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Search for CP violation and b-->sg in inclusive B decays

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 Added by Mourad Daoudi
 Publication date 1997
and research's language is English

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We present preliminary results on two analyses performed by the SLD Collaboration using inclusive B decays: a search for CP violation and a search for the b --> sg transition.

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221 - Mirco Dorigo 2013
I report recent measurements in b-hadron decays reconstructed in the full data set of sqrt{s} = 1.96 TeV proton-antiproton collisions collected by the CDF experiment at the Tevatron. These include the final CDF results on: measurements of CP asymmetries in two-body charmless decays of the Bd, Bs, and Lambda^0_b hadrons; bounds on the Bs mixing phase and on the decay width difference of Bs mass eigenstates; and updated measurements of branching ratios of Bs->Jpsi Phi and Bs->Ds(*)Ds(*) decays. All measurements are among the most precise from a single experiment and in agreement with the standard model predictions.
A search for direct CP violation in D0 -> h- h+ (where h=K or pi) is presented using data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.0 fb^-1 collected in 2011 by LHCb in pp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV. The analysis uses D0 mesons produced in inclusive semileptonic b-hadron decays to the D0 mu X final state, where the charge of the accompanying muon is used to tag the flavour of the D0 meson. The difference in the CP-violating asymmetries between the two decay channels is measured to be Delta A_CP = A_CP(K-K+) - A_CP(pi-pi+) = (0.49 +- 0.30 (stat) +- 0.14 (syst)) % . This result does not confirm the evidence for direct CP violation in the charm sector reported in other analyses.
An analysis of B+ to DK+ and B+ to Dpi+ decays is presented where the D meson is reconstructed in the two-body final states: K+pi-, K+K-, pi+pi- and pi+K-. Using 1.0 fb-1 of LHCb data, measurements of several observables are made including the first observation of the suppressed mode B+ to DK+, D to pi+K-. CP violation in B+ to DK+ decays is observed with 5.8 sigma significance.
67 - Philip J. Clark 2001
The BaBar detector and SLAC PEP-II asymmetric e+e- collider tuned to the Y(4s) resonance has collected around 23M B0 anti-B0 pairs in year 2000. The total data sample for run 1 is 20.7fb-1, using this data we present the study of sin2beta, with samples of B0 --> J/Psi KOS, B0 --> psi(2S) K0S and B0 --> J/Psi KOL decays. The measured value is sin2beta 0.34+/-0.20 (stat) +/- 0.05 (syst),. In addition, we present preliminary measurements of charged and neutral B meson lifetimes and B0-anti B0 oscillation frequency.
We report the measurements of branching fractions and CP violation asymmetries in $B^0 to phi K^{*}$ decays obtained in an angular analysis using the full data sample of $772 times 10^6 Bbar{B}$ pairs collected at the $Upsilon(4S)$ resonance with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric-energy $e^+ e^-$ collider. We perform a partial wave analysis to distinguish among scalar [$B^0 to phi(Kpi)^{*}_{0}$], vector [$B^0 to phi K^{*}(892)^{0}$] and tensor [$B^0 to phi K^{*}_{2}(1430)^{0}$] components, and determine the corresponding branching fractions to be $mathcal{B}[B^0 to phi(Kpi)^{*}_{0}] = (4.3 pm 0.4 pm 0.4) times 10^{-6}$, $mathcal{B}[B^0 to phi K^{*}(892)^{0}] = (10.4 pm 0.5 pm 0.6) times 10^{-6}$ and $mathcal{B}[B^0 to phi K^{*}_{2}(1430)^{0}] = (5.5 ^{+0.9}_{-0.7} pm 1.0) times 10^{-6}$. We also measure the longitudinal polarization fraction $f_L$ in $B^0 to phi K^{*}(892)^{0}$ and $B^0 to phi K^{*}_{2}(1430)^{0}$ decays to be $0.499 pm 0.030 pm 0.018$ and $0.918 ^{+0.029}_{-0.060} pm 0.012$, respectively. The first quoted uncertainties are statistical and the second are systematic. In total, we measure 26 parameters related to branching fractions, polarization and CP violation in the $B^0 to phi K^{*}$ system. No evidence for CP violation is found.
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