser-MBE such as flexible ultra-violet laser beam optics, infrared laser heating systems or the use of atomic oxygen and nitrogen sources, and describe the technical realization of our advanced laser-MBE system. Then we describe the optimization of the deposition parameters for ZnO films such as laser fluence and substrate temperature and the use of buffer layers. The detailed structural characterization by x-ray analysis and transmission electron microscopy shows that epitaxial ZnO thin films with high structural quality can be achieved, as demonstrated by a small out-of-plane and in-plane mosaic spread as well as the absence of rotational domains. We also demonstrate the heteroepitaxial growth of ZnO based multilayers as a prerequisite for spin transport experiments and the realization of spintronic devices. As an example, we show that TiN/Co/ZnO/Ni/Au multilayer stacks can be grown on (0001)-oriented sapphire with good structural quality of all layers and well defined in-plane epitaxial relations.
We demonstrate the making of BaZrS3 thin films by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). BaZrS3 forms in the orthorhombic distorted-perovskite structure with corner-sharing ZrS6 octahedra. The single-step MBE process results in films smooth on the atomic scale, with near-perfect BaZrS3 stoichiometry and an atomically-sharp interface with the LaAlO3 substrate. The films grow epitaxially via two, competing growth modes: buffered epitaxy, with a self-assembled interface layer that relieves the epitaxial strain, and direct epitaxy, with rotated-cube-on-cube growth that accommodates the large lattice constant mismatch between the oxide and the sulfide perovskites. This work sets the stage for developing chalcogenide perovskites as a family of semiconductor alloys with properties that can be tuned with strain and composition in high-quality epitaxial thin films, as has been long-established for other systems including Si-Ge, III-Vs, and II-Vs. The methods demonstrated here also represent a revival of gas-source chalcogenide MBE.
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