We investigate the 1D interacting two-component Fermi gas with arbitrary polarization. Exact results for the ground state energy, quasimomentum distribution functions, spin velocity and charge velocity reveal subtle polarization dependent quantum effects.
The exact solution of the 1D interacting mixed Bose-Fermi gas is used to calculate ground-state properties both for finite systems and in the thermodynamic limit. The quasimomentum distribution, ground-state energy and generalized velocities are obtained as functions of the interaction strength both for polarized and non-polarized fermions. We do not observe any demixing instability of the system for repulsive interactions.
This review is a summary of my work (partially in collaboration with Kurt Schoenhammer) on higher-dimensional bosonization during the years 1994-1996. It has been published as a book entitled Bosonization of interacting fermions in arbitrary dimensions by Springer Verlag (Lecture Notes in Physics m48, Springer, Berlin, 1997). I have NOT revised this review, so that there is no reference to the literature after 1996. However, the basic ideas underlying the functional bosonization approach outlined in this review are still valid today.
Certain periodically driven quantum many-particle systems in one dimension are known to exhibit edge modes that are related to topological properties and lead to approximate degeneracies of the Floquet spectrum. A similar situation occurs in spin chains, where stable edge modes were shown to exist at all energies in certain integrable spin chains. Moreover, these edge modes were found to be remarkably stable to perturbations. Here we investigate the stability of edge modes in interacting, periodically driven, clean systems. We introduce a model that features edge modes that persist over times scales well in excess of the time needed for the bulk of the system to heat to infinite temperatures.
We obtain multiple exact results on the entanglement of the exact excited states of non-integrable models we introduced in arXiv:1708.05021. We first discuss a general formalism to analytically compute the entanglement spectra of exact excited states using Matrix Product States and Matrix Product Operators and illustrate the method by reproducing a general result on single-mode excitations. We then apply this technique to analytically obtain the entanglement spectra of the infinite tower of states of the spin-$S$ AKLT models in the zero and finite energy density limits. We show that in the zero density limit, the entanglement spectra of the tower of states are multiple shifted copies of the ground state entanglement spectrum in the thermodynamic limit. We show that such a resemblance is destroyed at any non-zero energy density. Furthermore, the entanglement entropy $mathcal{S}$ of the states of the tower that are in the bulk of the spectrum is sub-thermal $mathcal{S} propto log L$, as opposed to a volume-law $mathcal{S} propto L$, thus indicating a violation of the strong Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis (ETH). These states are examples of what are now called many-body scars. Finally, we analytically study the finite-size effects and symmetry-protected degeneracies in the entanglement spectra of the excited states, extending the existing theory.
Transport of strongly interacting fermions governs modern materials -- from the high-$T_c$ cuprates to bilayer graphene --, but also nuclear fission, the merging of neutron stars and the expansion of the early universe. Here we observe a universal quantum limit of diffusivity in a homogeneous, strongly interacting Fermi gas of atoms by studying sound propagation and its attenuation via the coupled transport of momentum and heat. In the normal state, the sound diffusivity ${D}$ monotonically decreases upon lowering the temperature $T$, in contrast to the diverging behavior of weakly interacting Fermi liquids. As the superfluid transition temperature is crossed, ${D}$ attains a universal value set by the ratio of Plancks constant ${h}$ and the particle mass ${m}$. This finding of quantum limited sound diffusivity informs theories of fermion transport, with relevance for hydrodynamic flow of electrons, neutrons and quarks.