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Comparative study of three-nucleon force models in nuclear matter

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 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We calculate the energy per particle of symmetric nuclear matter and pure neutron matter using the microscopic many-body Brueckner-Hartree-Fock (BHF) approach and employing the Argonne V18 (AV18) nucleon-nucleon (NN) potential supplemented with two different three-nucleon force models recently constructed to reproduce the binding energy of $^3$H, $^3$He and $^4$He nuclei as well as the neutron-deuteron doublet scattering length. We find that none of these new three-nucleon force models is able to reproduce simultaneously the empirical saturation point of symmetric nuclear matter and the properties of three- and four-nucleon systems.

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We compare three different statistical models for the equation of state (EOS) of stellar matter at subnuclear densities and temperatures (0.5-10 MeV) expected to occur during the collapse of massive stars and supernova explosions. The models introduce the distributions of various nuclear species in nuclear statistical equilibrium, but use somewhat different nuclear physics inputs. It is demonstrated that the basic thermodynamical quantities of stellar matter under these conditions are similar, except in the region of high densities and low temperatures. We demonstrate that mass and isotopic distributions have considerable differences related to the different assumptions of the models on properties of nuclei at these stellar conditions. Overall, the three models give similar trends, but the details reflect the uncertainties related to the modeling of medium effects, such as the temperature and density dependence of surface and bulk energies of heavy nuclei, and the nuclear shell structure effects. We discuss importance of new physics inputs for astrophysical calculations from experimental data obtained in intermediate energy heavy-ion collisions, in particular, the similarities of the conditions reached during supernova explosions and multifragmentation reactions.
90 - B. Borasoy , H. Krebs , D. Lee 2005
We study the triton and three-nucleon force at lowest chiral order in pionless effective field theory both in the Hamiltonian and Euclidean nuclear lattice formalism. In the case of the Euclidean lattice formalism, we derive the exact few-body worldline amplitudes corresponding to the standard many-body lattice action. This will be useful for setting low-energy coefficients in future nuclear lattice simulations. We work in the Wigner SU(4)-symmetric limit where the S-wave scattering lengths {1}S{0} and {3}S{1} are equal. By comparing with continuum results, we demonstrate for the first time that the nuclear lattice formalism can be used to study few-body nucleon systems.
We report on a consistent, microscopic calculation of the bound and scattering states in the 4He system employing modern realistic two-nucleon and three-nucleon potentials in the framework of the resonating group model (RGM). We present for comparison with these microscopic RGM calculations the results from a charge-independent, Coulomb-corrected R-matrix analysis of all types of data for reactions in the A=4 system. Comparisons are made for selected examples of phase shifts and measurements from reactions sensitive to three-nucleon force effects.
The existence of superfluidity of the neutron component in the core of a neutron star, associated specifically with triplet $P-$wave pairing, is currently an open question that is central to interpretation of the observed cooling curves and other neutron-star observables. Ab initio theoretical calculations aimed at resolving this issue face unique challenges in the relevant high-density domain, which reaches beyond the saturation density of symmetrical nuclear matter. These issues include uncertainties in the three-nucleon (3N) interaction and in the effects of strong short-range correlations -- and more generally of in-medium modification of nucleonic self-energies and interactions. A survey of existing solutions to the gap equations in the triplet channel shows that the separate or combined impacts of 3N forces, coupled channels, and mass renormalization range from moderate to strong to devastating, thus motivating a detailed analysis of the competing effects. In the present work we track the effects of the 3N force and in-medium modifications in the representative case of the $^3P_2$ channel, based on the Argonne V18 two-nucleon (2N) interaction supplemented by 3N interactions of the Urbana IX family. Sensitivity of the results to the input interaction is clearly demonstrated, while consistency issues arise with respect to the simultaneous treatment of 3N forces and in-medium effects. We consider this pilot study as the first step towards a systematic and comprehensive exploration of coupled-channel $^3P F_2$ pairing using a broad range of 2N and 3N interactions from the current generation of refined semi-phenomenological models and models derived from chiral effective field theory.
Relativistic mean-field (RMF) models have been widely used in the study of many hadronic frameworks because of several important aspects not always present in nonrelativistic models, such as intrinsic Lorentz covariance, automatic inclusion of spin, appropriate saturation mechanism for nuclear matter, causality and, therefore, no problems related to superluminal speed of sound. With the aim of identifying the models which best satisfy well known properties of nuclear matter, we have analyzed $263$ parameterizations of seven different types of RMF models under three different sets of constraints related to symmetric nuclear matter, pure neutron matter, symmetry energy, and its derivatives. One of these (SET1) is formed of the same constraints used in a recent work [M. Dutra et al., Phys. Rev. C 85, 035201 (2012)] in which we analyzed $240$ Skyrme parameterizations. The results pointed to $2$ models consistent with all constraints. By using another set of constraints, namely, SET2a, formed by the updat
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