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Feedback of superconductivity on the magnetic excitation spectrum of UTe$_{2}$

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 Added by Stephane Raymond
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We investigate the spin dynamics in the superconducting phase of UTe$_{2}$ by triple-axis inelastic neutron scattering on a single crystal sample. At the wave-vector $bf{k_1}$=(0, 0.57, 0), where the normal state antiferromagnetic correlations are peaked, a modification of the excitation spectrum is evidenced, on crossing the superconducting transition, with a reduction of the relaxation rate together with the development of an inelastic peak at $Omega$ $approx$ 1 meV. The low dimensional nature and the the $a$-axis polarization of the fluctuations, that characterise the normal state, are essentially maintained below $T_{sc}$. The high ratio $Omega/k_{B}T_{sc}$ $approx$ 7.2 contrasts with the most common behaviour in heavy fermion superconductors.

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We present magnetoresistivity measurements on the heavy-fermion superconductor UTe$_{2}$ in pulsed magnetic fields $mu_0H$ up to 68~T and temperatures $T$ from 1.4 to 80~K. Magnetic fields applied along the three crystallographic directions $mathbf{a}$ (easy magnetic axis), $mathbf{b}$, and $mathbf{c}$ (hard magnetic axes), are found to induce different phenomena - depending on the field direction - beyond the low-field suppression of the superconducting state. For $mathbf{H}parallelmathbf{a}$, a broad anomaly in the resistivity is observed at $mu_0H^*simeq10$~T and $T = 1.4$~K. For $mathbf{H}parallelmathbf{c}$, no magnetic transition nor crossover are observed. For $mathbf{H}parallelmathbf{b}$, a sharp first-order-like step in the resistivity indicates a metamagnetic transition at the field $mu_0H_m simeq 35$~T. When the temperature is raised signature of first-order metamagnetism is observed up to a critical endpoint at $T_{CEP}simeq7$~K. At higher temperatures a crossover persists up to 28~K, i.e., below the temperature $T_chi^{max} = 35$~K where the magnetic susceptibility is maximal. A sharp maximum in the Fermi-liquid quadratic coefficient $A$ of the low-temperature resistivity is found at $H_m$. It indicates an enhanced effective mass associated with critical magnetic fluctuations, possibly coupled with a Fermi surface instability. Similarly to the URhGe case, we show that UTe$_{2}$ is a candidate for field-induced reentrant superconductivity in the proximity of $H_m$.
Magnetic interactions are widely believed to play a crucial role in the microscopic mechanism leading to high critical temperature superconductivity. It is therefore important to study the signatures of pairing in the magnetic excitation spectrum of simple models known to show unconventional superconducting tendencies. Using the Density Matrix Renormalization Group technique, we calculate the dynamical spin structure factor $S({bf k},omega)$ of a generalized $t-U-J$ Hubbard model away from half-filling in a two-leg ladder geometry. The addition of $J$ enhances pairing tendencies. We analyze quantitatively the signatures of pairing in the magnetic excitation spectra. We found that the superconducting pair-correlation strength, that can be estimated independently from ground state properties, is closely correlated with the integrated low-energy magnetic spectral weight in the vicinity of $(pi,pi)$. In this wave-vector region, robust spin incommensurate features develop with increasing doping. The branch of the spectrum with rung direction wave-vector $k_{rung}=0$ does not change substantially with doping where pairing dominates, and thus plays a minor role. We discuss the implications of our results for neutron scattering experiments, where the spin excitation dynamics of hole-doped quasi-one dimensional magnetic materials can be measured, and also address implications for recent resonant inelastic X-ray scattering experiments.
We study the temperature dependence of electrical resistivity for currents directed along all crystallographic axes of the spin-triplet superconductor UTe$_{2}$. We focus particularly on an accurate determination of the resistivity along the $c$-axis ($rho_c$) by using transport geometries that allow extraction of two resistivities along with the primary axes directions. Measurement of the absolute values of resistivities in all current directions reveals a surprisingly (given the anticipated highly anisotropic bandstructure) nearly isotropic transport behavior at temperatures above Kondo coherence, with $rho_c sim rho_b sim 2rho_a$, but with a qualitatively distinct behavior at lower temperatures. The temperature dependence of $rho_c$ exhibits a Kondo-like maximum at much lower temperatures compared to that of $rho_a$ and $rho_b$, providing important insight into the underlying electronic structure necessary for building a microscopic model of UTe$_{2}$.
Polarized- and unpolarized-neutron scattering measurements of the spin excitation spectrum in the stripe-ordered phase of La2NiO4+d (d = 0.11) are presented. At low energies, the magnetic spectral weight is found to shift anomalously towards the two-dimensional antiferromagnetic wave vector, similar to the low-energy dispersions observed in cuprate superconductors. While spin-wave spectra in stripe phases can exhibit an apparent inward dispersion, we find that the peak shifts measured here cannot be accounted for by this effect. Possible extensions of the model are discussed.
The magnetic excitation spectrum of the unconventional ferromagnet CeRh$_{3}$B$_{2}$ was measured by inelastic neutron scattering on single crystal sample in the magnetically ordered and paramagnetic phases. The spin-wave excitation spectrum evidences high exchange interaction along the c-axis about two orders of magnitude higher than the ones in the basal plane of the hexagonal structure. Both strong out of plane and small in plane anisotropies are found. This latter point confirms that considering the $J$=5/2 multiplet alone is not adequate for describing the ground state of CeRh$_{3}$B$_{2}$. Quasielastic scattering measured above $T_{Curie}$ is also strongly anisotropic between the basal plane and the c-axis and suggests localized magnetism.
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