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Star/galaxy separation at faint magnitudes: Application to a simulated Dark Energy Survey

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 Added by Maayane Soumagnac
 Publication date 2013
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We address the problem of separating stars from galaxies in future large photometric surveys. We focus our analysis on simulations of the Dark Energy Survey (DES). In the first part of the paper, we derive the science requirements on star/galaxy separation, for measurement of the cosmological parameters with the Gravitational Weak Lensing and Large Scale Structure probes. These requirements are dictated by the need to control both the statistical and systematic errors on the cosmological parameters, and by Point Spread Function calibration. We formulate the requirements in terms of the completeness and purity provided by a given star/galaxy classifier. In order to achieve these requirements at faint magnitudes, we propose a new method for star/galaxy separation in the second part of the paper. We first use Principal Component Analysis to outline the correlations between the objects parameters and extract from it the most relevant information. We then use the reduced set of parameters as input to an Artificial Neural Network. This multi-parameter approach improves upon purely morphometric classifiers (such as the classifier implemented in SExtractor), especially at faint magnitudes: it increases the purity by up to 20% for stars and by up to 12% for galaxies, at i-magnitude fainter than 23.

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We develop, implement and characterise an enhanced data reduction approach which delivers precise, accurate, radial velocities from moderate resolution spectroscopy with the fibre-fed VLT/FLAMES+GIRAFFE facility. This facility, with appropriate care, delivers radial velocities adequate to resolve the intrinsic velocity dispersions of the very faint dSph dwarf galaxies. Importantly, repeated measurements let us reliably calibrate our individual velocity errors ($0.2 leq delta_Vleq 5$ km s$^{-1}$) and directly detect stars with variable radial velocities. We show, by application to the Bootes-1 dwarf spheroidal, that the intrinsic velocity dispersion of this system is significantly below 6.5,km/s reported by previous studies. Our data favor a two-population model of Bootes-1, consisting of a majority `cold stellar component, with velocity dispersion $2.4^{+0.9}_{-0.5}$,km/s, and a minority `hot stellar component, with velocity dispersion $sim 9$,km/s, although we can not completely rule out a single component distribution with velocity dispersion $4.6^{0.8}_{-0.6}$,km/s. We speculate this complex velocity distribution actually reflects the distribution of velocity anisotropy in Bootes-1, which is a measure of its formation processes.
We study the star/galaxy classification efficiency of 13 different decision tree algorithms applied to photometric objects in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release Seven (SDSS DR7). Each algorithm is defined by a set of parameters which, when varied, produce different final classification trees. We extensively explore the parameter space of each algorithm, using the set of $884,126$ SDSS objects with spectroscopic data as the training set. The efficiency of star-galaxy separation is measured using the completeness function. We find that the Functional Tree algorithm (FT) yields the best results as measured by the mean completeness in two magnitude intervals: $14le rle21$ ($85.2%$) and $rge19$ ($82.1%$). We compare the performance of the tree generated with the optimal FT configuration to the classifications provided by the SDSS parametric classifier, 2DPHOT and Ball et al. (2006). We find that our FT classifier is comparable or better in completeness over the full magnitude range $15le rle21$, with much lower contamination than all but the Ball et al. classifier. At the faintest magnitudes ($r>19$), our classifier is the only one able to maintain high completeness ($>$80%) while still achieving low contamination ($sim2.5%$). Finally, we apply our FT classifier to separate stars from galaxies in the full set of $69,545,326$ SDSS photometric objects in the magnitude range $14le rle21$.
79 - A. Palmese , J. Annis , J. Burgad 2019
We introduce a galaxy cluster mass observable, $mu_star$, based on the stellar masses of cluster members, and we present results for the Dark Energy Survey (DES) Year 1 observations. Stellar masses are computed using a Bayesian Model Averaging method, and are validated for DES data using simulations and COSMOS data. We show that $mu_star$ works as a promising mass proxy by comparing our predictions to X-ray measurements. We measure the X-ray temperature-$mu_star$ relation for a total of 150 clusters matched between the wide-field DES Year 1 redMaPPer catalogue, and Chandra and XMM archival observations, spanning the redshift range $0.1<z<0.7$. For a scaling relation which is linear in logarithmic space, we find a slope of $alpha = 0.488pm0.043$ and a scatter in the X-ray temperature at fixed $mu_star$ of $sigma_{{rm ln} T_X|mu_star}=0.266^{+0.019}_{-0.020}$ for the joint sample. By using the halo mass scaling relations of the X-ray temperature from the Weighing the Giants program, we further derive the $mu_star$-conditioned scatter in mass, finding $sigma_{{rm ln} M|mu_star}=0.26^{+ 0.15}_{- 0.10}$. These results are competitive with well-established cluster mass proxies used for cosmological analyses, showing that $mu_star$ can be used as a reliable and physically motivated mass proxy to derive cosmological constraints.
We perform a comparison of different approaches to star-galaxy classification using the broad-band photometric data from Year 1 of the Dark Energy Survey. This is done by performing a wide range of tests with and without external `truth information, which can be ported to other similar datasets. We make a broad evaluation of the performance of the classifiers in two science cases with DES data that are most affected by this systematic effect: large-scale structure and Milky Way studies. In general, even though the default morphological classifiers used for DES Y1 cosmology studies are sufficient to maintain a low level of systematic contamination from stellar mis-classification, contamination can be reduced to the O(1%) level by using multi-epoch and infrared information from external datasets. For Milky Way studies the stellar sample can be augmented by ~20% for a given flux limit. Reference catalogs used in this work will be made available upon publication.
Galaxy-galaxy lensing is a powerful probe of the connection between galaxies and their host dark matter halos, which is important both for galaxy evolution and cosmology. We extend the measurement and modeling of the galaxy-galaxy lensing signal in the recent Dark Energy Survey Year 3 cosmology analysis to the highly nonlinear scales ($sim 100$ kpc). This extension enables us to study the galaxy-halo connection via a Halo Occupation Distribution (HOD) framework for the two lens samples used in the cosmology analysis: a luminous red galaxy sample (redMaGiC) and a magnitude-limited galaxy sample (MagLim). We find that redMaGiC (MagLim) galaxies typically live in dark matter halos of mass $log_{10}(M_{h}/M_{odot}) approx 13.7$ which is roughly constant over redshift ($13.3-13.5$ depending on redshift). We constrain these masses to $sim 15%$, approximately $1.5$ times improvement over previous work. We also constrain the linear galaxy bias more than 5 times better than what is inferred by the cosmological scales only. We find the satellite fraction for redMaGiC (MagLim) to be $sim 0.1-0.2$ ($0.1-0.3$) with no clear trend in redshift. Our constraints on these halo properties are broadly consistent with other available estimates from previous work, large-scale constraints and simulations. The framework built in this paper will be used for future HOD studies with other galaxy samples and extensions for cosmological analyses.
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