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Orbital and spin ordering phenomena in strongly correlated systems are commonly studied using the local-density approximation + dynamical mean-field theory approach. Typically, however, such simulations are restricted to simplified models (density-density Coulomb interactions, high symmetry couplings and few-band models). In this work we implement an efficient general hybridization-expansion continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo impurity solver (Krylov approach) which allows us to investigate orbital and spin ordering in a more realistic setting, including interactions that are often neglected (e.g., spin-flip and pair-hopping terms), enlarged basis sets (full d versus eg), low-symmetry distortions, and reaching the very low-temperature (experimental) regime. We use this solver to study ordering phenomena in a selection of exemplary low-symmetry transition-metal oxides: LaMnO3 and rare-earth manganites as well as the perovskites CaVO3 and YTiO3. We show that spin-flip and pair hopping terms do not affect the Kugel-Khomskii orbital-order melting transition in rare-earth manganites, or the suppression of orbital fluctuations driven by crystal field and Coulomb repulsion. For the Mott insulator YTiO3 we find a ferromagnetic transition temperature 50 K, in remarkably good agreement with experiments. For LaMnO3 we show that the classical t2g-spin approximation, commonly adopted for studying manganites, yields indeed an occupied eg orbital in very good agreement with that obtained for the full d 5-orbital Hubbard model, while the spin-spin e_g-t_{2g} correlation function calculated from the full d model is 0.74, very close to the value expected for aligned eg and t2g spins; the eg spectral function matrix is also well reproduced. Finally, we show that the t2g screening reduces the eg-eg Coulomb repulsion by about 10%
We present an implementation of the hybridization expansion impurity solver which employs sparse matrix exact-diagonalization techniques to compute the time evolution of the local Hamiltonian. This method avoids computationally expensive matrix-matrix multiplications and becomes advantageous over the conventional implementation for models with 5 or more orbitals. In particular, this method will allow the systematic investigation of 7-orbital systems (lanthanide and actinide compounds) within single-site dynamical mean field theory. We illustrate the power and usefulness of our approach with dynamical mean field results for a 5-orbital model which captures some aspects of the physics of the iron based superconductors.
Crystal and magnetic structures of the high-pressure stabilized perovskite phase of TlMnO3 have been studied by neutron powder diffraction. The crystal structure involves two types of primary structural distortions: a+b-b-octahedral tilting and antiferrodistortive type of orbital ordering, whose common action reduces the symmetry down to triclinic P -1. The orbital pattern and the way it is combined with the octahedral tilting are different from the family of LnMnO3 (Ln = lanthanide or Y) manganites who share with TlMnO3 the same tilting scheme. The experimentally determined magnetic structure with the k = (1/2,0,1/2) propagation vector and P_S-1 symmetry implies anisotropic exchange interactions with a ferromagnetic coupling within the (1,0,-1) planes and an antiferromagnetic one between them (A type). The spins in the primary magnetic mode were found to be confined close to the (1,0,-1) plane, which underlines the predominant role of the single ion anisotropy with the local easy axes of Mn3+ following the Jahn-Teller distortions of the octahedra. In spite of the same octahedral tilting scheme in the perovskite structures of both LnMnO3 and TlMnO3 manganites, a coupling of the secondary ferromagnetic component to the primary A-type spin configuration through antisymmetric exchange interaction is allowed in the former and forbidden in the latter cases.
We explore two complementary modifications of the hybridization-expansion continuous-time Monte Carlo method, aiming at large multi-orbital quantum impurity problems. One idea is to compute the imaginary-time propagation using a matrix product states representation. We show that bond dimensions considerably smaller than the dimension of the Hilbert space are sufficient to obtain accurate results, and that this approach scales polynomially, rather than exponentially with the number of orbitals. Based on scaling analyses, we conclude that a matrix product state implementation will outperform the exact-diagonalization based method for quantum impurity problems with more than 12 orbitals. The second idea is an improved Monte Carlo sampling scheme which is applicable to all variants of the hybridization expansion method. We show that this so-called sliding window sampling scheme speeds up the simulation by at least an order of magnitude for a broad range of model parameters, with the largest improvements at low temperature.
We extend a previously proposed rotation and truncation scheme to optimize quantum Anderson impurity calculations with exact diagonalization [PRB 90, 085102 (2014)] to density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG) calculations. The method reduces the solution of a full impurity problem with virtually unlimited bath sites to that of a small subsystem based on a natural impurity orbital basis set. The later is solved by DMRG in combination with a restricted-active-space truncation scheme. The method allows one to compute Greens functions directly on the real frequency or time axis. We critically test the convergence of the truncation scheme using a one-band Hubbard model solved in the dynamical mean-field theory. The projection is exact in the limit of both infinitely large and small Coulomb interactions. For all parameter ranges the accuracy of the projected solution converges exponentially to the exact solution with increasing subsystem size.
We present a very efficient solver for the general Anderson impurity problem. It is based on the perturbation around a solution obtained from exact diagonalization using a small number of bath sites. We formulate a perturbation theory which is valid for both weak and strong coupling and interpolates between these limits. Good agreement with numerically exact quantum Monte-Carlo results is found for a single bath site over a wide range of parameters. In particular, the Kondo resonance in the intermediate coupling regime is well reproduced for a single bath site and the lowest order correction. The method is particularly suited for low temperatures and alleviates analytical continuation of imaginary time data due to the absence of statistical noise compared to quantum Monte-Carlo impurity solvers.