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One of the most prominent characteristics of two-dimensional Quantum Hall systems are chiral edge modes. Their existence is a consequence of the bulk-boundary correspondence and their stability guarantees the quantization of the transverse conductance. In this work, we study two microscopic models, the Hofstadter lattice model and an extended version of Haldanes Chern insulator. Both models host Quantum Hall phases in two dimensions. We transfer them to lattice implementations of fractals with a dimension between one and two and study the existence and robustness of their edge states. Our main observation is that, contrary to their two-dimensional counterpart, there is no universal behavior of the edge modes in fractals. Instead, their presence and stability critically depends on details of the models and the lattice realization of the fractal.
The recent research of disorder effects on topological phases in quasicrystalline systems has received much attention. In this work, by numerically computing the (spin) Bott index and the thermal conductance, we reveal the effects of disorder on a class D chiral and a class DIII time-reversal invariant topological superconductors in a two-dimensional Ammann-Beenker tiling quasicrystalline lattice. We demonstrate that both the topologically protected chiral and helical Majorana edge modes are robust against weak disorder in the quasicrystalline lattice. More fascinating is the discovery of disorder-induced topologically nontrivial phases exhibiting chiral and helical Majorana edge modes in class D and DIII topological superconductor systems, respectively. Our findings open the door for the research on disorder-induced Majorana edge modes in quasicrystalline systems.
We study the transport of chiral Majorana edge modes (CMEMs) in a hybrid quantum anomalous Hall insulator-topological superconductor (QAHI-TSC) system in which the TSC region contains a Josephson junction and a cavity. The Josephson junction undergoes a topological transition when the magnetic flux through the cavity passes through half-integer multiples of magnetic flux quantum. For the trivial phase, the CMEMs transmit along the QAHI-TSC interface as without magnetic flux. However, for the nontrivial phase, a zero-energy Majorana state appears in the cavity, leading that a CMEM can resonantly tunnel through the Majorana state to a different CMEM. These findings may provide a feasible scheme to control the transport of CMEMs by using the magnetic flux and the transport pattern can be customized by setting the size of the TSC.
We investigate the fate of topological states on fractal lattices. Focusing on a spinless chiral p-wave paired superconductor, we find that this model supports two qualitatively distinct phases when defined on a Sierpinski gasket. While the trivial phase is characterized by a self-similar spectrum with infinitely many gaps and extended eigenstates, the novel topological phase has a gapless spectrum and hosts chiral states propagating along edges of the graph. Besides employing theoretical probes such as the real-space Chern number, inverse participation ratio, and energy-level statistics in the presence of disorder, we develop a simple physical picture capturing the essential features of the model on the gasket. Extending this picture to other fractal lattices and topological states, we show that the p+ip state admits a gapped topological phase on the Sierpinski carpet and that a higher-order topological insulator placed on this lattice hosts gapless modes localized on corners.
Coulomb interactions have a major role in one-dimensional electronic transport. They modify the nature of the elementary excitations from Landau quasiparticles in higher dimensions to collective excitations in one dimension. Here we report the direct observation of the collective neutral and charge modes of the two chiral co-propagating edge channels of opposite spins of the quantum Hall effect at filling factor 2. Generating a charge density wave at frequency f in the outer channel, we measure the current induced by inter-channel Coulomb interaction in the inner channel after a 3-mm propagation length. Varying the driving frequency from 0.7 to 11 GHz, we observe damped oscillations in the induced current that result from the phase shift between the fast charge and slow neutral eigenmodes. We measure the dispersion relation and dissipation of the neutral mode from which we deduce quantitative information on the interaction range and parameters.
While it has been pointed out that the chiral symmetry, which is important for the Dirac fermions in graphene, can be generalized to tilted Dirac fermions as in organic metals, such a generalized symmetry was so far defined only for a continuous low-energy Hamiltonian. Here we show that the generalized chiral symmetry can be rigorously defined for lattice fermions as well. A key concept is a continuous algebraic deformation of Hamiltonians, which generates lattice models with the generalized chiral symmetry from those with the conventional chiral symmetry. This enables us to explicitly express zero modes of the deformed Hamiltonian in terms of that of the original Hamiltonian. Another virtue is that the deformation can be extended to non-uniform systems, such as fermion-vortex systems and disordered systems. Application to fermion vortices in a deformed system shows how the zero modes for the conventional Dirac fermions with vortices can be extended to the tilted case.