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Uniqueness in potential scattering with reduced near field data

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 Added by Evgeny Lakshtanov L
 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We consider inverse potential scattering problems where the source of the incident waves is located on a smooth closed surface outside of the inhomogeneity of the media. The scattered waves are measured on the same surface at a fixed value of the energy. We show that this data determines the bounded potential uniquely.

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We consider inverse obstacle and transmission scattering problems where the source of the incident waves is located on a smooth closed surface that is a boundary of a domain located outside of the obstacle/inhomogeneity of the media. The domain can be arbitrarily small but fixed.The scattered waves are measured on the same surface. An effective procedure is suggested for recovery of interior eigenvalues by these data.
In arXiv:1201.4067 and arXiv:1611.08030, Eyink and Shi and Chibbaro et al., respectively, formally derived an infinite, coupled hierarchy of equations for the spectral correlation functions of a system of weakly interacting nonlinear dispersive waves with random phases in the standard kinetic limit. Analogously to the relationship between the Boltzmann hierarchy and Boltzmann equation, this spectral hierarchy admits a special class of factorized solutions, where each factor is a solution to the wave kinetic equation (WKE). A question left open by these works and highly relevant for the mathematical derivation of the WKE is whether solutions of the spectral hierarchy are unique, in particular whether factorized initial data necessarily lead to factorized solutions. In this article, we affirmatively answer this question in the case of 4-wave interactions by showing, for the first time, that this spectral hierarchy is well-posed in an appropriate function space. Our proof draws on work of Chen and Pavlovi{c} for the Gross-Pitaevskii hierarchy in quantum many-body theory and of Germain et al. for the well-posedness of the WKE.
We present a new, simpler proof of the unconditional uniqueness of solutions to the cubic Gross-Pitaevskii hierarchy in $R^3$. One of the main tools in our analysis is the quantum de Finetti theorem. Our uniqueness result is equivalent to the one established in the celebrated works of Erdos, Schlein and Yau, cite{esy1,esy2,esy3,esy4}.
An inverse problem for the two-dimensional Schrodinger equation with $L^p_{com}$-potential, $p>1$, is considered. Using the $overline{partial}$-method, the potential is recovered from the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map on the boundary of a domain containing the support of the potential. We do not assume that the potential is small or that the Faddeev scattering problem does not have exceptional points. The paper contains a new estimate on the Faddeev Green function that immediately implies the absence of exceptional points near the origin and infinity when $vin L^p_{com}$.
We study large time behavior of quantum walks (QWs) with self-dependent (nonlinear) coin. In particular, we show scattering and derive the reproducing formula for inverse scattering in the weak nonlinear regime. The proof is based on space-time estimate of (linear) QWs such as dispersive estimates and Strichartz estimate. Such argument is standard in the study of nonlinear Schrodinger equations and discrete nonlinear Schrodinger equations but it seems to be the first time to be applied to QW.
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