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Raman fingerprints of atomically precise graphene nanoribbons

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 Added by Cinzia Casiraghi Dr
 Publication date 2016
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Bottom-up approaches allow the production of ultra-narrow and atomically precise graphene nanoribbons (GNRs), with electronic and optical properties controlled by the specific atomic structure. Combining Raman spectroscopy and ab-initio simulations, we show that GNR width, edge geometry and functional groups all influence their Raman spectra. The low-energy spectral region below 1000 cm-1 is particularly sensitive to edge morphology and functionalization, while the D peak dispersion can be used to uniquely fingerprint the presence of GNRs, and differentiates them from other sp2 carbon nanostructures.

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Contributing to the need of new graphene nanoribbon (GNR) structures that can be synthesized with atomic precision, we have designed a reactant that renders chiral (3,1) - GNRs after a multi-step reaction including Ullmann coupling and cyclodehydrogenation. The nanoribbon synthesis has been successfully proved on different coinage metals, and the formation process, together with the fingerprints associated to each reaction step, has been studied combining scanning tunnelling microscopy, core-level spectroscopy and density functional calculations. In addition to the GNR chiral edge structure, the substantial GNR lengths achieved and the low processing temperature required to complete the reaction grant this reactant extremely interesting properties for potential applications.
Graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) synthesized using a bottom-up technique potentially enable future electronic devices owing to the tunable electronic structures depending on the well-defined width and edge geometry. For instance, armchair-edged GNRs (AGNRs) exhibit width-dependent bandgaps. However, the bandgaps of AGNRs synthesized experimentally thus far are relatively large, well above 1 eV. Such a large bandgap may deteriorate device performances due to large Schottky barriers and carrier effective masses. We describe the bottom-up synthesis of AGNRs with a smaller bandgap using dibromobenzene-based precursors. Two types of AGNRs with different widths of 17 and 13 carbon atoms were synthesized on Au(111), and their atomic and electronic structures were investigated by scanning probe microscopy and spectroscopy. We reveal that the 17-AGNRs has the smallest bandgap as well as the smallest electron/hole effective mass among bottom-up AGNRs reported thus far. The successful synthesis of 17-AGNRs is a significant step toward the development of GNR-based electronic devices.
165 - K. Sasaki , K. Kato , Y. Tokura 2011
By analytically constructing the matrix elements of an electron-phonon interaction for the $D$ band in the Raman spectra of armchair graphene nanoribbons, we show that pseudospin and momentum conservation result in (i) a $D$ band consisting of two components, (ii) a $D$ band Raman intensity that is enhanced only when the polarizations of the incident and scattered light are parallel to the armchair edge, and (iii) the $D$ band softening/hardening behavior caused by the Kohn anomaly effect is correlated with that of the $G$ band. Several experiments are mentioned that are relevant to these results. It is also suggested that pseudospin is independent of the boundary condition for the phonon mode, while momentum conservation depends on it.
The construction of atomically-precise carbon nanostructures holds promise for developing novel materials for scientific study and nanotechnology applications. Here we show that graphene origami is an efficient way to convert graphene into atomically-precise, complex, and novel nanostructures. By scanning-tunneling-microscope manipulation at low temperature, we repeatedly fold and unfold graphene nanoislands (GNIs) along arbitrarily chosen direction. A bilayer graphene stack featuring a tunable twist angle and a tubular edge connection between the layers are formed. Folding single-crystal GNIs creates tubular edges with specified chirality and one-dimensional electronic features similar to those of carbon nanotubes, while folding bi-crystal GNIs creates well-defined intramolecular junctions. Both origami structural models and electronic band structures were computed to complement analysis of the experimental results. The present atomically-precise graphene origami provides a platform for constructing novel carbon nanostructures with engineered quantum properties and ultimately quantum machines.
{gamma}-graphdiyne is a 2D carbon structure beyond graphene: it is formed by sp and sp2 carbon atoms organized as hexagonal rings connected by linear links, and it is predicted to be a semiconductor. The lateral confinement of {gamma}-graphdiyne nanoribbons significantly affects the electronic and vibrational properties. By means of periodic Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations we investigate here the electronic band structure, the Raman and IR spectra of the {gamma}-graphdiyne 2D crystal and related nanoribbons. We discuss the effect of the functional and basis set on the evaluation of the band gap, highlighting the reliability of hybrid functionals. By joining DFT calculations with a symmetry analysis, we assign in detail the IR and Raman spectra of {gamma}-graphdiyne. On this basis we show the modulation of the gap in nanoribbons of increasing width and different edges (armchair, zigzag). We assess how confinement affects the Raman and IR spectra of such nanoribbons by comparing their vibrational modes with the phonons of the parent 2D crystal. Our symmetry-based classification allows identifying the marker bands sensitive to the edge structure and lateral confinement of nanoribbons of increasing width. These results show the effectiveness of vibrational spectroscopy for the characterization of such nanostructures.
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