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Towards the ICRF3: astrometric comparison of the USNO 2016A VLBI solution with ICRF2 and Gaia DR1

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 Added by Julien Frouard
 Publication date 2018
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The VLBI USNO 2016A (U16A) solution is part of a work-in-progress effort by USNO towards the preparation of the ICRF3. Most of the astrometric improvement with respect to the ICRF2 is due to the re-observation of the VCS sources. Our objective in this paper is to assess U16As astrometry. A comparison with ICRF2 shows statistically significant offsets of size 0.1 mas between the two solutions. While Gaia DR1 positions are not precise enough to resolve these offsets, they are found to be significantly closer to U16A than ICRF2. In particular, the trend for typically larger errors for Southern sources in VLBI solutions are decreased in U16A. Overall, the VLBI-Gaia offsets are reduced by 21%. The U16A list includes 718 sources not previously included in ICRF2. Twenty of those new sources have statistically significant radio-optical offsets. In two-thirds of the cases, these offsets can be explained from PanSTARRS images.

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We describe development and application of a Global Astrometric Solution (GAS) to the problem of Pan-STARRS1 (PS1) astrometry. Current PS1 astrometry is based on differential astrometric measurements using 2MASS reference stars, thus PS1 astrometry inherits the errors of the 2MASS catalog. The GAS, based on a single, least squares adjustment to approximately 750k grid stars using over 3000 extragalactic objects as reference objects, avoids this catalog-to-catalog propagation of errors to a great extent. The GAS uses a relatively small number of Quasi-Stellar Objects (QSOs, or distant AGN) with very accurate (<1 mas) radio positions, referenced to the ICRF2. These QSOs provide a hard constraint in the global least squares adjustment. Solving such a system provides absolute astrometry for all the stars simultaneously. The concept is much cleaner than conventional astrometry but is not easy to perform for large catalogs. In this paper we describe our method and its application to Pan-STARRS1 data. We show that large-scale systematic errors are easily corrected but our solution residuals for position (~60 mas) are still larger than expected based on simulations (~10 mas). We provide a likely explanation for the reason the small-scale residual errors are not corrected in our solution as would be expected.
Gaia Data Release 2 (Gaia DR2) contains results for 1693 million sources in the magnitude range 3 to 21 based on observations collected by the European Space Agency Gaia satellite during the first 22 months of its operational phase. We describe the input data, models, and processing used for the astrometric content of Gaia DR2, and the validation of these results performed within the astrometry task. Some 320 billion centroid positions from the pre-processed astrometric CCD observations were used to estimate the five astrometric parameters (positions, parallaxes, and proper motions) for 1332 million sources, and approximate positions at the reference epoch J2015.5 for an additional 361 million mostly faint sources. Special validation solutions were used to characterise the random and systematic errors in parallax and proper motion. For the sources with five-parameter astrometric solutions, the median uncertainty in parallax and position at the reference epoch J2015.5 is about 0.04 mas for bright (G<14 mag) sources, 0.1 mas at G=17 mag, and 0.7 mas at G=20 mag. In the proper motion components the corresponding uncertainties are 0.05, 0.2, and 1.2 mas/yr, respectively. The optical reference frame defined by Gaia DR2 is aligned with ICRS and is non-rotating with respect to the quasars to within 0.15 mas/yr. From the quasars and validation solutions we estimate that systematics in the parallaxes depending on position, magnitude, and colour are generally below 0.1 mas, but the parallaxes are on the whole too small by about 0.03 mas. Significant spatial correlations of up to 0.04 mas in parallax and 0.07 mas/yr in proper motion are seen on small (<1 deg) and intermediate (20 deg) angular scales. Important statistics and information for the users of the Gaia DR2 astrometry are given in the appendices.
We want to study whether the astrometric and photometric accuracies obtained for the Carte du Ciel plates digitized with a commercial digital camera are high enough for scientific exploitation of the plates. We use a digital camera Canon EOS~5Ds, with a 100mm macrolens for digitizing. We analyze six single-exposure plates and four triple-exposure plates from the Helsinki zone of Carte du Ciel (+39 degr < delta < 47 degr). Each plate is digitized using four images, with a significant central area being covered twice for quality control purposes. The astrometric calibration of the digitized images is done with the data from the Gaia TGAS (Tycho-Gaia Astrometric Solution) of the first Gaia data release (Gaia DR1), Tycho-2, HSOY (Hot Stuff for One Year), UCAC5 (USNO CCD Astrograph Catalog), and PMA catalogs. The best astrometric accuracy is obtained with the UCAC5 reference stars. The astrometric accuracy for single-exposure plates is sigma(R.A.)=0.16 and sigma(Dec.)=0.15 expressed as a Gaussian deviation of the astrometric residuals. For triple-exposure plates the astrometric accuracy is sigma(R.A.)=0.12 and sigma(Dec.)=0.13. The 1-sigma uncertainty of photometric calibration is about 0.28 mag and 0.24 mag for single- and triple-exposure plates, respectively. We detect the photographic adjacency (Kostinsky) effect in the triple-exposure plates. We show that accuracies at least of the level of scanning machines can be achieved with a digital camera, without any corrections for possible distortions caused by our instrumental setup. This method can be used to rapidly and inexpensively digitize and calibrate old photographic plates enabling their scientific exploitation.
Gaia Early Data Release 3 (Gaia EDR3) contains results for 1.812 billion sources in the magnitude range G = 3 to 21 based on observations collected by the European Space Agency Gaia satellite during the first 34 months of its operational phase. We describe the input data, the models, and the processing used for the astrometric content of Gaia EDR3, as well as the validation of these results performed within the astrometry task. The processing broadly followed the same procedures as for Gaia DR2, but with significant improvements to the modelling of observations. For the first time in the Gaia data processing, colour-dependent calibrations of the line- and point-spread functions have been used for sources with well-determined colours from DR2. In the astrometric processing these sources obtained five-parameter solutions, whereas other sources were processed using a special calibration that allowed a pseudocolour to be estimated as the sixth astrometric parameter. Compared with DR2, the astrometric calibration models have been extended, and the spin-related distortion model includes a self-consistent determination of basic-angle variations, improving the global parallax zero point. Gaia EDR3 gives full astrometric data (positions at epoch J2016.0, parallaxes, and proper motions) for 1.468 billion sources (585 million with five-parameter solutions, 882 million with six parameters), and mean positions at J2016.0 for an additional 344 million. Solutions with five parameters are generally more accurate than six-parameter solutions, and are available for 93% of the sources brighter than G = 17 mag. The median uncertainty in parallax and annual proper motion is 0.02-0.03 mas at magnitude G = 9 to 14, and around 0.5 mas at G = 20. Extensive characterisation of the statistical properties of the solutions is provided, including the estimated angular power spectrum of parallax bias from the quasars.
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