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The theory of small-system thermodynamics was originally developed to extend the laws of thermodynamics to length scales of nanometers. Here we review this nanothermodynamics, and stress how it also applies to large systems that subdivide into a heterogeneous distribution of internal subsystems that we call regions. We emphasize that the true thermal equilibrium of most systems often requires that these regions are in the fully-open generalized ensemble, with a distribution of region sizes that is not externally constrained, which we call the nanocanonical ensemble. We focus on how nanothermodynamics impacts the statistical mechanics of specific models. One example is an ideal gas of indistinguishable atoms in a large volume that subdivides into an ensemble of small regions of variable volume, with separate regions containing atoms that are distinguishable from those in other regions. Combining such subdivided regions yields the correct entropy of mixing, avoiding Gibbs paradox without resorting to macroscopic quantum symmetry for semi-classical particles. Other models are based on Ising-like spins (binary degrees of freedom), which are solved analytically in one-dimension, making them suitable examples for introductory courses in statistical physics. A key result is to quantify the net increase in entropy when large systems subdivide into small regions of variable size. Another result is to show similarity in the equilibrium properties of a two-state model in the nanocanonical ensemble and a three-state model in the canonical ensemble. Thus, emergent phenomena may alter the thermal behavior of microscopic models, and the correct ensemble is necessary for accurate predictions.
Nanothermodynamics extends standard thermodynamics to facilitate finite-size effects on the scale of nanometers. A key ingredient is Hills subdivision potential that accommodates the non-extensive energy of independent small systems, similar to how Gibbs chemical potential accommodates distinct particles. Nanothermodynamics is essential for characterizing the thermal equilibrium distribution of independently relaxing regions inside bulk samples, as is found for the primary response of most materials using various experimental techniques. The subdivision potential ensures strict adherence to the laws of thermodynamics: total energy is conserved by including an instantaneous contribution from the entropy of local configurations, and total entropy remains maximized by coupling to a thermal bath. A unique feature of nanothermodynamics is the completely-open nanocanonical ensemble. Another feature is that particles within each region become statistically indistinguishable, which avoids non-extensive entropy, and mimics quantum-mechanical behavior. Applied to mean-field theory, nanothermodynamics gives a heterogeneous distribution of regions that yields stretched-exponential relaxation and super-Arrhenius activation. Applied to Monte Carlo simulations, there is a nonlinear correction to Boltzmanns factor that improves agreement between the Ising model and measured non-classical critical scaling in magnetic materials. Nanothermodynamics also provides a fundamental mechanism for the 1/f noise found in many materials.
This book provides an introduction to the emerging field of quantum thermodynamics, with particular focus on its relation to quantum information and its implications for quantum computers and next generation quantum technologies. The text, aimed at graduate level physics students with a working knowledge of quantum mechanics and statistical physics, provides a brief overview of the development of classical thermodynamics and its quantum formulation in Chapter 1. Chapter 2 then explores typical thermodynamic settings, such as cycles and work extraction protocols, when the working material is genuinely quantum. Finally, Chapter 3 explores the thermodynamics of quantum information processing and introduces the reader to some more state-of-the-art topics in this exciting and rapidly developing research field.
Periodic driving has emerged as a powerful experimental tool to engineer physical properties of isolated, synthetic quantum systems. However, due to the lack of energy conservation and heating effects, non-trivial (e.g., topological) many-body states in periodically driven (Floquet) systems are generally metastable. Therefore it is necessary to find strategies for preparing long-lived many-body states in Floquet systems. We develop a theoretical framework for describing the dynamical preparation of states in Floquet systems by a slow turn-on of the drive. We find that the dynamics of the system is well approximated by the initial state evolving under a slowly varying effective Hamiltonian $H_{rm eff}^{(s)}(t)$, provided the ramp speed $s gg t_*^{-1} sim e^{-{mathcal{C} frac{omega}{J}}}$, the inverse of the characteristic heating time-scale in the Floquet system. At such ramp speeds, the heating effects due to the drive are exponentially suppressed. We compute the slowly varying effective Hamiltonian $H_{rm eff}^{(s)}(t)$, and show that at the end of the ramp it is identical to the effective Hamiltonian of the unramped Floquet system, up to small corrections of the order $O(s)$. Therefore, the system effectively undergoes a slow quench from $H_0$ to $H_{rm eff}$. As an application, we consider the passage of the slow quench through a quantum critical point (QCP), and estimate the energy absorbed due to the non-adiabatic passage through the QCP via a Kibble-Zurek mechanism. By minimizing the energy absorbed due to both the drive and the ramp, we find an optimal ramp speed $s_* sim t_*^{-z/({d+2z})}$ for which both heating effects are exponentially suppressed. Our results bridge the gap between the numerous proposals to obtain interesting systems via Floquet engineering, and the actual preparation of such systems in their effective ground states.
This monograph introduces the reader to basic notions of integrable techniques for one-dimensional quantum systems. In a pedagogical way, a few examples of exactly solvable models are worked out to go from the coordinate approach to the Algebraic Bethe Ansatz, with some discussion on the finite temperature thermodynamics. The aim is to provide the instruments to approach more advanced books or to allow for a critical reading of research articles and the extraction of useful information from them. We describe the solution of the anisotropic XY spin chain; of the Lieb-Liniger model of bosons with contact interaction at zero and finite temperature; and of the XXZ spin chain, first in the coordinate and then in the algebraic approach. To establish the connection between the latter and the solution of two dimensional classical models, we also introduce and solve the 6-vertex model. Finally, the low energy physics of these integrable models is mapped into the corresponding conformal field theory. Through its style and the choice of topics, this book tries to touch all fundamental ideas behind integrability and is meant for students and researchers interested either in an introduction to later delve in the advance aspects of Bethe Ansatz or in an overview of the topic for broadening their culture.
We discuss how to construct models of interacting anyons by generalizing quantum spin Hamiltonians to anyonic degrees of freedom. The simplest interactions energetically favor pairs of anyons to fuse into the trivial (identity) channel, similar to the quantum Heisenberg model favoring pairs of spins to form spin singlets. We present an introduction to the theory of anyons and discuss in detail how basis sets and matrix representations of the interaction terms can be obtained, using non-Abelian Fibonacci anyons as example. Besides discussing the golden chain, a one-dimensional system of anyons with nearest neighbor interactions, we also present the derivation of more complicated interaction terms, such as three-anyon interactions in the spirit of the Majumdar-Ghosh spin chain, longer range interactions and two-leg ladders. We also discuss generalizations to anyons with general non-Abelian su(2)_k statistics. The k to infinity limit of the latter yields ordinary SU(2) spin chains.