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ZKCM: a C++ library for multiprecision matrix computation with applications in quantum information

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 Added by Akira SaiToh
 Publication date 2013
and research's language is English
 Authors Akira SaiToh

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ZKCM is a C++ library developed for the purpose of multiprecision matrix computation, on the basis of the GNU MP and MPFR libraries. It provides an easy-to-use syntax and convenient functions for matrix manipulations including those often used in numerical simulations in quantum physics. Its extension library, ZKCM_QC, is developed for simulating quantum computing using the time-dependent matrix-product-state simulation method. This paper gives an introduction about the libraries with practical sample programs.

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140 - Akira SaiToh 2011
A C++ library, named ZKCM, has been developed for the purpose of multiprecision matrix calculations, which is based on the GNU MP and MPFR libraries. It is especially convenient for writing programs involving tensor-product operations, tracing-out operations, and singular-value decompositions. Its extension library, ZKCM_QC, for simulating quantum computing has been developed using the time-dependent matrix-product-state simulation method. This report gives a brief introduction to the libraries with sample programs.
166 - Akira SaiToh 2012
The time-dependent matrix-product-state (TDMPS) simulation method has been used for numerically simulating quantum computing for a decade. We introduce our C++ library ZKCM_QC developed for multiprecision TDMPS simulations of quantum circuits. Besides its practical usability, the library is useful for evaluation of the method itself. With the library, we can capture two types of numerical errors in the TDMPS simulations: one due to rounding errors caused by the shortage in mantissa portions of floating-point numbers; the other due to truncations of nonnegligible Schmidt coefficients and their corresponding Schmidt vectors. We numerically analyze these errors in TDMPS simulations of quantum computing.
MLPACK is a state-of-the-art, scalable, multi-platform C++ machine learning library released in late 2011 offering both a simple, consistent API accessible to novice users and high performance and flexibility to expert users by leveraging modern features of C++. MLPACK provides cutting-edge algorithms whose benchmarks exhibit far better performance than other leading machine learning libraries. MLPACK version 1.0.3, licensed under the LGPL, is available at
Diffraction calculations, such as the angular spectrum method, and Fresnel diffractions, are used for calculating scalar light propagation. The calculations are used in wide-ranging optics fields: for example, computer generated holograms (CGHs), digital holography, diffractive optical elements, microscopy, image encryption and decryption, three-dimensional analysis for optical devices and so on. However, increasing demands made by large-scale diffraction calculations have rendered the computational power of recent computers insufficient. We have already developed a numerical library for diffraction calculations using a graphic processing unit (GPU), which was named the GWO library. However, this GWO library is not user-friendly, since it is based on C language and was also run only on a GPU. In this paper, we develop a new C++ class library for diffraction and CGH calculations, which is referred as to a CWO++ library, running on a CPU and GPU. We also describe the structure, performance, and usage examples of the CWO++ library.
When implementing functionality which requires sparse matrices, there are numerous storage formats to choose from, each with advantages and disadvantages. To achieve good performance, several formats may need to be used in one program, requiring explicit selection and conversion between the formats. This can be both tedious and error-prone, especially for non-expert users. Motivated by this issue, we present a user-friendly sparse matrix class for the C++ language, with a high-level application programming interface deliberately similar to the widely used MATLAB language. The class internally uses two main approaches to achieve efficient execution: (i) a hybrid storage framework, which automatically and seamlessly switches between three underlying storage formats (compressed sparse column, coordinate list, Red-Black tree) depending on which format is best suited for specific operations, and (ii) template-based meta-programming to automatically detect and optimise execution of common expression patterns. To facilitate relatively quick conversion of research code into production environments, the class and its associated functions provide a suite of essential sparse linear algebra functionality (eg., arithmetic operations, submatrix manipulation) as well as high-level functions for sparse eigendecompositions and linear equation solvers. The latter are achieved by providing easy-to-use abstractions of the low-level ARPACK and SuperLU libraries. The source code is open and provided under the permissive Apache 2.0 license, allowing unencumbered use in commercial products.
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