No Arabic abstract
The formation of asteroids, comets and planets occurs in the interior of protoplanetary disks during the early phase of star formation. Consequently, the chemical composition of the disk might shape the properties of the emerging planetary system. In this context, it is crucial to understand whether and what organic molecules are synthesized in the disk. In this Letter, we report the first detection of formic acid (HCOOH) towards the TW Hydrae protoplanetary disk. The observations of the trans-HCOOH 6$_{(1,6)-5(1,5)}$ transition were carried out at 129~GHz with ALMA. We measured a disk-averaged gas-phase t-HCOOH column density of $sim$ (2-4)$times$10$^{12}$~cm$^{-2}$, namely as large as that of methanol. HCOOH is the first organic molecules containing two oxygen atoms detected in a protoplanetary disk, a proof that organic chemistry is very active even though difficult to observe in these objects. Specifically, this simplest acid stands as the basis for synthesis of more complex carboxylic acids used by life on Earth.
Studying molecular species in protoplanetary disks is very useful to characterize the properties of these objects, which are the site of planet formation. We attempt to constrain the chemistry of S-bearing molecules in the cold parts of circumstellar disk of GG Tau A. We searched for H$_2$S, CS, SO, and SO$_2$ in the dense disk around GG Tau A with the NOrthem Extended Millimeter Array (NOEMA) interferometer. We detected H$_2$S emission from the dense and cold ring orbiting around GG Tau A. This is the first detection of H$_2$S in a protoplanetary disk. We also detected HCO$^+$, H$^{13}$CO$^+$, and DCO$^+$ in the disk. Upper limits for other molecules, CCS, SO$_2$, SO, HC$_3$N, and $c$-C$_3$H$_2$ are also obtained. The observed DCO$^+$/HCO$^+$ ratio is similar to those in other disks. The observed column densities, derived using our radiative transfer code DiskFit, are then compared with those from our chemical code Nautilus. The column densities are in reasonable agreement for DCO$^{+}$, CS, CCS, and SO$_2$. For H$_2$S and SO, our predicted vertical integrated column densities are more than a factor of 10 higher than the measured values. Our results reinforce the hypothesis that only a strong sulfur depletion may explain the low observed H$_2$S column density in the disk. The H$_2$S detection in GG Tau A is most likely linked to the much larger mass of this disk compared to that in other T Tauri systems.
Measurements of the gas mass are necessary to determine the planet formation potential of protoplanetary disks. Observations of rare CO isotopologues are typically used to determine disk gas masses; however, if the line emission is optically thick this will result in an underestimated disk mass. With ALMA we have detected the rarest stable CO isotopologue, 13C17O, in a protoplanetary disk for the first time. We compare our observations with the existing detections of 12CO, 13CO, C18O and C17O in the HD163296 disk. Radiative transfer modelling using a previously benchmarked model, and assuming interstellar isotopic abundances, significantly underestimates the integrated intensity of the 13C17O J=3-2 line. Reconciliation between the observations and the model requires a global increase in CO gas mass by a factor of 3.5. This is a factor of 2-6 larger than previous gas mass estimates using C18O. We find that C18O emission is optically thick within the CO snow line, while the 13C17O emission is optically thin and is thus a robust tracer of the bulk disk CO gas mass.
Nitrogen oxides are thought to play a significant role as a nitrogen reservoir and to potentially participate in the formation of more complex species. Until now, only NO, N$_2$O and HNO have been detected in the interstellar medium. We report the first interstellar detection of nitrous acid (HONO). Twelve lines were identified towards component B of the low-mass protostellar binary IRAS~16293--2422 with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array, at the position where NO and N$_2$O have previously been seen. A local thermodynamic equilibrium model was used to derive the column density ($sim$ 9 $times$ 10$^{14}$ cm$^{-2}$ in a 0.5 beam) and excitation temperature ($sim$ 100 K) of this molecule. HNO, NO$_2$, NO$^+$, and HNO$_3$ were also searched for in the data, but not detected. We simulated the HONO formation using an updated version of the chemical code Nautilus and compared the results with the observations. The chemical model is able to reproduce satisfactorily the HONO, N$_2$O, and NO$_2$ abundances, but not the NO, HNO, and NH$_2$OH abundances. This could be due to some thermal desorption mechanisms being destructive and therefore limiting the amount of HNO and NH$_2$OH present in the gas phase. Other options are UV photodestruction of these species in ices or missing reactions potentially relevant at protostellar temperatures.
The first detection of gas-phase methanol in a protoplanetary disk (TW Hya) is presented. In addition to being one of the largest molecules detected in disks to date, methanol is also the first disk organic molecule with an unambiguous ice chemistry origin. The stacked methanol emission, as observed with ALMA, is spectrally resolved and detected across six velocity channels ($>3 sigma$), reaching a peak signal-to-noise of $5.5sigma$, with the kinematic pattern expected for TW~Hya. Using an appropriate disk model, a fractional abundance of $3times 10^{-12} - 4 times 10^{-11}$ (with respect to H$_2$) reproduces the stacked line profile and channel maps, with the favoured abundance dependent upon the assumed vertical location (midplane versus molecular layer). The peak emission is offset from the source position suggesting that the methanol emission has a ring-like morphology: the analysis here suggests it peaks at $approx 30$~AU reaching a column density $approx 3-6times10^{12}$~cm$^{-2}$. In the case of TW Hya, the larger (up to mm-sized) grains, residing in the inner 50~AU, may thus host the bulk of the disk ice reservoir. The successful detection of cold gas-phase methanol in a protoplanetary disk implies that the products of ice chemistry can be explored in disks, opening a window to studying complex organic chemistry during planetary system formation.
Molecular line emission from protoplanetary disks is a powerful tool to constrain their physical and chemical structure. Nevertheless, only a few molecules have been detected in disks so far. We take advantage of the enhanced capabilities of the IRAM 30m telescope by using the new broad band correlator (FTS) to search for so far undetected molecules in the protoplanetary disks surrounding the TTauri stars DM Tau, GO Tau, LkCa 15 and the Herbig Ae star MWC 480. We report the first detection of HC3N at 5 sigma in the GO Tau and MWC 480 disks with the IRAM 30-m, and in the LkCa 15 disk (5 sigma), using the IRAM array, with derived column densities of the order of 10^{12}cm^{-2}. We also obtain stringent upper limits on CCS (N < 1.5 x 10^{12} cm^{-3}). We discuss the observational results by comparing them to column densities derived from existing chemical disk models (computed using the chemical code Nautilus) and based on previous nitrogen and sulfur-bearing molecule observations. The observed column densities of HC3N are typically two orders of magnitude lower than the existing predictions and appear to be lower in the presence of strong UV flux, suggesting that the molecular chemistry is sensitive to the UV penetration through the disk. The CCS upper limits reinforce our model with low elemental abundance of sulfur derived from other sulfur-bearing molecules (CS, H2S and SO).