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Strongly interacting Fermi gases with density imbalance

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 Added by Jami Kinnunen
 Publication date 2005
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We consider density-imbalanced Fermi gases of atoms in the strongly interacting, i.e. unitarity, regime. The Bogoliubov-deGennes equations for a trapped superfluid are solved. They take into account the finite size of the system, as well as give rise to both phase separation and FFLO type oscillations in the order parameter. We show how radio-frequency spectroscopy reflects the phase separation, and can provide direct evidence of the FFLO-type oscillations via observing the nodes of the order parameter.

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120 - W. Zwerger 2016
The experimental realization of stable, ultracold Fermi gases near a Feshbach resonance allows to study gases with attractive interactions of essentially arbitrary strength. They extend the classic paradigm of BCS into a regime which has never been accessible before. We review the theoretical concepts which have been developed in this context, including the Tan relations and the notion of fixed points at zero density, which are at the origin of universality. We discuss in detail the universal thermodynamics of the unitary Fermi gas which allows a fit free comparison between theory and experiment for this strongly interacting system. In addition, we adress the consequences of scale invariance at infinite scattering length and the subtle violation of scale invariance in two dimensions. Finally we discuss the Fermionic excitation spectrum accessible in momentum resolved RF-spectroscopy and the origin of universal lower bounds for the shear viscosity and the spin diffusion constant.
We present detailed numerical and analytical investigations of the nonequilibrium dynamics of spin-polarized ultracold Fermi gases following a sudden switching-on of the atom-atom pairing coupling strength. Within a time-dependent mean-field approach we show that on increasing the imbalance it takes longer for pairing to develop, the period of the nonlinear oscillations lengthens, and the maximum value of the pairing amplitude decreases. As expected, dynamical pairing is suppressed by the increase of the imbalance. Eventually, for a critical value of the imbalance the nonlinear oscillations do not even develop. Finally, we point out an interesting temperature-reentrant behavior of the exponent characterizing the initial instability.
167 - Wei Zhang , L.-M. Duan 2008
We consider a trapped Fermi gas with population imbalance at finite temperatures and map out the detailed phase diagram across a wide Feshbach resonance. We take the Larkin-Ovchinnikov-Fulde-Ferrel (LOFF) state into consideration and minimize the thermodynamical potential to ensure stability. Under the local density approximation, we conclude that a stable LOFF state is present only on the BCS side of the Feshbach resonance, but not on the BEC side or at unitarity. Furthermore, even on the BCS side, a LOFF state is restricted at low temperatures and in a small region of the trap, which makes a direct observation of LOFF state a challenging task.
We study population imbalanced Fermi mixtures under quasi-two-dimensional confinement at zero temperature. Using mean-field theory and the local-density approximation, we study the ground state configuration throughout the BEC-BCS crossover. We find the trapped system to be either fully normal or to consist of a superfluid core surrounded by a normal shell, which is itself either fully or partially polarized. Upon changing the trap imbalance, the trap configuration may undergo continuous transitions between the different ground states. Finally, we argue that thermal equilibration throughout the trap will be considerably slowed down at low temperatures when a superfluid phase is present.
162 - M. J. Leskinen , J. Kajala , 2009
We consider spectroscopies of strongly interacting atomic gases, and we propose a model for describing the coupling between quasiparticles and gapless phonon-like modes. Our model explains features in a wide range of different experiments in both fermionic and bosonic atom gases in various spectroscopic methods.
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