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Implications of Atmospheric Differential Refraction for Adaptive Optics Observations

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 Added by Henry G. Roe
 Publication date 2002
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors Henry G. Roe

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Many adaptive optics systems operate by measuring the distortion of the wavefront in one wavelength range and performing the scientific observations in a second, different wavelength range. One common technique is to measure wavefront distortions at wavelengths <~1 micron while operating the science instrument at wavelengths >~1 micron. The index of refraction of air decreases sharply from shorter visible wavelengths to near-infrared wavelengths. Therefore, because the adaptive optics system is measuring the wavefront distortion in one wavelength range and the science observations are performed at a different wavelength range, residual image motion occurs and the maximum exposure time before smearing of the image can be significantly limited. We demonstrate the importance of atmospheric differential refraction, present calculations to predict the effect of atmospheric differential refraction, and finally discuss the implications of atmospheric differential refraction for several current and proposed observatories.

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293 - Yosuke Minowa 2005
We present a deep $K^{prime}$-band (2.12$mu$m) imaging of 1arcmin $times$ 1arcmin Subaru Super Deep Field (SSDF) taken with the Subaru adaptive optics (AO) system. Total integration time of 26.8 hours results in the limiting magnitude of $K^{prime} sim 24.7$ (5$sigma$, 0farcs2 aperture) for point sources and $K^{prime} sim 23.5$ (5$sigma$, 0farcs6 aperture) for galaxies, which is the deepest limit ever achieved in the $K^{prime}$ band. The average stellar FWHM of the co-added image is 0farcs18. Based on the photometric measurements of detected galaxies, we obtained the differential galaxy number counts, for the first time, down to $K^{prime} sim 25$, which is more than 0.5 mag deeper than the previous data. We found that the number count slope $dlog N/dm$ is about 0.15 at $22 < K^{prime} < 25$, which is flatter than the previous data. Therefore, detected galaxies in the SSDF have only negligible contribution to the near-infrared extragalactic background light (EBL), and the discrepancy claimed so far between the diffuse EBL measurements and the estimated EBL from galaxy count integration has become more serious . The size distribution of detected galaxies was obtained down to the area size of less than 0.1 arcsec$^2$, which is less than a half of the previous data in the $K^{prime}$ band. We compared the observed size-magnitude relation with a simple pure luminosity evolution model allowing for intrinsic size evolution, and found that a model with no size evolution gives the best fit to the data. It implies that the surface brightness of galaxies at high redshift is not much different from that expected from the size-luminosity relation of present-day galaxies.
690 - V. Testa 2008
<Context>. We report on near-infrared (IR) observations of the three anomalous X-ray pulsars XTE J1810-197, 1RXS J1708-4009, 1E 1841-045 and the soft gamma-ray repeater SGR 1900+14, taken with the ESO-VLT, the Gemini, and the CFHT telescopes. <Aims>. This work is aimed at identifying and/or confirming the IR counterparts of these magnetars, as well as at measuring their possible IR variability. <Methods>. In order to perform photometry of objects as faint as Ks~20, we have used data taken with the largest telescopes, equipped with the most advanced IR detectors and in most of the cases with Adaptive Optics devices. The latter are critical to achieve the sharp spatial accuracy required to pinpoint faint objects in crowded fields. <Results>. We confirm with high confidence the identification of the IR counterpart to XTE J1810-197, and its IR variability. For 1E 1841-045 and SGR 1900+14 we propose two candidate IR counterparts based on the detection of IR variability. For 1RXS J1708-4009 we show that none of the potential counterparts within the source X-ray error circle can be yet convincingly associated with this AXP. <Conclusions>. The IR variability of the AXP XTE J1810-197 does not follow the same monotonic decrease of its post-outburst X-ray emission. Instead, the IR variability appears more similar to the one observed in radio band, although simultaneous IR and radio observations are crucial to draw any conclusion in this respect. For 1E 1841-045 and SGR 1900+14, follow-up observations are needed to confirm our proposed candidates with higher confidence.
We discuss the effect of atmospheric dispersion on the performance of a mid-infrared adaptive optics assisted instrument on an extremely large telescope (ELT). Dispersion and atmospheric chromaticity is generally considered to be negligible in this wavelength regime. It is shown here, however, that with the much-reduced diffraction limit size on an ELT and the need for diffraction-limited performance, refractivity phenomena should be carefully considered in the design and operation of such an instrument. We include an overview of the theory of refractivity, and the influence of infrared resonances caused by the presence of water vapour and other constituents in the atmosphere. `Traditional atmospheric dispersion is likely to cause a loss of Strehl only at the shortest wavelengths (L-band). A more likely source of error is the difference in wavelengths at which the wavefront is sensed and corrected, leading to pointing offsets between wavefront sensor and science instrument that evolve with time over a long exposure. Infrared radiation is also subject to additional turbulence caused by the presence of water vapour in the atmosphere not seen by visible wavefront sensors, whose effect is poorly understood. We make use of information obtained at radio wavelengths to make a first-order estimate of its effect on the performance of a mid-IR ground-based instrument. The calculations in this paper are performed using parameters from two different sites, one `standard good site and one `high and dry site to illustrate the importance of the choice of site for an ELT.
(Abridged) Atmospheric dispersion and field differential refraction impose severe constraints on widefield MOS observations. Flux reduction and spectral distortions must be minimised by a careful planning of the observations -- which is especially true for instruments that use slits instead of fibres. This is the case of VIMOS at the VLT, where MOS observations have been restricted, since the start of operations, to a narrow two-hour range from the meridian to minimise slit losses. We revisit in detail the impact of atmospheric effects on the quality of VIMOS-MOS spectra. We model slit losses across the entire VIMOS FOV as a function of target declination. We explore two different slit orientations at the meridian: along the parallactic angle (North-South), and perpendicular to it (East-West). We show that, for fields culminating at zenith distances larger than 20 deg, slit losses are minimised with slits oriented along the parallactic angle at the meridian. The two-hour angle rule holds for these observations using N-S orientations. Conversely, for fields with zenith angles smaller than 20 deg at culmination, losses are minimised with slits oriented perpendicular to the parallactic angle at the meridian. MOS observations can be effectively extended to plus/minus three hours from the meridian in these cases. In general, night-long observations of a single field will benefit from using the E-W orientation. All-sky or service mode observations, however, require a more elaborate planning that depends on the target declination, and the hour angle of the observations. We establish general rules for the alignment of slits in MOS observations that will increase target observability, enhance the efficiency of operations, and speed up the completion of programmes -- a particularly relevant aspect for the forthcoming spectroscopic public surveys with VIMOS.
246 - Sasha Hinkley 2011
The current direct observations of brown dwarfs and exoplanets have been obtained using instruments not specifically designed for overcoming the large contrast ratio between the host star and any wide-separation faint companions. However, we are about to witness the birth of several new dedicated observing platforms specifically geared towards high contrast imaging of these objects. The Gemini Planet Imager, VLT-SPHERE, Subaru HiCIAO, and Project 1640 at the Palomar 5m telescope will return images of numerous exoplanets and brown dwarfs over hundreds of observing nights in the next five years. Along with diffraction-limited coronagraphs and high-order adaptive optics, these instruments also will return spectral and polarimetric information on any discovered targets, giving clues to their atmospheric compositions and characteristics. Such spectral characterization will be key to forming a detailed theory of comparative exoplanetary science which will be widely applicable to both exoplanets and brown dwarfs. Further, the prevalence of aperture masking interferometry in the field of high contrast imaging is also allowing observers to sense massive, young planets at solar system scales (~3-30 AU)---separations out of reach to conventional direct imaging techniques. Such observations can provide snapshots at the earliest phases of planet formation---information essential for constraining formation mechanisms as well as evolutionary models of planetary mass companions. As a demonstration of the power of this technique, I briefly review recent aperture masking observations of the HR 8799 system. Moreover, all of the aforementioned techniques are already extremely adept at detecting low-mass stellar companions to their target stars, and I present some recent highlights.
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