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Probabilistic Ensembles of Zero- and Few-Shot Learning Models for Emotion Classification

فرمات الاحتمالية من نماذج التعلم الصفرية وعوللة

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Emotion Classification is the task of automatically associating a text with a human emotion. State-of-the-art models are usually learned using annotated corpora or rely on hand-crafted affective lexicons. We present an emotion classification model that does not require a large annotated corpus to be competitive. We experiment with pretrained language models in both a zero-shot and few-shot configuration. We build several of such models and consider them as biased, noisy annotators, whose individual performance is poor. We aggregate the predictions of these models using a Bayesian method originally developed for modelling crowdsourced annotations. Next, we show that the resulting system performs better than the strongest individual model. Finally, we show that when trained on few labelled data, our systems outperform fully-supervised models.

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Natural Language Processing (NLP) is increasingly relying on general end-to-end systems that need to handle many different linguistic phenomena and nuances. For example, a Natural Language Inference (NLI) system has to recognize sentiment, handle num bers, perform coreference, etc. Our solutions to complex problems are still far from perfect, so it is important to create systems that can learn to correct mistakes quickly, incrementally, and with little training data. In this work, we propose a continual few-shot learning (CFL) task, in which a system is challenged with a difficult phenomenon and asked to learn to correct mistakes with only a few (10 to 15) training examples. To this end, we first create benchmarks based on previously annotated data: two NLI (ANLI and SNLI) and one sentiment analysis (IMDB) datasets. Next, we present various baselines from diverse paradigms (e.g., memory-aware synapses and Prototypical networks) and compare them on few-shot learning and continual few-shot learning setups. Our contributions are in creating a benchmark suite and evaluation protocol for continual few-shot learning on the text classification tasks, and making several interesting observations on the behavior of similarity-based methods. We hope that our work serves as a useful starting point for future work on this important topic.
Humans can distinguish new categories very efficiently with few examples, largely due to the fact that human beings can leverage knowledge obtained from relevant tasks. However, deep learning based text classification model tends to struggle to achie ve satisfactory performance when labeled data are scarce. Inspired by human intelligence, we propose to introduce external knowledge into few-shot learning to imitate human knowledge. A novel parameter generator network is investigated to this end, which is able to use the external knowledge to generate different metrics for different tasks. Armed with this network, similar tasks can use similar metrics while different tasks use different metrics. Through experiments, we demonstrate that our method outperforms the SoTA few-shot text classification models.
In this paper we present a system that exploits different pre-trained Language Models for assigning domain labels to WordNet synsets without any kind of supervision. Furthermore, the system is not restricted to use a particular set of domain labels. We exploit the knowledge encoded within different off-the-shelf pre-trained Language Models and task formulations to infer the domain label of a particular WordNet definition. The proposed zero-shot system achieves a new state-of-the-art on the English dataset used in the evaluation.
Recent progress in language modeling has been driven not only by advances in neural architectures, but also through hardware and optimization improvements. In this paper, we revisit the neural probabilistic language model (NPLM) of Bengio et al. (200 3), which simply concatenates word embeddings within a fixed window and passes the result through a feed-forward network to predict the next word. When scaled up to modern hardware, this model (despite its many limitations) performs much better than expected on word-level language model benchmarks. Our analysis reveals that the NPLM achieves lower perplexity than a baseline Transformer with short input contexts but struggles to handle long-term dependencies. Inspired by this result, we modify the Transformer by replacing its first self-attention layer with the NPLM's local concatenation layer, which results in small but consistent perplexity decreases across three word-level language modeling datasets.
Meta learning aims to optimize the model's capability to generalize to new tasks and domains. Lacking a data-efficient way to create meta training tasks has prevented the application of meta-learning to the real-world few shot learning scenarios. Rec ent studies have proposed unsupervised approaches to create meta-training tasks from unlabeled data for free, e.g., the SMLMT method (Bansal et al., 2020a) constructs unsupervised multi-class classification tasks from the unlabeled text by randomly masking words in the sentence and let the meta learner choose which word to fill in the blank. This study proposes a semi-supervised meta-learning approach that incorporates both the representation power of large pre-trained language models and the generalization capability of prototypical networks enhanced by SMLMT. The semi-supervised meta training approach avoids overfitting prototypical networks on a small number of labeled training examples and quickly learns cross-domain task-specific representation only from a few supporting examples. By incorporating SMLMT with prototypical networks, the meta learner generalizes better to unseen domains and gains higher accuracy on out-of-scope examples without the heavy lifting of pre-training. We observe significant improvement in few-shot generalization after training only a few epochs on the intent classification tasks evaluated in a multi-domain setting.

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