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Energetics of solar coronal mass ejections

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 Added by Prasad Subramanian
 Publication date 2007
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Aims: We investigate whether solar coronal mass ejections are driven mainly by coupling to the ambient solar wind or through the release of internal magnetic energy. Methods: We examine the energetics of 39 flux-rope like coronal mass ejections (CMEs) from the Sun using data in the distance range $sim$ 2--20 $R_{odot}$ from the Large Angle Spectroscopic Coronograph (LASCO) aboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). This comprises a complete sample of the best examples of flux-rope CMEs observed by LASCO in 1996-2001. Results: We find that 69% of the CMEs in our sample experience a clearly identifiable driving power in the LASCO field of view. For the CMEs that are driven, we examine if they might be deriving most of their driving power by coupling to the solar wind. We do not find conclusive evidence in favor of this hypothesis. On the other hand, we find that their internal magnetic energy is a viable source of the required driving power. We have estimated upper and lower limits on the power that can possibly be provided by the internal magnetic field of a CME. We find that, on average, the lower limit to the available magnetic power is around 74% of what is required to drive the CMEs, while the upper limit can be as much as an order of magnitude larger.

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We examine the energetics of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) with data from the LASCO coronagraphs on SOHO. The LASCO observations provide fairly direct measurements of the mass, velocity and dimensions of CMEs. Using these basic measurements, we determine the potential and kinetic energies and their evolution for several CMEs that exhibit a flux-rope morphology. Assuming flux conservation, we use observations of the magnetic flux in a variety of magnetic clouds near the Earth to determine the magnetic flux and magnetic energy in CMEs near the Sun. We find that the potential and kinetic energies increase at the expense of the magnetic energy as the CME moves out, keeping the total energy roughly constant. This demonstrates that flux rope CMEs are magnetically driven. Furthermore, since their total energy is constant, the flux rope parts of the CMEs can be considered to be a closed system above $sim$ 2 $R_{sun}$.
In this study we synthesize the results of four previous studies on the global energetics of solar flares and associated coronal mass ejections (CMEs), which include magnetic, thermal, nonthermal, and CME energies in 399 solar M and X-class flare events observed during the first 3.5 years of the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) mission. Our findings are: (1) The sum of the mean nonthermal energy of flare-accelerated particles ($E_{mathrm{nt}}$), the energy of direct heating ($E_{mathrm{dir}}$), and the energy in coronal mass ejections ($E_{mathrm{CME}}$), which are the primary energy dissipation processes in a flare, is found to have a ratio of $(E_{mathrm{nt}}+E_{mathrm{dir}}+ E_{mathrm{CME}})/E_{mathrm{mag}} = 0.87 pm 0.18$, compared with the dissipated magnetic free energy $E_{mathrm{mag}}$, which confirms energy closure within the measurement uncertainties and corroborates the magnetic origin of flares and CMEs; (2) The energy partition of the dissipated magnetic free energy is: $0.51pm0.17$ in nonthermal energy of $ge 6$ keV electrons, $0.17pm0.17$ in nonthermal $ge 1$ MeV ions, $0.07pm0.14$ in CMEs, and $0.07pm0.17$ in direct heating; (3) The thermal energy is almost always less than the nonthermal energy, which is consistent with the thick-target model; (4) The bolometric luminosity in white-light flares is comparable with the thermal energy in soft X-rays (SXR); (5) Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) events carry a fraction $approx 0.03$ of the CME energy, which is consistent with CME-driven shock acceleration; and (6) The warm-target model predicts a lower limit of the low-energy cutoff at $e_c approx 6$ keV, based on the mean differential emission measure (DEM) peak temperature of $T_e=8.6$ MK during flares. This work represents the first statistical study that establishes energy closure in solar flare/CME events.
We propose a new model for the initiation of a solar coronal mass ejection (CME). The model agrees with two properties of CMEs and eruptive flares that have proved to be very difficult to explain with previous models. a) Very low-lying magnetic field lines, down to the photospheric neutral line, can open toward infinity during an eruption. b) The eruption is driven solely by magnetic free energy stored in a closed, sheared arcade; consequently, the magnetic energy of the closed state is well above that of the post-eruption open state. The key new feature of our model is that CMEs occur in multi-polar topologies, in which reconnection between a sheared arcade and neighboring flux systems triggers the eruption. In this ``magnetic breakout model, reconnection removes the unsheared field above the low-lying, sheared core flux near the neutral line, thereby allowing this core flux to burst open. We present numerical simulations which demonstrate that our model can account for the energy requirements for CMEs. We discuss the implication of the model for CME/flare prediction.
Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) contributes to the perturbation of solar wind in the heliosphere. Thus, depending on the different phases of the solar cycle and the rate of CME occurrence, contribution of CMEs to solar wind parameters near the Earth changes. In the present study, we examine the long term occurrence rate of CMEs, their speeds, angular widths and masses. We attempt to find correlation between near sun parameters, determined using white light images from coronagraphs, with solar wind measurements near the Earth from in-situ instruments. Importantly, we attempt to find what fraction of the averaged solar wind mass near the Earth is provided by the CMEs during different phases of the solar cycles.
We present a statistical analysis of 43 coronal dimming events, associated with Earth-directed CMEs that occurred during the period of quasi-quadrature of the SDO and STEREO satellites. We studied coronal dimmings that were observed above the limb by STEREO/EUVI and compared their properties with the mass and speed of the associated CMEs. The unique position of satellites allowed us to compare our findings with the results from Dissauer et al. (2018b, 2019), who studied the same events observed against the solar disk by SDO/AIA. Such statistics is done for the first time and confirms the relation of coronal dimmings and CME parameters for the off-limb viewpoint. The observations of dimming regions from different lines-of-sight reveal a similar decrease in the total EUV intensity ($c=0.60pm0.14$). We find that the (projected) dimming areas are typically larger for off-limb observations (mean value of $1.24pm1.23times10^{11}$ km$^2$ against $3.51pm0.71times10^{10}$ km$^2$ for on-disk), with a correlation of $c=0.63pm0.10$. This systematic difference can be explained by the (weaker) contributions to the dimming regions higher up in the corona, that cannot be detected in the on-disk observations. The off-limb dimming areas and brightnesses show very strong correlations with the CME mass ($c=0.82pm0.06$ and $c=0.75pm0.08$), whereas the dimming area and brightness change rate correlate with the CME speed ($csim0.6$). Our findings suggest that coronal dimmings have the potential to provide early estimates of mass and speed of Earth-directed CMEs, relevant for space weather forecasts, for satellite locations both at L1 and L5.
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