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Refractive Index of p-SnS Thin Films and its Dependence on Defects

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 Added by Palakkandy Arun
 Publication date 2016
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Tin sulphide thin films of p-type conductivity were grown on glass substrates. The refractive index of the as grown films, calculated using both Transmission and ellipsometry data were found to follow the Sellmeier dispersion model. The improvement in the dispersion data obtained using ellipsometry was validated by Wemple-Dedomenico (WDD) single oscillator model fitting. The optical properties of the films were found to be closely related to the structural properties of the films. The band-gap, its spread and appearance of defect levels within the band-gap intimately controls the refractive index of the films.

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The plasmonic properties of vacuum evaporated nanostructured gold thin films having different types of nanoparticles are presented. The films with more than 6 nm thickness show presence of nanorods having non cylindrical shape with triangular base. Two characteristics plasmon bands have been recoreded in absorption spectra. First one occurs below 500 nm and other one at higher wavelength side. Both the peaks show dependence on the dielectric property of surroundings. The higher wavelength localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) peak shifts to higher wavelength with an increase in the nanoparticle size, surface roughness and refractive index of the surrounding (Methylene Blue dye coating). This shows that such thin films can be used as sensor for organic molecules with a refractive index sensitivity ranging from 250 - 305 nm/RIU (Refractive Index Unit).
431 - Yashika Gupta , P.Arun 2015
Tin Sulphide is a layered compound which retains its structure when deposited as thin films by thermal evaporation. The films were found to have oriented growth with the direction of orientation changing with film thickness. The films morphology was found to change with orientation. The poor conductivity of the thicker samples made it difficult to make photocunductivity characterisation. However, unlike reported the thinner samples showed photo-sensitivity to be independent of film thickness and grain size with a high persistent photocurrent. With their absorption, photosensitivty, optimum band-gap and traps within the band-gap giving the charge carriers a longer life-time, thin samples of tin sulphide gives adequate scope designing efficient photovoltaics. The refractive index was modeled using Sellmeirs model, while most of the previous studies talk of Wemple-DiDomenico single oscillator model or Cauchys dispersion relation. The Sellmeirs fitting parameters are reported which can be of use in ellipsometric studies.
Tin monosulfide (SnS) usually exhibits p-type conduction due to the low formation enthalpy of acceptor-type defects, and as a result n-type SnS thin films have never been obtained. This study realizes n-type conduction in SnS thin films for the first time by using RF-magnetron sputtering with Cl doping and sulfur plasma source during deposition. N-type SnS thin films are obtained at all the substrate temperatures employed in this study (221-341 C), exhibiting carrier concentrations and Hall mobilities of ~2 x 10 18 cm-3 and 0.1-1 cm V-1s-1, respectively. The films prepared without sulfur plasma source, on the other hand, exhibit p-type conduction despite containing a comparable amount of Cl donors. This is likely due to a significant amount of acceptor-type defects originating from sulfur deficiency in p-type films, which appears as a broad optical absorption within the band gap. The demonstration of n-type SnS thin films in this study is a breakthrough for the realization of SnS homojunction solar cells, which are expected to have a higher conversion efficiency than the conventional heterojunction SnS solar cells.
The parameters influencing the band gap of tin sulphide thin nano-crystalline films have been investigated. Both grain size and lattice parameters are known to influence the band gap. The present study initially investigates each contribution individually. The experimentally determined dependency on lattice parameter is verified by theoretical calculations. We also suggest how to treat the variation of band gap as a two variable problem. The results allow us to show dependency of effective mass (reduced) on lattice unit volume.
349 - S. Jena , R. B. Tokas , S. Thakur 2020
A simple user-friendly software named PRISA has been developed to determine optical constants (refractive index and extinction co-efficient), dispersion parameters (oscillator energy and dispersion energy), absorption co-efficient, band gap and thickness of semiconductor and dielectric thin films from their measured transmission spectrum, only. The thickness, refractive index, and extinction co-efficient of the films have been derived using Envelope method proposed by Swanepoel. The absorption co-efficient in the strong absorption region is calculated using the method proposed by Connel and Lewis. Subsequently, both direct and indirect bandgap of the films is estimated from the absorption co-efficient spectrum using Tauc plot. The codes for the software are written in Python and the graphical user interface is programmed with tkinter package of Python. It provides convenient input and output of the measured and derived data. The software has a feature to retrieve transmission spectrum using the derived parameters in order to check their reliability. The performance of the software is verified by analyzing numerically generated transmission spectra of a-Si:H amorphous semiconductor thin films, and experimentally measured transmission spectra of electron beam evaporated HfO2 dielectric thin films as examples. PRISA is found to be much simpler and accurate as compared to the other freely available softwares. To help other researchers working on thin films, the software is made freely available at
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