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While it has been pointed out that the chiral symmetry, which is important for the Dirac fermions in graphene, can be generalized to tilted Dirac fermions as in organic metals, such a generalized symmetry was so far defined only for a continuous low-energy Hamiltonian. Here we show that the generalized chiral symmetry can be rigorously defined for lattice fermions as well. A key concept is a continuous algebraic deformation of Hamiltonians, which generates lattice models with the generalized chiral symmetry from those with the conventional chiral symmetry. This enables us to explicitly express zero modes of the deformed Hamiltonian in terms of that of the original Hamiltonian. Another virtue is that the deformation can be extended to non-uniform systems, such as fermion-vortex systems and disordered systems. Application to fermion vortices in a deformed system shows how the zero modes for the conventional Dirac fermions with vortices can be extended to the tilted case.
One of the most prominent characteristics of two-dimensional Quantum Hall systems are chiral edge modes. Their existence is a consequence of the bulk-boundary correspondence and their stability guarantees the quantization of the transverse conductance. In this work, we study two microscopic models, the Hofstadter lattice model and an extended version of Haldanes Chern insulator. Both models host Quantum Hall phases in two dimensions. We transfer them to lattice implementations of fractals with a dimension between one and two and study the existence and robustness of their edge states. Our main observation is that, contrary to their two-dimensional counterpart, there is no universal behavior of the edge modes in fractals. Instead, their presence and stability critically depends on details of the models and the lattice realization of the fractal.
Random matrix theory has proven very successful in the understanding of the spectra of chaotic systems. Depending on symmetry with respect to time reversal and the presence or absence of a spin 1/2 there are three ensembles, the Gaussian orthogonal (GOE), Gaussian unitary (GUE), and Gaussian symplectic (GSE) one. With a further particle-antiparticle symmetry the chiral variants of these ensembles, the chiral orthogonal, unitary, and symplectic ensembles (the BDI, AIII, and CII in Cartans notation) appear. A microwave study of the chiral ensembles is presented using a linear chain of evanescently coupled dielectric cylindrical resonators. In all cases the predicted repulsion behavior between positive and negative eigenvalues for energies close to zero could be verified.
The bulk band topology of symmetry invariant adiabatic systems in the thermodynamic limit are considered to be determined by the hopping energy. In this work, we present that in closed classical systems, due to generalized chiral symmetry broken, the on-site energy cannot always be regarded as identical and can crucially impact the topological properties of the systems. Based on a finite one-dimensional chain, we demonstrate that the non-equivalent on-site energy of bulk lattices affects the topological phases of the bands, and the on-site energy of end lattices affects the existence of the topological states. Along these lines, the correspondence with generalized chiral symmetry in acoustic system is rigorously proposed. Our work provides a new degree of freedom for topological classical systems, and can be generalized to higher-dimensions and non-Hermitian conditions.
In this article we discuss generalized harmonic confinement of massless Dirac fermions in (2+1) dimensions using smooth finite magnetic fields. It is shown that these types of magnetic fields lead to conditional confinement, that is confinement is possible only when the angular momentum (and parameters which depend on it) assumes some specific values. The solutions for non zero energy states as well as zero energy states have been found exactly.
The low-energy excitations of graphene are relativistic massless Dirac fermions with opposite chiralities at valleys K and K. Breaking the chiral symmetry could lead to gap opening in analogy to dynamical mass generation in particle physics. Here we report direct experimental evidences of chiral symmetry breaking (CSB) from both microscopic and spectroscopic measurements in a Li-intercalated graphene. The CSB is evidenced by gap opening at the Dirac point, Kekule-O type modulation, and chirality mixing near the gap edge. Our work opens up opportunities for investigating CSB related physics in a Kekule-ordered graphene.