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Onset of cavity deformation upon subsonic motion of a projectile in a fluid complex plasma

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 Publication date 2013
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We study deformation of a cavity around a large projectile moving with subsonic velocity in the cloud of small dust particles. To solve this problem, we employ the Navier--Stokes equation for a compressible fluid with due regard for friction between dust particles and atoms of neutral gas. The solutions shows that due to friction, the pressure of dust cloud at the boundary of the cavity behind the projectile can become negative, which entails formation of a microscopic void free from dust particles -- the cavity deformation. Corresponding threshold velocity is calculated, which is found to decrease with increasing cavity size. Measurement of such velocity makes it possible to estimate the static pressure inside the dust cloud.

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The propulsion of a liquid indium-tin micro-droplet by nanosecond-pulse laser impact is experimentally investigated. We capture the physics of the droplet propulsion in a scaling law that accurately describes the plasma-imparted momentum transfer, enabling the optimization of the laser-droplet coupling. The subsequent deformation of the droplet is described by an analytical model that accounts for the droplets propulsion velocity and the liquid properties. Comparing our findings to those from vaporization-accelerated mm-sized water droplets, we demonstrate that the hydrodynamic response of laser-impacted droplets is scalable and independent of the propulsion mechanism.
159 - M.Y. Pustylnik 2020
Three-dimensional structure of complex (dusty) plasmas was investigated under long-term microgravity conditions in the International-Space-Station-based Plasmakristall-4 facility. The microparticle suspensions were confined in a polarity-switched dc discharge. The experimental results were compared to the results of the molecular dynamics simulations with the interparticle interaction potential represented as a superposition of isotropic Yukawa and anisotropic quadrupole terms. Both simulated and experimental data exhibited qualitatively similar structural features indicating the bulk liquid-like order with the inclusion of solid-like strings aligned with the axial electric field. Individual strings were identified and their size spectrum was calculated. The decay rate of the size spectrum was found to decrease with the enhancement of string-like structural features.
We study a complex plasma under microgravity conditions that is first stabilized with an oscillating electric field. Once the stabilization is stopped, the so-called heartbeat instability develops. We study how the kinetic energy spectrum changes during and after the onset of the instability and compare with the double cascade predicted by Kraichnan and Leith for two-dimensional turbulence. The onset of the instability manifests clearly in the ratio of the reduced rates of cascade of energy and enstrophy and in the power-law exponents of the energy spectra.
591 - N. S. Dzhalilov (1 , 2 , 2009
Wave properties and instabilities in a magnetized, anisotropic, collisionless, rarefied hot plasma in fluid approximation are studied, using the 16-moments set of the transport equations obtained from the Vlasov equations. These equations differ from the CGL-MHD fluid model (single fluid equations by Chew, Goldberger, and Low, 1956) by including two anisotropic heat flux evolution equations, where the fluxes invalidate the double polytropic CGL laws. We derived the general dispersion relation for linear compressible wave modes. Besides the classic incompressible fire hose modes there appear four types of compressible wave modes: two fast and slow mirror modes - strongly modified compared to the CGL model - and two thermal modes. In the presence of initial heat fluxes along the magnetic field the wave properties become different for the waves running forward and backward with respect to the magnetic field. The well known discrepancies between the results of the CGL-MHD fluid model and the kinetic theory are now removed: i) The mirror slow mode instability criterion is now the same as that in the kinetic theory. ii) Similarly, in kinetic studies there appear two kinds of fire hose instabilities - incompressible and compressible ones. These two instabilities can arise for the same plasma parameters, and the instability of the new compressible oblique fire hose modes can become dominant. The compressible fire hose instability is the result of the resonance coupling of three retrograde modes - two thermal modes and a fast mirror mode. The results can be applied to the theory of solar and stellar coronal and wind models.
64 - Renaud Gueroult 2021
When the nature of a magnetosonic pulse propagating in a bounded magnetized plasma slab is successively transformed from compression to rarefaction and vice-versa upon reflection at a plasma-vacuum interface, both the energy and the longitudinal electromagnetic (EM) momentum of the plasma-pulse system are found to oscillate between two states. Simple analytical models and particle-in-cell simulations show that these oscillations are associated with EM radiation to and from the surrounding magnetized vacuum. For partial reflection supplemental losses in total pulse energy and mechanical momentum are identified and shown to follow respectively Fresnels transmission coefficients for the energy and the magnetic perturbation. This mechanical momentum loss upon partial reflection is traced to the momentarily non-zero volume integrated Lorentz force, which in turn supports that mechanical and EM momentum transfers are respectively associated with the magnetic and electric parts of the momentum flux density.
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