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The Herbig Ae star HD 169142 is known to have a gaseous disk with a large inner hole, and also a photometrically variable inner dust component in the sub-au region. Following up our previous analysis, we further studied the temporal evolution of inner dust around HD 169142, which may provide information on the evolution from late-stage protoplanetary disks to debris disks. We used near-infrared interferometric observations obtained with VLTI/PIONIER to constrain the dust distribution at three epochs spanning six years. We also studied the photometric variability of HD 169142 using our optical-infrared observations and archival data. Our results indicate that a dust ring at ~0.3 au formed at some time between 2013 and 2018, and then faded (but did not completely disappear) by 2019. The short-term variability resembles that observed in extreme debris disks, and is likely related to short-lived dust of secondary origin, though variable shadowing from the inner ring could be an alternative interpretation. If confirmed, this is the first direct detection of secondary dust production inside a protoplanetary disk.
In order to look for signs of on-going planet formation in young disks, we carried out the first J-band polarized emission imaging of the Herbig Ae/Be stars HD 150193, HD 163296, and HD 169142 using the Gemini Planet Imager (GPI), along with new H band observations of HD 144432. We confirm the complex double ring structure for the nearly face-on system HD 169142 first seen in H-band, finding the outer ring to be substantially redder than the inner one in polarized intensity. Using radiative transfer modeling, we developed a physical model that explains the full spectral energy distribution (SED) and J- and H-band surface brightness profiles, suggesting that the differential color of the two rings could come from reddened starlight traversing the inner wall and may not require differences in grain properties. In addition, we clearly detect an elongated, off-center ring in HD 163296 (MWC 275), locating the scattering surface to be 18 AU above the midplane at a radial distance of 77 AU, co-spatial with a ring seen at 1.3mm by ALMA linked to the CO snow line. Lastly, we report a weak tentative detection of scattered light for HD 150193 (MWC 863) and a non-detection for HD 144432; the stellar companion known for each of these targets has likely disrupted the material in the outer disk of the primary star. For HD 163296 and HD 169142, the prominent outer rings we detect could be evidence for giant planet formation in the outer disk or a manifestation of large-scale dust growth processes possibly related to snow-line chemistry.
We describe and model emission lines in the first overtone band of CO in the magnetic Herbig Ae star HD 101412. High-resolution CRIRES spectra reveal unusually sharp features which suggest the emission is formed in a thin disk centered at 1 AU with a width 0.32 AU or less. A wider disk will not fit the observations. Previous observations have reached similar conclusions, but the crispness of the new material brings the emitting region into sharp focus.
An essential step to understanding protoplanetary evolution is the study of disks that contain gaps or inner holes. The pretransitional disk around the Herbig star HD 169142 exhibits multi-gap disk structure, differentiated gas and dust distribution, planet candidates, and near-infrared fading in the past decades, which make it a valuable target for a case study of disk evolution. Using near-infrared interferometric observations with VLTI/PIONIER, we aim to study the dust properties in the inner sub-au region of the disk in the years 2011-2013, when the object is already in its near-infrared faint state. We first performed simple geometric modeling to characterize the size and shape of the NIR-emitting region. We then performed Monte-Carlo radiative transfer simulations on grids of models and compared the model predictions with the interferometric and photometric observations. We find that the observations are consistent with optically thin gray dust lying at Rin ~ 0.07 au, passively heated to T ~ 1500 K. Models with sub-micron optically thin dust are excluded because such dust will be heated to much higher temperatures at similar distance. The observations can also be reproduced with a model consisting of optically thick dust at Rin ~ 0.06 au, but this model is plausible only if refractory dust species enduring ~2400 K exist in the inner disk.
Spatially resolving the inner dust cavity of the transitional disks is a key to understanding the connection between planetary formation and disk dispersal. The disk around the Herbig star HD 139614 is of particular interest since it presents a pretransitional nature with an au-sized gap, in the dust, that was spatially resolved by mid-IR interferometry. Using new NIR interferometric observations, we aim to characterize the 0.1-10~au region of the HD~139614 disk further and identify viable mechanisms for the inner disk clearing. We report the first multiwavelength radiative transfer modeling of the interferometric data acquired on HD~139614 with PIONIER, AMBER, and MIDI, complemented by Herschel/PACS photometries. We confirm a gap structure in the um-sized dust, extending from about 2.5 au to 6 au, and constrained the properties of the inner dust component: e.g., a radially increasing surface density profile, and a depletion of 10^3 relative to the outer disk. Since self-shadowing and photoevaporation appears unlikely to be responsible for the au-sized gap of HD~139614, we thus tested if dynamical clearing could be a viable mechanism using hydrodynamical simulations to predict the gaseous disk structure. Indeed, a narrow au-sized gap is expected when a single giant planet interacts with the disk. Assuming that small dust grains are well coupled to the gas, we found that a ~ 3~Mjup planet located at 4.5 au from the star could, in less than 1 Myr, reproduce most of the aspects of the dust surface density profile, while no significant depletion in gas occurred in the inner disk, in contrast to the dust. However, the dust-depleted inner disk could be explained by the expected dust filtration by the gap and the efficient dust growth/fragmentation in the inner disk regions. Our results support the hypothesis of a giant planet opening a gap and shaping the inner region of the HD~139614 disk.
We investigate high resolution imaging polarimetry of HD 169142 taken in the R and I bands with the SPHERE/ZIMPOL instrument for an accurate quantitative measurement of the radiation scattered by the circumstellar disk. We observe a strong dependence of the disk polarimetry on the atmospheric turbulences, which strongly impact the AO performance. With our non-coronagraphic data we can analyze the polarimetric signal of the disk simultaneously with the strongly variable stellar PSF, correct for the convolution effects to determine the intrinsic polarization of the disk with high precision. We also extract the disk intensity signal and derive the fractional polarization. We compare the scattered flux from the inner and outer disk rings with the corresponding thermal dust emissions measured in the IR and estimate the ratio between scattered and absorbed radiation. We obtain ratios between the integrated disk polarization flux and total system flux of 0.43% for the R band and 0.55% for the I band. This indicates a reddish color for the light reflection by the dust. The inner disk ring contributes about 75% to the total disk flux. The obtained fractional polarization for the bright inner disk ring is 23.6% for the I band and similar for the R band. The ratio between scattered disk flux and star flux is about 2.3%. This is much smaller than the derived IR excess of 17.6% for the disk components observed in scattered light. This indicates that only a small fraction of the radiation illuminating the disk is scattered; most is absorbed and reemitted in the IR. We conclude that accurate, quantitative measurements of the scattered light from circumstellar disks are possible with ground based high contrast AO systems, if the PSF convolution effects are properly taken into account, and this provides important new constraints on the properties of the scattering dust.