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Computational wave optics library for C++: CWO++ library

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 Added by Tomoyoshi Shimobaba
 Publication date 2011
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Diffraction calculations, such as the angular spectrum method, and Fresnel diffractions, are used for calculating scalar light propagation. The calculations are used in wide-ranging optics fields: for example, computer generated holograms (CGHs), digital holography, diffractive optical elements, microscopy, image encryption and decryption, three-dimensional analysis for optical devices and so on. However, increasing demands made by large-scale diffraction calculations have rendered the computational power of recent computers insufficient. We have already developed a numerical library for diffraction calculations using a graphic processing unit (GPU), which was named the GWO library. However, this GWO library is not user-friendly, since it is based on C language and was also run only on a GPU. In this paper, we develop a new C++ class library for diffraction and CGH calculations, which is referred as to a CWO++ library, running on a CPU and GPU. We also describe the structure, performance, and usage examples of the CWO++ library.

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183 - Akira SaiToh 2013
ZKCM is a C++ library developed for the purpose of multiprecision matrix computation, on the basis of the GNU MP and MPFR libraries. It provides an easy-to-use syntax and convenient functions for matrix manipulations including those often used in numerical simulations in quantum physics. Its extension library, ZKCM_QC, is developed for simulating quantum computing using the time-dependent matrix-product-state simulation method. This paper gives an introduction about the libraries with practical sample programs.
373 - Lu Lu , Xuhui Meng , Zhiping Mao 2019
Deep learning has achieved remarkable success in diverse applications; however, its use in solving partial differential equations (PDEs) has emerged only recently. Here, we present an overview of physics-informed neural networks (PINNs), which embed a PDE into the loss of the neural network using automatic differentiation. The PINN algorithm is simple, and it can be applied to different types of PDEs, including integro-differential equations, fractional PDEs, and stochastic PDEs. Moreover, from the implementation point of view, PINNs solve inverse problems as easily as forward problems. We propose a new residual-based adaptive refinement (RAR) method to improve the training efficiency of PINNs. For pedagogical reasons, we compare the PINN algorithm to a standard finite element method. We also present a Python library for PINNs, DeepXDE, which is designed to serve both as an education tool to be used in the classroom as well as a research tool for solving problems in computational science and engineering. Specifically, DeepXDE can solve forward problems given initial and boundary conditions, as well as inverse problems given some extra measurements. DeepXDE supports complex-geometry domains based on the technique of constructive solid geometry, and enables the user code to be compact, resembling closely the mathematical formulation. We introduce the usage of DeepXDE and its customizability, and we also demonstrate the capability of PINNs and the user-friendliness of DeepXDE for five different examples. More broadly, DeepXDE contributes to the more rapid development of the emerging Scientific Machine Learning field.
HepLib is a C++ Library for computations in High Energy Physics, it works on top of GiNaC, a well-established C++ library used to perform symbolic computations. HepLib combines serval well-known packages to get high efficiency, including Qgraf to generate Feynman aptitudes, FORM to perform Dirac/Color matrix related computations, and FIRE or KIRA for integration-by-parts (IBP) reduction. Another core feature of HepLib lies in the numerical evaluation of master integrals using sector decomposition, which is a general method widely used in high-order numerical computation and has been implemented in many public packages in many different languages, and we present another implementation in the language of C++ with many new features. We use GiNaC to handle the symbolic operations, and export the corresponding integrand into an optimized C++ code, that will be compiled internally and linked dynamically, a customizable numerical integrator is selected to perform the numerical integration, while the integrand can be evaluated in different float precisions, including the arbitrary precision supported by MPFR.
MLPACK is a state-of-the-art, scalable, multi-platform C++ machine learning library released in late 2011 offering both a simple, consistent API accessible to novice users and high performance and flexibility to expert users by leveraging modern features of C++. MLPACK provides cutting-edge algorithms whose benchmarks exhibit far better performance than other leading machine learning libraries. MLPACK version 1.0.3, licensed under the LGPL, is available at
We show how faceted search using a combination of traditional classification systems and mixed-membership topic models can go beyond keyword search to inform resource discovery, hypothesis formulation, and argument extraction for interdisciplinary research. Our test domain is the history and philosophy of scientific work on animal mind and cognition. The methods can be generalized to other research areas and ultimately support a system for semi-automatic identification of argument structures. We provide a case study for the application of the methods to the problem of identifying and extracting arguments about anthropomorphism during a critical period in the development of comparative psychology. We show how a combination of classification systems and mixed-membership models trained over large digital libraries can inform resource discovery in this domain. Through a novel approach of drill-down topic modeling---simultaneously reducing both the size of the corpus and the unit of analysis---we are able to reduce a large collection of fulltext volumes to a much smaller set of pages within six focal volumes containing arguments of interest to historians and philosophers of comparative psychology. The volumes identified in this way did not appear among the first ten results of the keyword search in the HathiTrust digital library and the pages bear the kind of close reading needed to generate original interpretations that is the heart of scholarly work in the humanities. Zooming back out, we provide a way to place the books onto a map of science originally constructed from very different data and for different purposes. The multilevel approach advances understanding of the intellectual and societal contexts in which writings are interpreted.
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