We consider spectroscopies of strongly interacting atomic gases, and we propose a model for describing the coupling between quasiparticles and gapless phonon-like modes. Our model explains features in a wide range of different experiments in both fermionic and bosonic atom gases in various spectroscopic methods.
We consider density-imbalanced Fermi gases of atoms in the strongly interacting, i.e. unitarity, regime. The Bogoliubov-deGennes equations for a trapped superfluid are solved. They take into account the finite size of the system, as well as give rise to both phase separation and FFLO type oscillations in the order parameter. We show how radio-frequency spectroscopy reflects the phase separation, and can provide direct evidence of the FFLO-type oscillations via observing the nodes of the order parameter.
We develop an inhomogeneous quantum mean-field theory for disordered particle-hole symmetric Bose-Hubbard models in two dimensions. Collective excitations are described by fluctuations about the mean-field ground state. In quadratic (Gaussian) approximation, the Goldstone (phase) and Higgs (amplitude) modes completely decouple. Each is described by a disordered Bogoliubov Hamiltonian which can be solved by an inhomogeneous multi-mode Bogoliubov transformation. We find that the Higgs modes are noncritical and strictly localized everywhere in the phase diagram. In contrast, the lowest-energy Goldstone mode delocalizes in the superfluid phase. We discuss these findings from the perspective of conventional Anderson localization theory. We also compare the effects of different types of disorder such as site dilution and random interactions; we relate our results to recent quantum Monte Carlo simulations, and we discuss the limits and generality of our approach.
In order to identify possible experimental signatures of the superfluid to Mott-insulator quantum phase transition we calculate the charge structure factor $S(k,omega)$ for the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model using the dynamical density-matrix renormalisation group (DDMRG) technique. Particularly we analyse the behaviour of $S(k, omega)$ by varying---at zero temperature---the Coulomb interaction strength within the first Mott lobe. For strong interactions, in the Mott-insulator phase, we demonstrate that the DDMRG results are well reproduced by a strong-coupling expansion, just as the quasi-particle dispersion. In the superfluid phase we determine the linear excitation spectrum near $k=0$ and compare the DDMRG data with results from mean-field theory.
We present calculations for resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) in edge-shared copper oxide systems, such as CuGeO$_{3}$ and Li$_{2}$CuO$_{2}$, appropriate for hard x-ray scattering where the photoexcited electron lies above oxygen 2p and copper 3d orbital energies. We perform exact diagonalizations of the multi-band Hubbard and determine the energies, orbital character and resonance profiles of excitations which can be probed via RIXS. We find excellent agreement with recent results on Li$_{2}$CuO$_{2}$ and CuGeO$_{3}$ in the 2-7 eV photon energy loss range.
It has been suggested that either diamagnetism or paramagnetism of Bose gases, due to the charge or spin degrees of freedom respectively, appears solely to be extraordinarily strong. We investigate magnetic properties of charged spin-1 Bose gases in external magnetic field, focusing on the competition between the diamagnetism and paramagnetism, using the Lande-factor $g$ of particles to evaluate the strength of paramagnetic effect. We propose that a gas with $g<{1/sqrt{8}}$ exhibits diamagnetism at all temperatures, while a gas with $g>{1/2}$ always exhibits paramagnetism. Moreover, a gas with the Lande-factor in between shows a shift from paramagnetism to diamagnetism as the temperature decreases. The paramagnetic and diamagnetic contributions to the total magnetization density are also calculated in order to demonstrate some details of the competition.