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Universality in the Energy Spectrum of Medium-Sized Quantum Dots

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 Added by Augusto Gonzalez
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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In a two-dimensional parabolic quantum dot charged with $N$ electrons, Thomas-Fermi theory states that the ground-state energy satisfies the following non-trivial relation: $E_{gs}/(hbaromega)approx N^{3/2} f_{gs}(N^{1/4}beta)$, where the coupling constant, $beta$, is the ratio between Coulomb and oscillator ($hbaromega$) characteristic energies, and $f_{gs}$ is a universal function. We perform extensive Configuration Interaction calculations in order to verify that the exact energies of relatively large quantum dots approximately satisfy the above relation. In addition, we show that the number of energy levels for intraband and interband (excitonic and biexcitonic) excitations of the dot follows a simple exponential dependence on the excitation energy, whose exponent, $1/Theta$, satisfies also an approximate scaling relation {it a la} Thomas-Fermi, $Theta/(hbaromega)approx N^{-gamma} g(N^{1/4}beta)$. We provide an analytic expression for $f_{gs}$, based on two-point Pade approximants, and two-parameter fits for the $g$ functions.

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We present a theoretical study of the charging effects in single and double layer black phosphorus quantum dots (BPQDs) with lateral sizes of 2 nm and 3 nm. We demonstrate that the charging of BPQDs are able to store up to an $N_{max}$ electron (that depends on the lateral size and number of layers in the QD), after which structural instabilities arises. For example, 3 nm wide hydrogen-passivated single layer BPQDs can hold a maximum of 16 electrons, and an additional electron causes the expelling of hydrogen atoms from the QD borders. We also calculated the additional energy ($E_A$) spectrum. For single layer QDs with 2 and 3 nm of lateral sizes, the average $E_A$ is around 0.4 eV and 0.3 eV, respectively. For double layer QDs with the same sizes, the average $E_A$ is around 0.25 eV and 0.2 eV, respectively.
189 - M. Gaass , A. K. Huettel , K. Kang 2011
We investigate quantum dots in clean single-wall carbon nanotubes with ferromagnetic PdNi-leads in the Kondo regime. In most odd Coulomb valleys the Kondo resonance exhibits a pronounced splitting, which depends on the tunnel coupling to the leads and an external magnetic field $B$, and only weakly on gate voltage. Using numerical renormalization group calculations, we demonstrate that all salient features of the data can be understood using a simple model for the magnetic properties of the leads. The magnetoconductance at zero bias and low temperature depends in a universal way on $g mu_B (B-B_c) / k_B T_K$, where $T_K$ is the Kondo temperature and $B_c$ the external field compensating the splitting.
Here we present a theoretical investigation of the Floquet spectrum in multiterminal quantum dot Josephson junctions biased with commensurate voltages. We first draw an analogy between the electronic band theory and superconductivity which enlightens the time-periodic dynamics of the Andreev bound states. We then show that the equivalent of the Wannier-Stark ladders observed in semiconducting superlattices via photocurrent measurements, appears as specific peaks in the finite frequency current fluctuations of superconducting multiterminal quantum dots. In order to probe the Floquet-Wannier-Stark ladder spectra, we have developed an analytical model relying on the sharpness of the resonances. The charge-charge correlation function is obtained as a factorized form of the Floquet wave-function on the dot and the superconducting reservoir populations. We confirm these findings by Keldysh Greens function calculations, in particular regarding the voltage and frequency dependence of the resonance peaks in the current-current correlations. Our results open up a road-map to quantum correlations and coherence in the Floquet dynamics of superconducting devices.
We present a simple technique to fabricate graphene quantum dots in a cryostat. It relies upon the controlled rupture of a suspended graphene sheet subjected to the application of a large electron current. This results in the in-situ formation of a clean and ultra-narrow constriction, which hosts one quantum dot, and occasionally a few quantum dots in series. Conductance spectroscopy indicates that individual quantum dots can possess an addition energy as large as 180 meV and a level spacing as large as 25 meV. Our technique has several assets: (i) the dot is suspended, thus the electrostatic influence of the substrate is reduced, and (ii) contamination is minimized, since the edges of the dot have only been exposed to the vacuum in the cryostat.
We demonstrate that, in monolayers (MLs) of semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides, the $s$-type Rydberg series of excitonic states follows a simple energy ladder: $epsilon_n=-Ry^*/(n+delta)^2$, $n$=1,2,ldots, in which $Ry^*$ is very close to the Rydberg energy scaled by the dielectric constant of the medium surrounding the ML and by the reduced effective electron-hole mass, whereas the ML polarizability is only accounted for by $delta$. This is justified by the analysis of experimental data on excitonic resonances, as extracted from magneto-optical measurements of a high-quality WSe$_2$ ML encapsulated in hexagonal boron nitride (hBN), and well reproduced with an analytically solvable Schrodinger equation when approximating the electron-hole potential in the form of a modified Kratzer potential. Applying our convention to other, MoSe$_2$, WS$_2$, MoS$_2$ MLs encapsulated in hBN, we estimate an apparent magnitude of $delta$ for each of the studied structures. Intriguingly, $delta$ is found to be close to zero for WSe$_2$ as well as for MoS$_2$ monolayers, what implies that the energy ladder of excitonic states in these two-dimensional structures resembles that of Rydberg states of a three-dimensional hydrogen atom.
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